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Everything posted by Kboww

  1. .cancel no bidders
  2. +1 nobody in there right minds wants to sit there and watch a bar go up at the speed of a turtle, it does look good tho its just slow af
  3. Player name: kboww Showdown name: kboww Server: gold Timezone:gmt-5 Rank on ladder:19th
  4. its the same reason some people have multiple high tier shinys at low hours and some have none at high hours. rng chooses who to side with and who to not. you just got chose by the wrong team
  5. bump with megas coming the ones that get banned can also get some light if there is an uber tier
  6. lando i isnt even that good on pro lol if you are losing to it use a different team other than sun and if lando i makes you go to temtem that shows alot about yourself lmao
  7. -1 a good pvper will beat anything that stands in their way so i suggest you just practice and get good instead of wanting them to make an easier path for you lol.
  8. auction ended congrats delta you win <3 let me know when you can log
  9. 28 hours remaining C.o. 1.1m by pakobatino
  10. +1 long ago it used to give better rewards dont know why they decided to nerf it bc all it seems like noe is just regular rock that wanted to look fancy
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