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Let us catch all 3 of each trio!


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One doesn't need to reach ladder, one only needs enough wins to get enough coins. Reaching the ladder is just a way to get more at once, fastening the process, but it's not the only way.

If they don't want to do 150 wins for one reroll ticket, they still have the other options at hand. They are supposed to be hard to get, it's a privilege after all, and having excellent Legendaries is not needed. As mentioned in TR3Y's answer above, and quoted below, other Pokémon can fulfill some roles as well as legendaries, if not better.


Not only I didn't mention buying tickets to other players, but also, their price is only related to the players themselves. Again, Reroll tickets are supposed to be rare, it's only logical a rare resource is pricey.


Yes, ingame quests are rare and, again, so are reroll tickets, and intended that way. There would be almost no point in being able to reroll if it was easy: might as well then make the legendaries impossible to fail sync in the first place, with excellent IVs regardless of your luck, that would be even easier.

Legendaries are what they are: legendary. You can't farm them, you have one of each available and it's sort of unique. You can reroll them, getting a chance to be better, and it's already a huge thing per se, although random so, obviously, not always rewarding.


Yes, you have the choice to get them from PvE Shops. You choose to use it to sync Pokémon, that's your choice. Choices are good. But you do have the option to buy them there, it's then up to each to make its own choice.


Yes, tournament rewards constitute the hardest way to get reroll tickets, but it's still a way. :p



Well, as I've stated right before that sentence you've quoted:


Other accounts -and each and everyone is allowed to have up to four- can be seen as a different version, allowing you to make different choices, catch other legendaries, end quests in a different way (such as Vulcan's), etc.

You'll have to do the story again, play enough to meet the hour requirements again, but so did you have to in the handhelds.


I don't see how it would be "cooler" to make everyone -meeting the basic requirements, of course- able to catch all available legendaries, removing these choices from the game.

You may envy people with a legendary you didn't choose, but so could they. And it's not a bad thing, in my opinion.


Okay this is just dumb. 150 PvP coins without hitting ladder is 2-3 months worth of PvP. PvP shop is extremely inefficient for those that cannot hit ladder. Two to three months for one chance to reset one legendary's IVs. As far as PvP coins go, you either hit ladder or you aren't reasonably buying rerolls.


Glossing over the fact that you expect people to repeat a tedious grind of hundreds of evos and hundreds of afk hours, alts are literally banned in pvp, so you can hardly decide on mid-season experimentation with Latias to test new ideas...


While it is true that legendaries aren't the best Pokemon in the game, they tend to fill unique niches that other Pokemon simply cannot. Attempting to replace them makes teams significantly worse.


Consider Hydreigon, often touted as "discount Latios":

- It has Dark STAB instead of Psychic, and no access to Psyshock, severely hindering its ability to blow through special walls such as Chansey and Tentacruel.

- It doesn't get Trick, heavily worsening the matchup of its choice sets against defensive teams.

- It doesn't get Calm Mind, removing a powerful set in its entirety.

- It doesn't get Defog.

- Its Draco Meteor is marginally weaker.

- Most importantly, its speed tier sucks. Base 98 compared to Latios's base 110 leaves it considerably weaker against aggressive teams unless scarfed. Life Orb and Specs Latios are powerful options because of their ability to rip through anything slower than them. Hydreigon is slower than a lot more than Latios is.


Another common "discount" mon is Jolteon in place of Raikou.

- Despite being faster, in PRO there are few notable threats between base 115 Speed and base 130 Speed, save the likes of Weavile and Alakazam.

- It doesn't get Calm Mind, and so has a much more difficult time capitalizing on switches.

- It's marginally weaker.

- It has no bulk and dies to priority extremely easily.

- No Aura Sphere, Extrasensory, or basically any coverage options outside of HP Ice and Shadow Ball (lol)


These types of replacements don't cut it in high-level PvP. Even Pokemon that are garbage in general (like Uxie) are irreplaceable in the archetypes in which they find homes: nothing consistently provides the sheer utility for Trick Room teams that Uxie can. However, no one's gonna ditch Azelf or start a new account just to obtain one - Trick Room is a mediocre meme team at best, and if you want to see more of that sort of diversity on ladder, make it easier to access.

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Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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+1 As it already mentioned, with getting all 3 of the trios, we will have huge choices to counter some boss. And this could make it possible, to beat the superbosses, if they ever gonna be in the game. But, if we are here, atleast one of the birds would be catchable, and from the 2 duo Lugia/Ho-oh and Latios/Latias.

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