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Everything posted by Idkup

  1. Losing to another player IS BOOSTING.
  2. Because I hit ladder in under 50 games and purposely losing is against the rules. Testing a team for me CAN AND WILL take me to ladder very quickly. I'd be unable to test after about ~80 games on kuptwo and kupthree.
  3. Okay, this post might get a little ranty... Full disclosure, I had two accounts on ladder last season. Anyways, this is Rule 7 currently: 7. Having multiple accounts linked to one person (Alternate accounts) on the end-of-season Top 25 will result in the permanent suspension of said accounts. Now, I can see why some people consider multiple accounts unfair. I'm getting double the reward at the end of the season as others on the ladder. I'm also contributing a considerable amount more to my guild than people without a second / third ladder account. But this implementation in effect prevents me from using my alts at all. Yellow ladder is honestly very weak. It only takes cerca 50 games to hit top 25, and even if I don't pass the current #25, there is a sizeable chance that they drop. If by chance one of my accounts does end up in 25 with, say, around 400 rating and 40ish games, and season is reported to be nearly ending, what am I to do? Rule 5: 5. Using another account, or logging onto someone else's account, to intentionally boost the rating of another account is forbidden, and action will be taken if caught. This rule prevents me from intentionally losing to drop out of top 25 in order to avoid being banned. Basically, to prevent ending up in this situation, I can play no more than about 40 games on my alt(s) and even fewer if I start them up late. This is, in my opinion, rather unfair, as it is in effect preventing only decent players from running alts, while newbs hitting 1.5-2:1 w/l can do so with impunity. Here are some changes that might make it more fair: 1. Ban alts on ladder entirely. Simple fix. 2. Allow alts on ladder, simply don't give them prizes. I would prefer this, really. Also knocks people that don't deserve a spot off ladder. And before anyone complains about grinding, across my 3 accounts I had less games than some people had on a single account on the ladder, so if you're looking to resolve people nolifing ladder, alts aren't the place to look. 3. Prevent one person from having more than one account in the same guild. Now for a short list of points on why alts are (imo) healthy for the ladder: 1. Alts promote creativity. I've run multiple somewhat random teams on my alts that I definitely wouldn't run on my main... 4 dragon offense, rain / sand dual weather, etc. Even my current main ladder team was first run on an alt. This allowed me to iron out issues and not use the bread and butter sand offense that dominates ladder today. This is a huge issue, take a look at these usage numbers: Pokemon Usage %Usage(5) %Usage(12-1) %Usage(Total) %Change Togekiss 20 29.55665025 23.79423868 27.63584639 24.21767572 Azumarill 18 26.60098522 20.95336077 24.71844374 26.95331081 Tyranitar 16 23.6453202 20.38408779 22.55824273 15.99891268 Talonflame 16 23.6453202 19.93278464 22.40780834 18.62527303 Gengar 18 26.60098522 13.89711934 22.36636326 91.41366328 Ferrothorn 17 25.12315271 11.77914952 20.67515165 113.2849461 Excadrill 16 23.6453202 13.75857339 20.34973793 71.85880781 Blissey 11 16.25615764 24.26611797 18.92614441 -33.00882467 Scizor 12 17.73399015 20.9739369 18.8139724 -15.44748975 These usage percentages are already massive, and they ARE BASICALLY ALL INCREASING. Question my methodology all you want, but if you want to stifle creativity, killing alts is the best way to do so. 2. Once you hit top 25, it's currently pointless to ladder further. There isn't a reward for #10, #5, or even #1. This should be resolved. Even 1 pvp coin / win is no incentive, the 500 received from season end far outweighs it. 3. Ladder is currently super easy to climb. If almost all top players stop laddering like two weeks into the season because their spot in top 25 is secure, that only makes it easier... (And yes, it is easy, idkupthree took around 20 matches to hit 350 yesterday, and would have gone higher if it weren't for ladder reset and rule change) If they have incentive to continue playing on alts, then at least some difficulty remains. I hope you take my opinion into consideration.
  4. Only trying to make the point that top 25 is not indicative of skill, any noob can throw together a basic sand offense and go 3-1 on ladder, and after hundreds of games amass 500+ points...
  5. Doing that loses to Ninetales + Exeggutor / Victreebel.
  6. Having played several matches I can assure you this is not the case. Trust me, I tried to build a more cancerous stall than my standard one...
  7. The bigger problem is that the team lacks a win condition and offensive presence in general... stallbreakers will rip it apart.
  8. The best teacher is not always the best player. As long as he's giving sound advice I see no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to do this.
  9. av goodra is not really an effective counter to anything given that it has no recovery whatsoever and is easily whittled down by sandstorm (which is omnipresent) and status. Use it as more than anything other than a secondary check at your own peril.
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017] <t>shiny pidgey and 20k wtf<br/> <br/> (shamac)</t>
  11. Hey! Sorry if I ask, but this new rule 5 does not ban having an alternate account, am I right? So the purpose is to avoid people boosting accounts of other people, and not to stop people to have just 2 accounts which they can use both to do PvP? I'm totally in agreement with this, but since I have to accounts of mine I just want to be sure I can still use them both.. as long as they are mine indeed. Almost completely sure having 2 accounts on the ladder remain allowed.
