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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/23 in all areas

  1. Starting price: 5M Current offer: 5.2M - susantlc Min bid 200k No Insta Duration 72Hours - Ends Saturday 16:30 CEST Accepted methods: CC 350k - RR 500k
    2 points
  2. Hello guys, ^^ This is my updated money making guide for PRO. I've listed the best 5 ways to make money in PRO in my opinion. Hope you enjoy it and find it useful. https://youtu.be/pSSxCxmv7VQ
    1 point
  3. Looking offer for my cute little shiny >///<
    1 point
  4. Hii all, been playing for some time the game and loving all the additions, missions and challenging bosses the game throws at us. As a mainly PvE focused player I've been thinking of some other things that could be cool to have in the game that could motivate somewhat daily presence and boosting on the PvE experience. 1 - Daily missions - I know there is already some daily content (BCC, hoenn explorations, sinnoh underground and celadon missions) but I feel this could be expanded with some daily quest npcs that could be spread out on the different regions and could task the player with catching/beating X amount of pokemon or rebattling a trainer in the nearby routes. As a reward these missions could give out money, items (like medicinal, vitamins, berries, pokeballs, repels) and perhaps daily coins that could be exchanged in the game corners for example for pokemons or tms. This would give some low, mid and end players other stuff to do to train their pokemon and to get items while earning some cash. 2 - Add boosting PvE items to the bosses and PvE content - I've gotten somewhere an EXP boost potion and have always wondered if this one exists why no others do. Therefore this suggestion, a reward of the bosses in hardmode could consist on different sets of items that could bennefit PvE players on their grind (and somewhat some PvP players as well): - Amulet coin (30 mins/1h) - boost money gained by 25% ; would be usefull while doing boss runs - HA boost potion (30 mins/1h) - boost the chances of getting pokemon with HA ; good while hunting and also good for PvPers - Shiny charm (30 mins/1h) - boost the shiny chances of pokemon ; great for the shiny hunters (of course not breaking completely the shiny chances but boosting them slightly) - Boss cooldown timers (1 time use per week and per boss) - would reset that specific boss' cooldown timer to allow the player to battle it again (still having the weekly limit would perhaps not break completely the boss mechanics cause you would still end up locked after 20 bosses in the week) 3 - Elite 4 rebattle (each 3 days) - could act like boss battles in the game but with the Elite 4. Challenging content for planned teams to face all regions elite fours again for prizes of PvE coins, money, pokemons (from a pool of poke that the E4 uses) and items. Since the E4 is already there they could perhaps be refurbished as extra bosses with lower cooldowns and lower rewards than the bosses so we could fill up our week with content (until the boss weekly cooldown expires) Hope you find these sugestions somewhat interesting and would love to get some opinions and feels on it ^^
    1 point
  5. s.o 1k min raise 50k insta 2m its not H.A before you bid and regret it, not h.a (not H.A) Auction will start when the s.o is met and will last 24 hours.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. If you say so, if you change your mind, I'd love to start
    1 point
  8. Top business man in pro
    1 point
  9. Im in floaroma
    1 point
  10. you won vil and sph we can trade
    1 point
  11. Volbeat 75k
    1 point
  12. 361k vileplume
    1 point
  13. tagging staff is always a bad choice, try the "report" button GL!
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Pumpkin king has Shuckle and Pawniard as choices for the 3rd win shiny. But in my boss runs I don't fight him because he gives low money. Money is my priority when doing Boss runs because I never guarantee a shiny
    1 point
  16. 160k spheal
    1 point
  17. clefable 60k golduck 30k fearow 40k vulpix 30k
    1 point
  18. +1 Both money and coins needs to be the same as other bosses
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 40k ledian 50k volbeat
    1 point
  23. 300k vileplume
    1 point
  24. 40k vileplume
    1 point
  25. Duskull family bringing some Xmas vibes.
    1 point
  26. Hello trainers! There are several major projects for content in doing that I feel you should know about. I will note some of them down before someone leaks it the wrong way. - New Region New region is a custom approach. We call it a mini-region. But it's actually very huge. It is called Astrella, and it's done mapping wise. Region will feature a variety of spawns (gen 7 area), new content, quests, events, trade city and much more. It will be ready once script-work is done for it and once gen 7+ is fully operational, will not release it before that. Reason for a custom area is a simple one. We are unable to map anything past Unova graphic wise without having it improvised 99% and waste much time into art. The MMO setting commands a new region, so it's being delivered. With it, we will have whole game spawned with old and new Pokemon, closer to being complete. The region is currently in hands of scripters. Once they are done, I will spawn it, so you can catch some of the new Pokemon when we receive a full gen 7 update. - Unova Unova is planned and is slowly being mapped. Once it is done and ready, the whole game will be respawned from scratch due to distribution of the Pokemon around PRO world. We are also looking for mapping manpower to complete the task so that mapping side is done and ready for people to script on. - Orange Islands The Orange Islands are also being mapped and planned. Not much to say about this one. ** Note that plans may change any time. But what I said above is a current plan and it's being worked on. I want to have all mapping done before the schedule so that people can start working on the maps script wise etc. Thank you
    1 point
  27. Is krokodile available ?
    0 points
  28. im Mixy260, i helped Antreas13 to trade for evolving a Pumpkaboo but it was unable to trade it back because of the region locked. Can you help me return that Pumpkaboo to it's original trainer, thank you. Server: Silver
    0 points
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