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Everything posted by Stavd

  1. Stavd


    it s a game...it couldn t work otherwise...rich pro players does not gain money out of other people work, like real life capitalists...so, the game must not apply any kind of tax just for trying hard and investing time and effort...
  2. also conk has a variety of abilities and sets to use...it a wall breaker due to the way it handles elemental punches with its 2 abilities (sheer force, iron fist)...u can also go with the mainstream option (guts) and spam facade...u can build it defensively and bulk up, when your opponent switches out of fear...it works with trick room and then its disadvantage is bigger advantage...it speads terror to its checks when it comes to switching in...it is a beast...
  3. weavile cannot break through the walls most used in pro...ferrothorn, clefable, rotom - w, skarmory counter it easily...it works better with ch.band, but still not hit hard...its moveset is the three standard moves (ice shard, knock -off and icicle crash) and you have to pick between poison jab for fairies or low kick for mirror fights...the trap weavile (fake out, ice shard, pursuit) works only the first time you face somebody, like modest magic guard clefable...they have the element of surprise, they make you excited at first, but as time passes by and your opponents adjust, they will disappoint you and you will come back to the regular set...it is weak to st.rocks (x2 damage) and to priority moves due to weaknesses and low defense stat, thus it is easy prey for the most sweepers like conkeldurr (mach punch), scizor (bullet punch), lucario (bullet punch - extreme speed), dragonite (extreme speed)...if rocks are set it needs just a priority move to kill it most of the times...also with the regular moveset (ice shard, icicle crash, knock off, low kick) gives a chance for azu to emerge with low cost in hp... i personally use weavile in my team...but i have built my team around it, so it works good...conk on the other hand can pass through anything...ice punch 1hko def chomps and scarfed togekiss...skarmorys and mandibuzzes cannot roost in front of it, because drain punch will destroy them...if iron fist/sheer force breaks multiscale...the only unbreachable walls are cofagrigus and sableye, as i mentioned before...as for guessing, it comes with every sweeper...guess wrong with weavile and you just gave azu a free chance to play rough, or roto -w to defog...
  4. i disagree with s rank too...conk and rotom are the only two s for me...rotom can only be effectively countered from seismitoad and conk from sableye and cofagrigus...also conk is the most gifted in game when it comes to its abilities... guts (x1,5 and no poison), iron fist (x1,56 with l.orb and probability to freeze or par), sheer force (x1,69, no orb damage)...
  5. weavile is a mach/ bullet punch story...in a meta dominated by conk, scizor and clefable (bold in most cases), weavile cannot be in s rank...it is useful, but there are many restrictions in its use...even in moveset...
  6. Player name: stavd Showdown name: stavd Server: Gold Timezone: GMT +3 Rank on ladder: 9
  7. The compensation of staff members is not an argument...It s the least you can do to give someone a pokemon for six months of working...To my opinion they should be rewarded further in real life, not just in game...Pro could not survive without them...So, if you want really staff members to be fairly compensated, introduce real life rewards for them...Allowing them to use godly pokemon with the desired form of hp in pvp just breaks the rule of equality in game...Also its true that staff pokes don t guarantee victory, but just see it like a football game...if Real Madrid is given a handicap of two goals versus my village team, it will still probably win with 20 goal difference (like 22-2), if it is given the same handicap versus FC Barcelona, it will probably lose...the advantage that these pokes give is obvious only in crucial matches, where the opponents are close...the matches that really counts...
  8. couldn t agree more...godly staff pokes gives a huge advantage to staff members...they should be banned...
  9. Stavd


    legit caught landorus are not 31 ivs perfect...also the rule clearely states that it refers to unobtainable stuff spawned pokemon...it does not divide them to categories (species and forms)...according to your rules, it should not be used...rules should be interpreted strictly according to their meaning...shiny landorus is a staff spawned pokemon...otherwise same cases would be treated differently because the interpretation will change... i completely respect stuff members and i think that they should be compensated for their time and effort...but allowing them to use perfect pokes in pvp just destroys the meta, and they get no real life reward for their work...because without them pro could not even exist... every game has two rules, otherwise it is not really a game....the first is play to win and the second is play fair and square...if one of those two rules is violated, the fun goes away...
  10. Stavd


    also according to second rule of pvp, unobtainable pokemon refers to staff spawn pokemon and shiny landorus is a staff spawn pokemon, since no normal player can obtain it..
  11. Stavd


    of course is in vermilion pc...it s a pvp game...
  12. Stavd


    As you can see in the battle vs fastedcorsi i faced a stuff poke, cause shiny landorus is not obtainable in game...i m doing this post to state that using perfect pokes in pvp breaks the rule of equality and give stuff members and their friends a huge advantage...also shiny landorus is not obtainable, which breaks one of pvp rules, but that s not the point...make the game fair, otherwise what s the point of trying....i ll just be a friend with a stuff member, give me superpokes and then i ll win everybody...why hunt, ev train, do the bosses to make money and buy pokes...just be friend with a stuff member and game gets easy...
  13. Stavd


