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Everything posted by Kboww

  1. Bugged for me as well. just checked it and it's invisible
  2. Earlier today i was going to pvp and when I pulled my zapdos out its ability was pressure again. I changed it to static the day of the ability reroll release so something went wrong
  3. Same lots more lag and crash since update
  4. Oh ok thanks for looking into it for me!
  5. https://www.smogon.com/dex/sm/pokemon/xatu/ On smogon it shows that xatu learns baton pass in gen7 but its not an egg move, pre evo or at the relearner can someone help me with how to get it?
  6. +1 super annoying and makes the game seem alot more laggy than usual
  7. Yes it works now thanks so much!! <3
  8. 5m or trade for rare shiny I'll listen to offers Pm me here or on discord @kboww#5487
  9. I transferred to silver a few days ago so I could hunt jangmo-o and when i came back i couldn't access guild island anymore. I'm in ascension on gold and I ended the season with over 10 rating last month so I should be able to. Also I was able to access before i transferred the first time too
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