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Everything posted by Idkup

  1. Idkup


    I haven't played since August (college btw), and just wanted to quickly ask what's changed - if anyone could give me a quick rundown of new content that would be appreciated :)
  2. neutral haven't had an opportunity to playtest but if stall becomes an issue ban arena trap instead
  3. Good idea.
  4. Staff deserve at least one perfect mon for the work they do. There's little difference in counterplay against a 6x31 and a 6x25 or even 6x21. Implying otherweise is honestly disingenuous. Perfect mons are not the issue. The only issue is staff using Pokemon that regular users have no access to. Frankly, I don't mind at all if staff use six spawned mons, as long as they are catchable normally. --- also i agree with most of shamac's post, but nerfing ranked pvp rewards? I can't motivate myself to ladder already, no need to make it worse
  5. awesome ^^
  6. Idkup

    PvP Coins Earn

    Ladder is stupid easy to win in. Get better.
  7. No one likes getting a sync fail on something requiring 1000 hours or literally all the evos in the game bar two. Make legendaries recatchable plz. (I'd write a three page essay again but I'm tired and I have other three page long essays to write)
  8. [GM] Gambilicious :Shocked: :Shocked: [GM] Kagawa
  9. ha mons are still considerably harder to get than non ha mons it's just that it is now feasible to hunt t9 ha mons, when before it was a laughably stupid thing to attempt.
  10. Why do you want shiny hunting to be easier and hidden ability hunting to be harder? Its not the same tbh, if u can choose the pokemon who want to spawn, u don't need a black ms to hunt h.a. Rappel trick + black ms is op imo. I prefer a more tools to hunt shiny/h.a that u want with rappel trick, but i don't like Black ms who is to much op. it is pretty much the same, you also don't need a stupidly long and cheap repel to hunt shinies
  11. dont mind me just bumping :)))
  12. Why do you want shiny hunting to be easier and hidden ability hunting to be harder?
  13. 1) No one's forcing you to use black ms. 2) Most people don't have the patience to spend dozens of hours slaving away for a single Pokemon.
  14. DEI WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME ;-; no leave plis
  15. Normal coins and they are tradeable and i was almost motivated to pvp this season...
  16. defense forme deoxys would still be broken as all hell due to its decent speed tier, taunt access, reliable recovery, and both spikes and stealth rock... deoxys-d + bisharp plz no
  17. so how would we get these?
  18. nope.
  19. Metronome still does not work.
  20. This discussion has been had many times. I don't think there's a point, the status quo will stay.
  21. Idkup

    My PvP Team ^^

    :y: Yes, RoarCune is infinitely better! The only two things that Milotic has over it are probably not relevant enough to justify running the set (Sleep triggering Marvel Scale and Dragon Tail losing its decreased priority because of Sleep Talk having a normal move priority). Other than that, Milotic, Gyarados (with a similar set) and the overrated Poliwrath are outclassed by RoarCune. Even with no chance to burn the opposing Pokémon, I can actually see Gyarados being more relevant than Milotic and Poliwrath: good defensive typing, Intimidate, some offensive presence (when compared to the other two), as well as the possibility to run Dragon Tail or Roar. Next to Suicune Gyarados is certainly the superior option if only due to Intimidate. Poliwrath is ridiculously overrated it isn't funny.
  22. Idkup

    My PvP Team ^^

    As nice as getting a boost from marvel scale is, you are a sitting duck for two turns if you go with Rest. Don't do it. There still is the rather mediocre, yet annoying Scald/Dragon Tail/Rest/Sleep Talk set for Milotic. The likes of Calm Mind Clefable must rejoice every time Milotic runs this set. There is also a thing called Suicune that pulls off Roar + RestTalk sets much better :)
  23. lol no, and heres why. Legendary pokemon are meant for only the most dedicated of players. If youre dedicated enough, u deserve to have access to them. 500 hours seems like a pretty heavy time investment / dedication to me...
  24. Would be ridiculously strong in PvP, but fortunately it's banned. However, isn't 500 hours enough of an hour wall?
  25. 1k hours is honestly ridiculous (and i'm speaking as someone with 1k hours) I would suggest halving all game-time requirements: most bosses drop to between 50 and 150 hours; first legendaries circa 180, dogs 400, genesect 500
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