    that s not the point...i pvp a little longer and got back the points...the point is when the game freezes during a pvp battle, the procedure should be clear to players...what they should do..a) post a screenshot and no rating will be lost, b) post a screenshot and the player with the most pokes alive wins, c) a video is necessary, d) points are awarded randomly, e) sth else that i can t figure out now...make a clear statement...no vague spots, that put game ' s integrity in question...
  14. When the game freezes, what are criteria you use to award the points? Everytime screen freezes i am the one losing and the opponent gets the win...On March i had consecutive freezes and i had lost 120 rating in an hour, and it was the reason i abandoned the season falling from 370 to 250, just for fun...Today i was playing with johann14, a balanced game, the screen freezed...my internet connection was fine, i was online and i could communicate with other players, but the battle screen was stucked and i could not move...the opponent was not answering my messages and when i finally disconnected it counted as a loss...it s not the first time it happens and of course there is no such thing like the one that leads win the game, because we were 3 vs 3...Additionally, times that i ve been 5 vs 1 in my favour, i am always the one that gets the loss, even if that means -35 points in a crucial time for ladder hunting...Make the mechanics of pvp clear... Dark spots are not nice...I think is fair to know the reason why this constantly happening...I don t want any compensate, just a reason...
  15. Username: stavd Server: Gold Country/ Timezone: Greece/ GMT +3
  16. the main problem for me is not what is going to happen with landorus...i personally believe that problems arise from the general approach of stuff when it comes to pvp...banning all the sweeping threats when it comes to pokes (Speed Boost Blaziken, Genesect, Darkrai, Landorus) or strategies (batton pass) will lead to the reign of stall players...Nowadays playing with 2 regenerators, 2 unawares, chansey and jolly defensive gliscor is the safest choice...And as long as sweeping threats like Landorus are getting removed, more and more players will use stall teams...i suggest that stuff members should keep an eye on the usage percentage of pokes and allow us to have a clear picture of the meta...e.g. if gliscor and alomomola usage is constantly rising and stuff wants to ban sheer force landorus, counter measures should be taken and unban genesect for example, which is a good wall breaker that cannot be poisoned and can stop stall team from thriving and dominating the meta...
  17. if a poke is shiny or not it is depended on its ivs structure...every poke with that ivs is a shiny...the anomaly is the chance of having two pokes of the same spieces with the exact same ivs, which is about 1/31^6=1/887503681
  18. i agree...it s a nice proposal...i have completed wq many times, and only once a legendary spawn...yesterday, i caught a sync fail gentle volcarona 5sp, 13spatk, which i released immediately...It does not make sense to complete wq and get the same reward as by beating erika boss...it is something more difficult that you get a chance to compete once every two - three months, not every twelve days... the difficulty of the game is not an excuse...you give three legendaries with a 20 minutes easy quest, and u make wq a race with no reward for the majority of the contestants...If you dont change that, wq will die...
  19. Hi, Today when i was ready to fight Boss Lorelei, after i had chosen difficulty, she said that an error occurred and need to be reported instead of starting the fight. When i interacted with her again she said that we battled recently and she will be ready in almost 12 days. I did not take a screenshot, but i want to report this, so you will be able to fix this kind of bugs.
  20. Player name: stavd Showdown name: stavd Server: Gold Timezone: GMT +3 Rank on ladder: 17
  21. i agree with the ban of baton pass...an experienced baton pass player has huge advantage against all other strategies...he can only be countered by consecutive lucky guesses and bad luck (eg miss air slash)...i also agree with the argument, that +1 speed when switching in, makes op pokes like Manaphy, Togekiss, Lucario and Garchomp Uber...And if you haven t guessed correctly, they get one free round to Tail Glow, Nasty Plot or Swords Dance...That gives baton pass users a huge advantage...Also Unaware pokes (Clefable, Quagsire) do not stand a chance against baton pass sweepers like togekiss, manaphy, lucario...The only solution is trick room... It is the only strategy that can t be countered by one or two pokes (like rain that can be countered by chansey or sassy ferro or gastrodon or mantine, sun that can be countered by garchomp, heatran, sand that can be countered by conkeldurr etc), and requires a specific set up in order to secure your chances and not be completely based on predictions and lucky guesses...
  22. I have got Tornadus seen data from Cynthia Boss in Battle Tower. It was one year ago, so they may not be available this way anymore. Just trying to help to complete your guide.
  23. go to cerulean cave and talk to guard...he will tell you to find a dragon master in johto...then lance will be challengable...
  24. you can use the ticket for a pseudo...in fact, if you use it now there is a 100% probability to spawn a pseudo since you have not completed any of the legendary quests (beast trio, regi trio, guardian trio and lati twins)...you can also save it for the future, complete one or more of the quests above and then you will have 50% chance to spawn a legendary pokemon...
  25. you made things clear...but this also should be clearly stated in guides...because they give false information...
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