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Everything posted by Zockchock

  1. Hello Kaita, i would like to know who judges pictures in #art-showcase in discord and deems them inapropriet or not? Because i think there were cases where some (turtles, Pharaomage) who clearly just were bias torwards certain things and not because something was deemed "inapropriet". the case i remember was for example a picture of a scorebunny in sandales where the feet were more in focus but it was 100% not in any sexual or nsfw context yet it got removed while just a few scroles before there were pictures of halfnaked pregnant oger pictures complettly ok when some people called that out ( me included) we basicly got shushed down with "it was deemed nsfw, if u dont like apply in forum" and end of debate i get that in discord there needs some censorship but is it actuall censorship or just some people thowing dice ? i dont want to come off as rude it was just odd because we never get a real reply why it was removed while other pictures which were clearly way more provokative and kinky are complettly fine the whole thing came across as more a personal thing then as if it was real nsfw
  2. bumb
  3. i would even go one step further natural side : dhelmise Briny side: wishi washi glaciel: alolan vulpix maybe draconic: jangmoo wonderous: cutiefly feral: rockruff historical: maybe make bewear happen mineral: polosand haunted: mimikyu and +1 on the rerollticked idea
  4. Enyoment the whole map was amazing designed and the story was nice (MVP for the dude who made the Noctowl dialoge was really GOOHOOD) Quest was a little to long and some of the npc to hard for beginner to beat (f.e. mega venu dude) i would have prefered the look-for-lever part on another map then the forrest the wailord part was amazing really like that and most of the new costumes are cute too otherwise the quest was easy to understand reward a new legendary is always nice think thats awesome little sad tho with the santa gift a xmas present for the player community should not come with requirements
  5. https://gyazo.com/af74b4ecd071edbb82b9f25bb49fd88f the acc who has it is my alt Sabbe192 i dont have a screenshot of a conversation since i usually never talk to myself my main is ZockChock both accs are on silver and i would really like to have it back on my main since i need it for bosses q.q (yes me noob) thank you very much
  6. ID Screenshot: https://gyazo.com/2c25f46acab4394797391439440f524a Server: Silver IGN ZockChock i on accident release a event nidoran female i got gifted pls can u restore it q.q
  7. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Iamhanjoo Friendliest: Goldmariechen Funniest: Zinsmiter Coolest: Envymeister Comeback Player of the Year: Niconoob Most Talkative: Corsi Most Trustworthy: Zinsmiter Most Helpful: Iamhanjoo Most Missed:Quanlee Most Influential: Wally Most Intriguing: Zinsmister Most Experienced Player: Cames Best/Funniest Username: Psychopotato Most Professional Guide Maker:weleed Most Professional Discord Moderator: Iam hanjoo STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper:Saxy Best Artist:polkadot Best Content Scripter: chris Best Community Coordinator: Best Moderator: Best Trade Moderator: Best Tester: Best Game Master: Best Admin: wally Best Developer: wally Best Staff Username: polkadot Most Professional Staff:wally Most Dedicated Staff:wally Funniest Staff:cames Friendliest Staff:cames Most Honorable Former Staff:fluffles Most Missed Former Staff:fluffles
  8. nope it was using mirrow coat and there was standing no effect like i would use it against a dark type :/ also whimsicotts memento doesnt work too
  9. In-Game Name: ZockChock Discord Tag: Zocky#1376 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? on a daily base (my 2nd home XD ) What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? voicechat exclusive events ( i want more people in the vc ) q.q
  10. when u put wobbuffet against koichis lucario it will use dark puls on u but u cant mirrowcoat the lucaio (lucaio new dark mon or what) please fix it
  11. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Cames Friendliest: Goldmariechen Funniest: Zinsmitter Coolest: CyBeR54 Comeback Player of the Year: Gambilicious Most Talkative: CyBeR54 Most Trustworthy: Envymeister Most Helpful: Imhanjoo Most Missed: Imhanjoo/ Elty Most Influential: Walrosskastanie Most Intriguing: Zinsmiter Most Experienced Player: Envymeister Best/Funniest Username: LastHope
  12. Wow what a nice gible congrats akali
  13. is it normal that the regi has ability none?
  14. updated 5th Aug
  15. love u too strat <3 and miss u pls come back
  16. i would like something like that ^^
  17. shuckle should be able to learn infestation but there is no way of getting it (tryed egg move and relearner) since there is no Tutor or Tm for it u r done if u want a shuckle with infestation q.q can u please make a way of getting infestation on it thank u very much zocky
  18. update 26th may
  19. Nidoqueen was sold ingame Poliwrath will not be sold currendtly
  20. Hey Ho :D Here u will find all different kind of Pokemon -untrained, trained, rare, commen - All prices are negotiable! I can refuse to sell the Pokemon, if I change my mind. Fake offer will always result in a report Since there is the new function of lending in game now !YAY! u will find a new lending service here too now LENDING MON WILL NOT BE SOLD! the price is 10k/day with the special offer of 220k/a whole month The lending fee must be paid before the trade no Mon will be lend with an item Feel Free to Contact me Here in the forum Ingame: ZockChock Discord: Sabbe192#1376 or Zocky on the Chaos Server Trained lvl 100 Pokemon to sell Untrained Pokemon to sell PVP Pokemon to lend This Shop will be expanded ;)
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