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Everything posted by Imtrippin

  1. Lemme just lower the odds for everyone who actually plays the game here
  2. Where are you from?: Sweden How old are you?: 17 How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?: 1.6k hours Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?: Yes, team preview and more mons to use in pvp. Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?: I think Logan deserves more credit and that he's very sexy. If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?: I would remove some of the staff and get more competent developers.
  3. Wow I even quit this game but if such an in depth and an awesome skillful way of pvp was implemented I would 100% return. You're a genius! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  4. Congratulations to Supermario64199 for winning the giveaway! Enjoy your 5 million pokemon dollars man. I'll ask the staff to transfer my money to your account.
  5. Thanks for all the goodbyes and best of luck to all who are participating. I'll start counting you guys now.
  6. I used to get this when I played, healing before every battle seemed to make it stop happen. Annoying bug nonetheless.
  7. Sup everyone, it's Impoppy/Reconnecting/ImTrippin whatever you know me by. I know I made a post like this before but this time I won't return and I'll get my account perma banned either tomorrow or the day after depending on how fast I'll be able to give away all my pvp mons to my friends. It was fun while it lasted but as I said in the last post I'm just bored of the game and I got stuff to do in real life. Special thanks to the og members of Toxicity, Legacy, Paradox and all the other cool people. I won't make a long shoutout list this time but special thanks to those who I talked to a lot and could have fun with. I'll still see you guys in discord. Yall are the best. How to enter the giveaway: Just comment on this thread and you will be included on the randomized list for a chance of winning 5 million pokedollars. (Silver server only.) You have exactly 1 week to comment for your chance to win, I won't count comments posted after that. I'll announce the winner within a couple of days (not sure how much time I'll have to make the list but it will 100% be done within 48 hours). Good luck to everyone participating!
  8. I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with the discord mod. I respect your opinions but I don't agree with this either. -1
  9. I don't understand why you would bring up Diggersby in your point in why Mystical fire should get coded if you yourself say you would rather use Icy wind and Energy ball. In that case why not just bring up it being able to cover Ferrothorn and thus become a lot more viable? I was simply stating that if you want to cover a mon that you believe is good then use mons that are better suited for it and why Mystical fire getting coded had nothing to do with it countering Diggersby. Either way, still +1, you can add that it would help Mismagius cover Ferrothorn as a reason for it to get coded if you want. I'm still for your idea, not trying to piss you off or anything :P
  10. 252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Diggersby Fire Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mismagius in Sun: 360-424 (137.9 - 162.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO 252 SpA Mismagius Mystical Fire vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Diggersby in Sun: 130-154 (41.8 - 49.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO Not using an NU tier mon would help you more tbh but +1 nonetheless.
  11. Welcome
  12. All good now, best of luck!
  13. Donphan, breloom, scizor, hydreigon and tyranitar can't be viewed for me.
  14. Oh ok, good luck then
  15. I'll insta buy it, going to bed now though. You can reach me on discord, Drawniel#4984.
  16. Current name: "Reconnecting" Desired name: Most of my desired names could be considered inappropriate so I'll just show all my desired names ranked after the order I want them. Please give me the highest ranked one that you accept. 1. ImTrippin 2. Idontwipelets69 3. HarderPlease4. EndMe 5. Reconnected
  17. If you want a better server for pvp then I recommend playing on silver instead. I'd look forward to play against another decent player. Anyway good luck getting a guild on gold.
  18. Username: Reconnecting Server: Silver
  19. There's just no reason to play unranked pvp as it gives no reward whatsoever and that is exactly why nobody bothers doing it. The only difference from ranked pvp is that you can actually get rewarded for playing ranked so why would you ever even do it at any time? Pvping for fun and trying out new teams is still possible in ranked so there's really no purpose in it. Also as I responded to the last thread about this topic; There just isn't a big part of the community that can't get access to 6 level 100 pokemon and start pvping since it's just so easy. You're arguing for an non existant problem here so a -1 from me and good luck.
  20. I'm already reconnecting.
  21. +1
  22. IGN: Reconnecting. Playtime: 1.6k hours. PVP rating: I usually end at 300+, 68 at thr moment. Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes Reason: Helps thr competetive scene of the game by letting players use whst legends they want with the sets they want without having to spend over many millions for their desired nature. Vote for Birth Island: No Reason: Being able to recapture another heatran for example would give you the opportunity to use both timid and calm nature without having to spend loads of money to change the right nature for different teams. With legends like suicune, heatran and jirachi that are obtainable in pro and playable with different natures I don't want to limit my team building by having to choose 1 nature for each. If you want to improve the odds for getting the other ones just remove pseudo legends ty.
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