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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/21 in all areas

  1. Shop rules: All prices are negotiable, message me on the thread, via the forum message or ingame. 15% discount to anyone that buys more than one pokemon in a single trade. Payment methods: Pokedollars. - 375K - 550K - 275K - 60K - 100K - 160K - 160K - 7K A - B - C - D - (Empty) E - F - (Empty) G - H - (Empty) I - (Empty) J - (Empty) K - (Empty) L - M - N - (Empty) O - (Empty) P - Q - (Empty) R - (Empty) S - T - U - (Empty) V - W - (Empty) X - (Empty) Y - (Empty) Z - (Empty)
    1 point
  2. this is auction for 48hrs after the 1st bid co 4.1m from michaelx insta 12m min bid 200k accept cc 370k , rr 680k , rn 340k ORIGINAL TIMER FOR THE AUCTION https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20211116T185406&p0=26&msg=ALAKAZAM+TIMER&font=slab&csz=1 ATHENS GREECE TIMER
    1 point
  3. Hello Everyone @Wandace You broke multiple auction rules here. According to the Auction Rules you need to add 15 minutes if a bid offered within the last 15 minutes : That being said the last offer here should be the winner. This points toward the 2nd rule you violated; You didn't acknowledge the last offers you took in-game here,so, where did the 1.2m rule come from? You always MUST update your forum post. All these being said, the auction should be voided, however pokemon has already been traded to @Lyn1311 and trained ; I can't reverse that. I just wanted to state that auctioneer has been punished accordingly and I am sorry about such situation to all participants. Have a nice day, ~Haruyukio
    1 point
  4. Hello @Papirappeur Sorry for the inconvenience. It seems that you have yet to challenge both the fourth and fifth gyms. In order to be able to go through that area, you will need to defeat and acquire those gym badges first. Please let me know if that worked for you. Looking forward to your reply.
    1 point
  5. Halo tyranitar goes to shinyragmaros min bid = 200k Accept rc, cc, nature er , rr etc. rc = 7k each cc= 400k Nature rr = 350k rr ticket = 700k
    1 point
  6. Bellossom, Meganium and Starmie for 10m?
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. @Polteageist please, check it.
    1 point
  9. Mon pseudo : Heartdead Tag discord : Imsheep_#8956 Age : 17 Quelques mots sur vous : Je suis un grand fan de Pokémon depuis tout petit, qui aujourd'hui a envie d'investir beaucoup plus de temps sur PRO ainsi que sur la stratégie pokemon. J'avais commencé pokemon revolution online en 2019, mais comme je ne comprenais rien à l'anglais, j'ai très vite abandonné le jeu. J'ai repris le jeu il y a environ 2 semaines, et j'ai maintenant un grand plaisir a y jouer. Mes principaux objectifs sur le jeu : Dans un premier temps j'ai envie de farmer des pokémons pvp able ainsi que la monnaie pour préparer des team pvp et commencer le pvp sur PRO. Pourquoi me choisir ? : Je dirais pour ma grande envie de m'améliorer en pvp et par conséquent contribuer à la guilde de ce côté là.
    1 point
  10. Et bien salut à vous je postule j'ai 24ans je chill tranquille sur pro je fait de temps en temps du pvp pour quelque pvp coins même si ce n'est pas mon truc je suis surtout une collectionneuse je suis ouverte à toute discussion je suis déjà sur le discord de la guilde avec l'aide zesk. Enfin voilà j'espère que je respecte les critères ^^ bisous
    1 point
  11. i know there was a few days ago a vote for z moves and some other things as additions to the game recently and as i can remember there were more votes for something else than z moves.But i would like to suggest to have z moves since they really help in pvp etc. Showdown already has them and i think lack of z moves is one major things which makes showdown slightly better than ranked pvp.I'm not sure if staff is already working on them but just made this thread anyway to suggest to add them soon
    1 point
  12. Greninja itself is not banned though
    1 point
  13. What is the role of a Moderation Staff member? PRO's Moderation Team is a group of staff who provide support for players and ensure that PRO is kept in order. The Moderation Team make sure that users follow PRO's Rules and support players on the forum and in-game. Moderator [RECRUITMENT IS OPEN] A Moderator's primary focus is in PvP, and Chat violations. They maintain order in-game and make sure that users are following the rules. Moderators handle Reports, Appeals, and the PvP subforums. A good candidate for Moderator is someone who's an experienced member of PRO and has good knowledge in the PvP and Chat rules. Moderator is the most recruited role in PRO, it's important that Moderators would be able to put aside at least one hour per day for their duties. Trade Moderator [RECRUITMENT IS OPEN] TMods are supposed to do three main activities: dealing with reports in the Report Center, making sure the Trade subforums are all in order and that every topic is following the Trade Rules, and moderating chat channels in-game. TMods are the principal forces responsible for watching over Trade Chat in-game, but they also moderate everywhere there could be an infraction. TMods will step in if a player needs help with a general, non-role-specific issue that any staff member could address effectively. A good candidate for a Trade Moderator is someone who's an experienced member of PRO and has good knowledge in the Trade, PvP and Chat rules. Requirements Even if you don't meet the requirements, small exceptions may be made if the rest of your application is promising. (Mandatory) requirements must be met in order to apply. At least 200 hours in-game playtime. Able to dedicate yourself to staff work and deliver efficiently. 18 or older is preferred, applications from younger applicants will be considered if exceptional Can understand English at an advanced level. (Mandatory) You can still be accepted if you are from an area that isn't listed. These are just our priorities based on our highest userbase countries. What we look for in applicants. Strong communication. Open-mindedness. A positive attitude. Good organisation skills. Able to work in a team. Can work under pressure. Application The application form is below. Please fill it in and submit it as a new topic Here. We are aware that the questions might looks hard or "too serious" for a voluntary/not-paid position, however it's important to know who we have in front of us when we read their applications. This because the quality of staff is reflected on the community and the greater the staff is and the better the results will be. The previous questions were telling us almost nothing and this would lead to a lot of time potentially wasted from both sides. Your application and results must remain confidential. We ask all applicants to keep the fact they have applied secret. Sharing your application status will result in the rejection of your application. Please be aware that all staff work is voluntary! This is not a career. When applications are open, there will be an announcement on our Discord Server and this post will be featured on the front page of the forum.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
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