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Everything posted by Kboww

  1. Yeah true this is a good idea as well
  2. GOLD (not my best pokes iv wise but instead my best legends without rerolls)
  3. I can do 200k for starly Lowest I can go for chinchou would be 250k
  4. just want to state in the first sentence that this is MY OPINION so please don't come commenting all angry. I personally feel like putting these wings as a purchasable item takes away from players that have been playing for 3-4 years+ by alot and is a bad idea. This is one of the only things we have thats special and impossible to get from long ago and its kinda lame that now it will be everywhere and no longer unique in the game. But that's just my opinion
  5. Player name: kboww Server: gold Timezone (in GMT): gmt -5
  6. while playing pvp earlier i ran into this guy who threw his ditto out on my gliscor under sub so it didnt transform. then it showed it had ice punch instead of transform so pretty sure there is a bug somewhere with ditto
  7. You can make offers but ill pass on that sorry
  8. negotiable and willing to trade for other shinys will accept rr at 750k ea and cc at 380k ea best way to reach me is my discord: kboww#3809 Talonflame Hitmontop 22+ vileplume Dusknoir Ninetales h.a. hp ice Rhydon Dewgong Event Sandslash Shiny Tangela SOLD: Meowth, Teddiursa, Ekans, Natu, Paras
  9. Kboww

    pvp surrender'

    lets be fair here you arent running any sort of stall breakers on this team, every single one of these mons can be walled by something other than a possible nasty plot mew or shell smash flinching cloyster. if you are that afraid of stall use mons like conk, bisharp, azu, diggersby or even nasty plot togekiss .. and those are just a few examples there are so many more things that beat stall. the team you are currently using can be seen in team preview by someone using stall and they will already know what counters what. so to sum up what im saying is, stall isnt the problem i think your team might be the problem. dont take any disrespect from what im saying im just giving advice
  10. +1 some guilds will call all their cousins brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends, friends families just to trash talk if they want to have problems with you. for example lets say you use stall in pvp, they will cancel a whole birthday party just to get everyone in that birthday party to come call the said person a wallero. speaking from experience and i know it happens to many others as well
  11. Please fill out the application we will not invite anyone who hasnt done so sorry
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