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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/22 in all areas

  1. Hello people! Another season is here. Come join us if you want to learn or top the best of the best. Welcome to the multi-generation tournament. Taking inspiration from the Smogon tour, this will be a bo3 monthly tournament. The metagame for the tournament will be decided by the participants for each match, with the current formats being BW, ORAS, SM, SS, BDSP (Will be in trial) OU. The first pick will be decided by a coin flip, alternating picks. There will be a sign up fee of 100k and all sign up fees will be used for the prize pool. We will also add an extra 800k to the prize pool. The prizes will be divided as follows: 1st: 55% of the prize pool + One reroll ticket 2nd: 30% of the prize pool + One nature reroll ticket 3rd: 15% of the prize pool Once the brackets are made, each participant will have 5 days to schedule and play their matches. If no effort has been made to schedule by the end of the 5 days, the match will be decided by a coin flip. We're trying to get 32 people this time, so sign up while you can here: - PRO Tour Discord - and head to the #sign-up channel. Sign ups will end on the 15th of January, or until we have 32 people. Please do not sign up if you cannot commit any time. No toxicity or you will be instantly kicked. Also, even if you don't feel like participating, feel free to join and spectate anyways. - Previous tournament winners - F.A.Q Q: Will this be a Silver or Gold tournament? A: You can join regardless of your server. I will collect the fees in Silver, and Kboww in Gold. Q: I've played 1 match with my opponent and won. We couldn't schedule after that and ran out of time to battle. What happens? A: A coin flip will decide who moves on to the next round. One for each match, considering effort in scheduling of course. Q: How do I sign up? A: Simply click the server invite link above, join the server, go to #sign-up, and enter your PRO username as well as Showdown username. Good luck and have fun! Hosted by: Raika#4020
    4 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Just to clarify when you posted that , it was on the last minute , so you should extend auction by 15 minutes not an hour. Another point, last minute bids aren't valid, I cannot prove that the @AndreaBocelli bid was before that, so I will go with what you posted on forums. That being said @Suz is the proper winner, I will force the trade . @Suzzie Please give the rules a read. ~Haruyukio
    2 points
  4. Contact : Bingedrinker#7043 Every auction lasts 48h. Minimum bids : 50k for a s.o below 500k/100k for a s.o between 500k and 1m/200k for a s.o between 1m and 2m CC = 400k ivRR = 700k nRR = 330k RC = 7k Pokemon with S.O : This is an auction you can start at that price. Pokemon with INSTA : They go at that price. No time to negociate about those since they are low prices Have fun browsing the shop ! A B C D E F G H K L M P R S T V div widget
    1 point
  5. Throughout my time on PRO I've seen my fair share of people asking in chat for people to message them back again because they accidentally closed the chat window. This has led to a lot of spamming in different in-game chats and sometimes they might never find each other again and then they resort to the forums in hopes of finding them. If they trade, the other party might feel like they bailed the trade and in some rare cases even perhaps false reporting it. All for a simple misunderstanding that could've been resolved by something as small as a system message displaying the name of the participant(s) when you close the chat window. Suggestion: I suggest that PRO should implement a new option for when you close a chat window. Which goes as follows: Should a System message appear in chat with the name of the participant(s) when you close a chat window. Example drafts for visual look of how it could function: In-game Chat: In-game Options Menu - General: Reasoning: I firmly believe that this small feature/option would help a lot of individuals and strangers alike that may have accidentally closed the chat window during their trade or conversation and who have to resort to spamming other in-game chat rooms to hopefully get the attention of the other party. There are also the potential that they might never find each other again. So that is why I firmly believe this small feature is what could make or break a lost conversation. And also hopefully reduce a few cases of spamming in-game or false reporting of someone bailing a trade, when in reality they accidentally closed the chat window and forgot the name of the user they traded/had a conversation with and then couldn't get in contact with them again. So to further strengthen