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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. Can't even count them, I just need to watch more animes (niche ones, I rarely watch anything that I can't find on youtube)
  2. There's already a "double tick": if it says "personname has disabled their messages or is offline", it will show you that they cannot receive messages, if it doesn't say so, they'll receive them 100%. Idk about the blue tick one though. I just find it unnecessary.
  3. +1, afaik all HMs are having some items in the future which will substitute them, so I'm in favour.
  4. Another user has had a similar weird teleportation problem. I'd suggest you change your password just in case and wait for Staff to help you out, since your issue seems pretty serious :/ I can't help you out in anything.
  5. If you can't find anyone to evolve it, you can use this thread: https://tinyurl.com/PROEvolutionAndDeleveling Staff will help you out there :) I'm not staff and I don't play in Silver either xD
  6. As stated above, the best and easiest way to beat 6th badge is to train Dark type pokemon / Gastly (Ghost type but is super fast) in Seafoam B4F. Get an amazing Gastly, go to Vermillion Gym and buy a thunderbolt TM. Make it learn it, go to Seafoam and powerlevel it with the moves thunderbolt, shadow ball and dark pulse. After 50+, you might be able to destroy Saffron Gym. If not, simply train Dark types there: they're immune to psychic. Good luck, buddy!
  7. Tienes que escribir tu problema, sino los miembros del Staff no podrán ayudarte xD
  8. It was a normal sale and he said in the comments it was negotiable, so I think it's fine. If not, ask for a Trade Mod to review this. (I have no idea and I'm just a random user xD)
  9. It got changed recently :) so now you only have to talk to the NPC outside whenever you want. A Staff member will give you better info and more detailed about it! (I'm just passing by posts xD)
  10. However, giving rewards for people losing pvp matches could mean they would just exploit it or intentionally lose them nonstop to get rewards. Ranked PVP ladder would get filled with people who would care 0 about winning and would just exploit it for rewards. They could use legit teams but spam stupid moves and choices vs your pokemon to lose on purpose (spamming non-effective moves, setting up on something that makes no sense, etc). There's a lot of ways to exploit giving rewards to people who lose, even with time constraints or limits to prevent instantly losing.
  11. You can find up to gen 6 in the wild and via boss rewards, gen 7 may be planned for the future and Staff is probably working on it. However, I think there's no ETA on when they'll be available. Staff would answer you better :) wait for one to respond!
  12. I think they can help you out in the restore megathread :) I'll copy and paste the discord description here xD If you released one of your Pokemon by accident, make a post on the Restore Megathread with the correct template and a screenshot of the ID of your Pokemon. https://tinyurl.com/NewPRORestore I'm sure Staff can help you out restoring your pokemon but I'm a bit unsure if they'll be able to restore your item :/
  13. You can simply capture 6 geodudes in Mt Moon, train them to level 20 and spam Magnitude nonstop. If the Geodudes have the ability Sturdy, it's literally impossible to lose vs surge, as long as you spam magnitude nonstop. Good luck, buddy!
  14. Les megas ne sont pas au jeu xD ça peut etre au futur, mais les staff sont qui te diront ou qui te donneront information sur Megas. Je suis seulement un player =P je n'ai pas d'information sur megas.
  15. Bueno, no creo que realmente sea tan malo. Podrías prepararte y entrenar más para los combates, puedes pedir un lend de pokémon (Sinnoh es la última región, ánimos!). Ya sabes que puedes capturar pokémon salvajes, puedes mirar los walkthrough y guías aquí en el foro y servirte de esa información para seguir avanzando :)
  16. I think it's already fine with the 10 by 10 items additions, but I'd understand it's slow for some people. Could you specify more precise changes/fixes/improvements? I'm curious. (Also bump for you xD)
  17. Now you can choose whether or not to fight trainers: If you want to refight them, you will have to obligatorily talk to them (so you'll need to go to them and interact directly), instead of them auto rebattling you upon seeing you. However, some trainers still have the issue of wanting to rebattle you every 7 days. This often happens in Sevii Islands and certain random NPCs. It's not common at all, so I would not worry about it much :)
  18. That's not feasible at all. It is not very legal if I'm not mistaken and could bring serious consequences into PRO. It's a really, really bad idea.
  19. It depends on server though. In coins you can simply see it in the coin shop on the top right. If you want to ask for a price check for its cost in Gold or Silver, you can ask here in one of the trade zones: You can see there's a "Rate/Price Checks zone" where you can ask for a pricecheck, and an items zone where you can buy it from someone else. I'd suggest you wait for a Staff to answer you and help you out better than me :) or other users!
  20. If you could post screenshots of the bug, it would help any Staff that sees this post :) I'm a normal user passing by xD If you have screenshots or video footage of the bug it might give them an idea of how to solve it.
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