Yes, RoarCune is infinitely better! The only two things that Milotic has over it are probably not relevant enough to justify running the set (Sleep triggering Marvel Scale and Dragon Tail losing its decreased priority because of Sleep Talk having a normal move priority). Other than that, Milotic, Gyarados (with a similar set) and the overrated Poliwrath are outclassed by RoarCune. Even with no chance to burn the opposing Pokémon, I can actually see Gyarados being more relevant than Milotic and Poliwrath: good defensive typing, Intimidate, some offensive presence (when compared to the other two), as well as the possibility to run Dragon Tail or Roar.
Next to Suicune Gyarados is certainly the superior option if only due to Intimidate. Poliwrath is ridiculously overrated it isn't funny.