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Everything posted by Raika

  1. I don't see anything wrong with that tbh. Said person was trying to get his opinions across. That's why it was supposed to be a discussion and not an argument.
  2. Wow. If you've read Togepoke's post, at the very bottom it should say He wanted to hear that, not a full blown argument disrespecting each other. I stopped reading when someone decided to reply to someone by saying hi, followed up by asking how delusional the person was. Honestly at this point, the only thing i'm checking right now is this: Pretty much speaks for itself.
  3. -1 I strongly disagree with the suggestion. Everyone has a fair and equal chance of finishing the story for 4 accounts across both servers, and completing the quest daily to potentially get a reroll on the 7th day. You don't have to do it, but if you took the time to get to that point in the story, collect the required pokemon, and login every single day to submit the pokemon, then I think you should at least be rewarded with a potential reroll, weekly. A player who has spent a ton of time in PvP ranked to hope for the chance to finish in the top 25 in order to earn 4/5 rerolls tickets per month, can also have 3 alt staying in Solaceon to do the quest, while the same can't be said the other way around. However, I do agree with your third suggestion: Something like a minimum playtime or minimum caught data would be nice.
  4. Server: Silver IGN: Sealnado Description: I get this error when I talk to Alakazam and select the first option during the warning message. Before this, I traded some Sinnoh pokemon from my main so I won't have to do that in Sinnoh, maybe said trade caused this? Other than that it was a nice mini quest, not too hard and not too easy, and I liked the part where the Maqua leaders used Keckleon's ability. Great job!
  5. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    Recruitment has been open once again.
  6. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    @Billaboy @DKomen15 Thank you for applying and being patient. I will PM you very soon.
  7. I totally agree with Iriz. No reason to have the guild island only be accessible to the top 3 guilds and neglecting most PvE guilds/players.
  8. Hey there dude, there's a channel called #mapping-introductions on PRO's Discord server. The channel has everything you need to get started on mapping as well as the download link. You can always ask in #map-showcase for tips on mapping. Glhf with the maps!
  9. Hello! First, I'd like to say that I appreciate each and every staff for spending time working on the game. Nobody asked you to do anything, but you voluntarily do it. Secondly to the players as well, seeing as there are 8 pages on this thread goes to show how much the players still care about the game and hate to see bad updates be made. Regarding the change, I completely disagree with it and think that a limit should have never been implemented for the bosses. It just takes away quite a big chunk of the pve content available to players. However, I also have faith in the staff team, and believe that they're trying to improve the game for people who exclusively do pve content. Alcedo stated this on PRO's Discord: More pve content without risking inflation? That sounds like a win-win situation if you ask me. A few of the players' arguments I've seen is that they don't pvp at all, and going on boss runs is a big part of their income. I understand that argument, and trust me, I also resort to boss runs for big cash but with all due respect to them, just be patient and let the staff team responsible for the change finish what they're planning on doing. For all we know, the content we're going to get might be better than battling all 50+ bosses every 2 weeks, or whenever the cooldown resets. Finally, i'd like to remind everyone that the post isn't to add fuel to the flame, but to have a friendly discussion of the topic. Let's believe in them and just hope that the promised content coming in the future gives us a new, refreshing and fun experience without having it become a chore to do. After all, when have they failed us, right?
  10. The servers are under maintenance atm to end the pvp season. Join the Discord to be notified when you can login.
  11. Stoutland land and surf mount.
  12. Username: Raika Server: Silver Country/Timezone: USA GMT -5
  13. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    Recruitment currently closed.
  14. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    @kaihanninja123 @Luxxury Thank you for applying, I will be sending you guys a message soon.
  15. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    @NivyaPlayz @luthfi9999 @WarsonWolfmare @ItzFnSlipz @mistyisbae Hi, thank you for applying, i'll send you a message soon.
  16. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    Hi, welcome to PRO. Thanks for applying to New Leaf. I'll send you a message soon.
  17. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    @nikostat13 @Riddle Thank you for applying to New Leaf. I will message you soon.
  18. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    @Runermon @EVlLTWIN @kyotozaky Thanks for applying, i'll send you a message soon.
  19. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    @Pokemaster9094 @BLAZINGMASTER @Stormie @Karyyy @Tobi7 @Taiju @Aethelwyne Thank you all for applying. I'll be messaging each of you guys soon.
  20. Hey dude. Check out our guild, New Leaf. We're mostly a social guild that mainly operates on Discord, with monthly events and giveaways.
  21. Hey man, i'm not sure if you were aware, but there exists a move tutor for Shedinja at Mt. Pyre Exterior that teaches it Swords Dance and Baton Pass, but it can only learn 1 at a time.
  22. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    @Loopa @alfatrion1980s Hi, thanks for applying to New Leaf, i'll send you a message soon.
  23. Raika

    New Leaf - Top 50

    Thanks for applying to New Leaf. I'll pm you in a bit.
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