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Everything posted by Kboww

  1. If it wasn't an accident why would they leave in the first place if they were loyal members
  2. -1 the rule was supposed to make guilds have their own players not just inviting other guilds for help. What's the point of guilds having rating outside of their guild when thats just unfair for guilds who actually work for their ratings. If someone leaves on accident then thats their own fault imo.
  3. Bump :)
  4. Up :)
  5. Bump :)
  6. Very good art <3
  7. Up :)
  8. Have you ever actually entered unranked queue? It takes half an hour to find an opponent and by the time you do its not even worth it. It would be better to just type in battle and ask someone to battle you because that would be 100× more effective
  9. Because nobody plays unranked now. If it was turned to ranked ubers which is pretty much the same thing just with rewards it could make it tons more active
  10. The reason I think ubers would be better than uu is because mons like speed boost blaziken and dugtrio aren't getting any chance to be used in a ranked game and then we Also have mons like darkrai shaymin sky as well
  11. Up <3
  12. Up
  13. Ty all for support <3
  14. +1 for the quests I think it would really give a really fun twist to pvp +1 to market too but there is an auction house thing on dashboard so that will probably happen instead of a market
  15. I think a simple name change of unranked to ubers and an official ladder for ubers would be good for the community and it would open a new world of legends that could possibly come to pro because they would actually have a purpose. The reason I say change unranked instead of making a whole new game mode is because nobody ever uses unranked, I sit in queue almost 40 minutes at a time waiting for a match and when it comes its usually people using ubers anyways
  16. +1 guilds need more love
  17. Auction ended congrats rhyxzr you win <3
  18. I still think a testing period within pro before voting would be better than a blind vote where people can only assume what will happen
  19. 2 hours until end
  20. If they just revert gale wings back for 1 week max like a suspect test just to see how it goes and let everyone vote again i think that could be better. Nobody can really know how talon is gonna be in this meta until it actually gets to be tested
  21. Bump
  22. Imo pro has its own meta and i think it would be nice to play around with mixing gens since we have the bland meta for the past year almost and even if it doesn't work out it wont hurt to at least let it be tested out. Who knows it could add the much needed fun to the same boring teams everyone spams
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