  12. Yellow desperately needs default...
  13. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <t>So what are the full requirements for dogs? Do I have to stop procrastinating on the Celebi quest?</t>
  14. Lol, even if I gave you my account everything will lead up to nothing anyways, realizing that everything will be deleted and scrapped after "PRO 2.0" is released everyone will start from ZERO! (Assuming that people will still support SHANE), all those time, money and effort will all be pointless and wasted. even if you spend 100$ on the upcoming update it will just fade into nothing, so basically it's a SCAM! He's just using PRO 1.0 to stall everyone, and to scam people, until his next game comes out. Now remember "everything that you do in the game at this point will be for nothing!" simple as that. Look I know that shutting down PRO 1 to make more money off PRO 2 is a scummy thing to do but scam? That's quite a bit of a stretch... he is, effectively, lending you bytes on his server temporarily which can be revoked at any time.
  15. Almost perfect poke, h.a. Took like 1000h+ to get. And ruined just for that SPD iv. The coin could be used to allow you move one IV to another. Like move that 25 IV of attack to SPD. I dont see the problem. But just move existent ivs. You if you got like less than 20IVs in each stat, the coin would not he useful. If i wanted more speed, i would need another roll to change the 28 DEF for speed. I have to look again for another eevee h.a right nature and good stat its because one is crappy? The coin would be great in this case, and the same for others. aaand that is exactly why the coin is very p2w
  16. Worth paying for or not, it's still the wrong direction for the game to go in. Also, that's ignoring the fact that it can instantly turn a worthless 3/2/3/4/5/8 dragonite into a valuable 20/23/18/5/16/21 dragonite, without luck that far out of the ordinary. Doesn't have to be perfect to break the economy.
  17. It's a subject that people care about, of course passions will flare. I'd say it's actually been rather civil for a gaming community that believes, rightly or wrongly, that the game is headed in a P2W direction. Mostly calculations, discussion, and any attacks are directed at the action, not the person. I hope you'll take into consideration that the poll's sample size was 5-10% of the population of PRO, and the results skewed more than three standard deviations from what we would expect if opinions were evenly divided on both sides. There is, I will admit, currently an echo chamber in this forum - almost no one is arguing in favor of the changes and those that do are quickly shut down and only fuel the flames.
  18. Or you could... just tell people they're worrying about nothing and that this isn't going to be implemented, now or in the future, and we can all forget about this episode...
  19. I have the final results i believe, 256 against, 14 don't care, 25 for
  20. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <r><QUOTE author="Frrf" post_id="382626" time="1494082917" user_id="962988"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> True, but it's still wasn't requested by anyone and came out of nowhere, I mean the time spent working on that could have gone to adding more abilities and moves and fixing things like Baton pass and such, people would donate to get Ms and such so they could grind more and not get bored quickly. Add this and what will happen? rich people will pay then get bored and eventually quit and everything will die. The new game will be made but what? nobody will play because it's from the same person who ruined their last one... The pokemon community even if large not all people know about mmo's on the Internet so it will mostly be the same people.<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Well i agree with that but i just think that ivs reroll will be Nothing more than a dead feature and that's what i'm trying to explain here that's all<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Isn't adding a dead feature that does nothing but get money (which it isn't) kind of a scam and a bad direction for the game?</r>
  21. Re: New upcoming patch analysis: Stop Useless DRAMA <r><QUOTE author="HusseinM" post_id="382622" time="1494082561" user_id="1638690"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Can you at least consider removing the "Lock" feature if you're still considering the Iv's reset thing then? it doesn't make sense for players to be able to "Adjust" them at will if the goal of it is to "Randomize" it. <E>:Ambivalent:</E> Just a thought.<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> If he's still considering it with this level of outrage I doubt he's going to change anything.</r>
  22. Re: New upcoming patch analysis: Stop Useless DRAMA <r><QUOTE author="Shane" post_id="382617" time="1494082300" user_id="2"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Based on the comments you made on twitch, which were posted on this thread, you seem to have made your decision ^^<br/> <br/> It's your game, you do with it as you wish. Just don't expect me or others to agree with your decisions.<br/> <br/> Edit: it was on the thread with the poll, not this one, my bad</r>
  23. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <r><QUOTE author="Frrf" post_id="382602" time="1494081284" user_id="962988"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> viable or not it's still a literal cash grab of a feature that serves little to no purpose</r>
  24. Re: New upcoming patch analysis: Stop Useless DRAMA <r><QUOTE author="Raffy1995" post_id="382581" time="1494077903" user_id="815539"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> How about you take a moment to consider that nothing in this patch is actual content, which has been severely lacking over the past several months? This only makes it all the more obvious what the trajectory of the game is. Sinnoh will likely never be released.</r>
  25. Re: State of the Game <r><QUOTE author="HusseinM" post_id="382599" time="1494081049" user_id="1638690"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> This update literally screams OBVIOUS CASHGRAB, he' not even trying to hide it anymore lmfao</r>
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