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Everything posted by Imtrippin

  1. Legendaries in general are definately not s "desperate call to win" as already more than half of the current ones are trash in our only available tier. And about other tiers in pro: We simply do not have a big enough playerbase to not have a dead queue in every one of them. On showdown, OU is already the most dominant metagame and is considered the primary metagame. Most players don't care about others or barely care and getting another one would either lead to both the standard and other queue being dead or just the UU or whatever queue that would be added being dead. Also, that doesn't even concern this thread but there have been other threads for that which you can give +1 to if you want. I don't understand what you mean by toxic pvp but if you're bad at pvp, then at least know that every single actual good pvper that has commented on this thread has been supportive. If anything thid suggestion would improve pvp a lot.
  2. Do you mean that people who don't have 4 badges shouldn't be allowed to even see trade chat? Because they're already not allowed to speak there before getting those 4 badges. Anyway it never happened to me even once but if others think its an issue then I guess I'll be for that.
  3. Azumarill: A: It's too slow in this current meta and even if its kind of bulky it just gets 1 shot by most poison or electric moves that are being used. The band set is nice to revenge kill or punish the opponent with but the belly drum set is just complete garbage since its impossible to pull of in the current meta and rotom-wash being 1 of the few tanks that are actually used. Gengar: A: I'm expecting more and more speed control with the game finally being properly coded so 350 won't be as much as it used to a long time ago and as you said, weavile and other trappers destroy it. Mew: A: Sure, it's weak to dark that just increases in use but its a great defogger that beats ferrothorn if it has flamethrower, which is 1 of the more common hazard setters at the moment. Also even if the defensive/spdef defog set is the only "good" set in my opinion you still always have to play around all of its sets which is one of the reasons why it's also so strong. You already mentioned some of the threats it switches into. Kabutops: B+: Rain is getting worse and worse until mega swampert is released. All weather teams are ass at the moment. It's also stopped way too easily by mach punch which also sucks. Speaking of Kingdra and Ludicolo, honestly Ludicolo deserves to be in B imo and Kingdra deserves an A- spot for being such a monster. It's definately 1 of the bigger reasons rain is playable at the moment, especially since it doesn't die to priority moves as easily. Diggersby: B+: Even if I think it's fun to use it's just bad in this meta that's full of offensive mons. Unboosted quick attack wont do much and it rarely gets the time to shine vs 3-4+ faster mons if not more on every/most teams. Espeon: B1: Viable eeveelution??? Xatu: I'd say C: It only differes espeon in speed and bulk (also has flying typing I guess). Anyway, they're both slower than weavile, scarf ttar and gren and at least Xatu can tank some hits that aren't dark moves when bold. Espeon just dies to everything physical. Good work on updating the list btw. hopefully when can add tapus soon :D
  4. Bump! If the regis get added the odds will be even lower. Pseudos need to get removed if they do get added.
  5. Great question. I hope they get fixed asap.
  6. Also keep in mind that if your pokemon have low speed ivs they will also get outspeeded by other pokemon in the same speed tier. For example your Greninja will get outspeeded by Alakazam if you have less than 27 speed ivs. If you have 28+ then you will always beat Alakazam unless it has a speed boosting item. Things like that cqn decide the outcome of battles so that's why high speed mons tend to cost much more.
  7. Aight I'm back. Anyways, not satisfied with the offers so I'll cancel the auction as I said I would. It's still for sale so feel free to hmu on discord or in game if you're interested. My discord is Drawniel#4984
  8. Alright, about 7 and a half hours left unless I'm too tired to count? I didn't expect a bid this quick so just a heads up to everyone who's interested; I'll be sleeping when the auction is over so don't expect me to respond immediately.
  9. Name in the Game: Reconnecting. How many Hours game play do you have currently? 1.6k on silver and 40 on gold. How many badges do you currently have? I finished story up to hoenn. Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? Yes. Your discord username (must include the #0000 numbers): Drawniel#4984 Do you have an interest in PVP? Yeah, I mostly pvp on showdown though. How Many PVP Points do you have? I usually only play between 20-50 matches a season and end up at 300-350ish with a pretty good win ratio. Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? I would say so, I'm on discord for hours most days and I don't mind helping with pvp advice. Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? I'd like to start playing on gold with some help as I'm too lazy to get all the syncs and redo all the hunting/training and you seem to be a pretty fun guild to be in. I was helping legacy last time I played on gold but since they transfered I haven't had a reason to play there anymore. Either way having another fun discord never hurts even if you decide to not accept me due to the lack of hours on this server.
  10. Hey, as the title says I'm auctioning this. The starting bid will be at 500k and it will end 10 hours after the first bid. I will cancel it if I don't get a satisfying offer. There's no insta price at the moment but I might add one later. Good luck bidding, everyone!
  11. Hey, just letting you know about this if you don't already. It would be great if this got fixed, looking forward to it :)
  12. -1, there are plenty of ways to beat a full stall team where all the mons you mentioned are together. Just tyranitar and heatran alone pretty much 2v6 stall and stall is nowhere to be seen in the current meta anyway in silver at least. I don't even see how you would get this idea when the only frequent tanks at the moment are ferrothorn and rotom-wash (from my past season experiance at least). Even if you do run across an actual stall team once or twice in 100 matches then it might just be an unfortunate shitty matchup for your team. Every team has bad matchups after all so this isn't even an issue.
  13. Delcatty gets the ability normalize. "In battle Normalize makes all moves (including status moves) used by the Pokémon with this Ability act as though they were Normal-type instead of their usual type. " If you have normalize on your Delcatty I don't see any problems here since normal is not effetive vs steel.
  14. I've never had that problem and as for skarmory and mawile fighting is neutral due to the fairy and flying typings. Anyway good luck, not much I can do either way.
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