my suggestion, here is a PROs (get it "PRO"s... sorry) and Cons list: PROs: Easier for strangers to track down previous conversation(s) in chat for a short period of time. And allow them to pm them again if they need too More visible and stands out in chat It's tailored for trading between strangers Allows the one who accidentally closed the chat window to quickly get back into the conversation May prevent spamming in chat and potentially a few rare cases of false reporting Cons: If the other user sends a message after they left, the chat window will open again Will be annoying if its not a togglable setting for the majority of veteran players Might only be used by a small portion of players This cons and pros list is way too short
    1 point
  6. Starting after it start bro (not my post)
    1 point
  7. I was with my team finishing this challenge, we beat the guardians and reshiram once, we were already on the second try but the game expelled us all to the main menu, we went back in but nothing happens when interacting with the artificial intelligence2022-01-10 22-36-44.mkv2022-01-10 22-36-44.mkv2022-01-10 22-36-44.mkv2022-01-10 22-36-44.mkv2022-01-10 22-36-44.mkv2022-01-10 22-36-44.mkv2022-01-10 22-36-44.mkv2022-01-10 22-36-44.mkv 2022-01-10 22-37-57.mkv
    1 point
  8. 1 day and 20 hrs left!
    1 point
  9. Hi, @kamtota You are able to check the reason of your ban at the Dashboard. If you feel unfair for your ban, please make an appeal here. I'll wish you good luck on your appeals. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  10. Hi, @MikeyVick There are five spots where you can find Yorkie's brother. - Mini-Island on Route 21 - Kanto Victory Road 2F - Saffron City Pokemart - Route 10 near the Power Plant - Diglett's Cave Try check out the following places again carefully. I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  11. S.O. 500K MIN BID 100K END 24H AFTER START
    1 point
  12. @Saukon1413 You evolved the Kadabra to Alakazam and it's now in your PC (in Doantuan). Do you have any other questions?
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Hello @Crucifixuz, Thank you for your report and sorry for any inconvenience caused. This problem should be fixed with the next update. We kindly ask for your patience for the time being. Please don't hesitate to create a new thread in Bug Resolution Center if you wish to report a different issue. Thank you and have a good day! Regards, Toxabest
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. why do u all make 3days + auction its so boring
    1 point
  17. nice one i want time left ?
    1 point
  18. Let me fix one statement that I made above, it is 5% of your current money not 10%.
    1 point
  19. Hi, @Ging13 If you lose in a wild battle or in a trainer battle and black out, you lose 10% of your current money. Note that the max loss of your money is capped with 50k every time you lose. If you have any other questions regarding the money loss, do not hesitate asking I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  20. Hi, @Gamerzskm I found out that your pikachu is already restored. As your issue being solved, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  21. Hi, @SrKenny So are your issues all solved and now able to keep on the quest? I'll be waiting for your reply. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  22. Really glad to hear that your issues have been solved I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day.
    1 point
  23. Can you explain your issue more precisely? Just being told that you can't get the reward, I cannot help you with the issue. The dialogue you posted only appears when you talk to the NPC when there is no fishing contest.
    1 point
  24. Only top 25 from the fishing contest gets rewarded. Note that all other participants receive 3 PvE coins as reward.
    1 point
  25. As your question seems to be answered, I'll now be closing the thread. Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  26. Hi, @Satorugj I have restored your psyduck. It should be placed at the last slot of your PC. I'll now close the thread as the issue being solved Have a nice day. Kind regards, HappyMango.
    1 point
  27. Noted ends 14/1 My time now is 23:30 GMT +2
    0 points
  28. I can only approve of this I see the rework of the pc is already on the priority list but I just wanted to say I can't wait for it. i usually sort my entire pc myself in order of Pokédex number. That means I need to manually move every Pokémon into the right place after I catch it so having a system that would allow free placements of Pokémon into every single slot of the pc would be awesome! Can't wait for this update ^^
    0 points
  29. 0 points
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