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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/23 in all areas

  1. - Dua tiga sampan berlabuh, Jangan kalian suka mengeluh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAJAWALI Terbuka untuk semua player Indonesia MONARCHS GUILD Terbuka untuk semua PVP Player / All PVP Player Welcome ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAJAWALI - MONARCHS GUILD ~ Leader ~ Kuremas ~ Bangbotak ~ Lyn1311 ~ Starfruit ~ 31Des ~ Officer ~ Geatz ~ MunMun ~ Nagiii ~ Pendekargabut ~ Donator Dermawan ~ Freaxx ~ Ezxary ~ Logis ~ Triplepawz ~ Shiroyuukix7 ~ Fano26 ~ Geatz ~ Salmonthecat Lucious ~ Konsevatif ~ Nagiii ~ Lyn131 ~ Saviore ~ Jorok ~ Darknightz ~ Munmun Cupu07 ~ Rose Apple ~ Bangbotak ~ Maxinoel ~ Orororo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONARCHS GUILD Guild Benefits ~ Guild Bank ~ Guild Event ~ Lots Seasonal Give Away for Top Pvp Player ~ Dungeon Party ~ Shadow Area ~ 25% Exp Bonus How to Join ~ Contact Leader Officer Requirements ~ 200 Rating or 30+ Ranked play per season ~ Basic English RAJAWALI Keuntungan Guild ~ Guild Bank ~ Event Guild Cara Bergabung ~ Join ingame channel Indonesia ~ Kontak Officer Discord Guild ~ Kuremas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules ~ Undang Dasar Guild ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kontes Hunt Berjuta juta - Some Past Event
    5 points
  2. August 1st 2023 All Summer Event maps are completely reworked including adjusted tiers, helditems, levels [live when the event goes live] There will be rotating starters for the hunting quest (either you hunt for Team Magma or Team Aqua) -- NOT LIVE TILL ALL BUGS ARE FIXED The new forms are all available on the event map Safari Rework for Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh all spawns were re-done to be adjusted to our current tier system, helditems, levels 12h rotation spawns for Johto Safari -- NOT LIVE TILL ALL BUGS ARE FIXED EXP Rework for early and late maps in all major regions adjusted levels based on public testing and internal testing fixed tiers, helditems for all re-adjusted maps added some Pokemon from later regions in the early story adjusted the MS experience for story players with having access to late gen Pokemon early on adjusted some of the Repeltricks some adjustments were made to be closer to the original games with these changes EXP areas kept self-harming moves on a few common Pokemon - self-harming moves will be entirely removed from any map that was adjusted and in the future they won't exist (any map that gets touched, will get their self-harm moves removed) Mid/Late stage areas reworked (Nap Island, Leev Island, Trainers Valley & Valley of Steel) Nap Island: reworked all maps with the concept of "sleep/nap" in mind adjusted all tiers, helditems and level Leev Island: Leev Island is entirely MS-only reworked all maps and adjusted all tiers & helditems Trainers Valley: reworked all maps and adjusted all tiers & helditems level range was reduced to 30-37 to manage all self-harming moves all maps have a map related theme to them (e.g.: Monkey Path is very focused on monkeys) Valley of Steel: reworked all maps and adjusted all tiers & helditems the common theme is steel the areas price increased to $7500 from $5000
    5 points
  3. @Trainersoli The ban has been lifted and the punishment won't count towards your infraction history, as this case doesn't warrant harsh action from us as long as you handle it properly. By handling it properly is to let everybody know that the sprite for this Pokemon is bugged and will be fixed on the next client. Make sure to capture that fair warning when acknowledging in-game bids and advertise in-game accordingly. The thread has been unlocked and, as an exception, the auction will restart to ensure knowledge fairness. @Akaacztrener @Highrise @Zenaclan your bids have been cancelled. Bid again if you wish, while being wary of the following: To everyone that bids - this is a Xmas Sandslash auction and the sprite will be fixed. Bid consciously, at your own risk, knowing this information.
    4 points
  4. Greetings everyone! I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team. We all wish you the best in the next season. Thanks for participating! REWARDS : • Normally, 1st Place will receive 600 PvP coins, 2nd place 595, and so on. • Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season! • Top 25 players from each server are eligible to enter the ladder tournament and win epic Pokemon and other cool rewards! • Top 25 players from each server have access to Tutor Heaven! RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top0 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) RANKED GUILD LADDER RESULTS : Silver Guild Rankings Gold Guild Rankings RANDOM RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Random Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top0 25 Gold Random Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Disclaimers : Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact Keita/Qeight via PMs. Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that.
    4 points
  5. Changelog 01.08.2023: Reworked the Exp code. We use the official gen7 formulas now. Coded Exp. Share à la gen2. Coded Party Exp. Share. Disabled for now. Coded Lucky Egg. Coded Exp. Candies. Catching Pokemon gives EXP now. Reworked almost the entire API the client uses to interact with the scripts. While it might sound small, it was actually quite significant and took up most of the time, aside from the EXP rework. Added global rare encounter announcements. Players can anonymize their rare encounters and choose to show or hide the messages in the client options. By default, the messages are displayed, and rare encounters are anonymized. Only forms and shinies of Pokemon that are uncommon or rare will be displayed. Players are move locked while fishing now. Added battle delay and cd reset for a slightly better fishing mechanic. Slightly changed the form/shiny sprite display in the Pokedex. Left-clicking shows the next form, right-clicking shows the previous form, and middle-clicking resets to the base sprite. Fixed Z-Move not being selectable if Transform enabled them. The client no longer displays the mega button for Rayquaza if it holds a Z-Crystal. Corrected misspellings such as Never-Melt Ice and King's Shield. Reworked Final Gambit. Reworked Seismic Toss. The server kicks users that exceed 190s in PvP battles now. Lightning Rod now properly checks temporary types when protecting against paralysis. Fixed Hydration message. Fixed Entraintment message. Pokemon with Natural Cure will no longer be cured on switch-out if they lost their ability. If a Pokemon dies due to Leech Seed damage, the opposing Pokemon recovers the HP equal to the damage taken. Previously, it always recoverd 1/8th of the max HP of the seeded Pokemon. Coded a server-sided speed hack detection. Few small reworks, clean-ups and optimizations.
    4 points
  6. U know when next 15min start? I am surely win this auction, if owner continue this I will call mod for force trade , Check there when I put I win that time, the auction time over
    3 points
  7. I'm no veteran player nor game developer to think that my opinion is important, but I feel like im no different from regular "complain Andy" if I stay silent. Althought this update is fresh and its too early to make solid judgement, it think im confident on one point im going to make. Tower update doesn't impove exp acquisition and in multiple ways it make it worse. What I acknowledge as improvement: - You can use other mons only to level low lvl pokemons - Gaiming last few levels now cheaper - Probably more goodness, day 1 madness makes this less noticable. What I think is worse and why: - You need to pay fee for leveling >Game has just enogh currency sinks already, traveling / entry fees are already drains your gold a lot. For members it is kind of bad for gold bonus, as before you could get decent pocket money while leveling pokes, which justified time spent doing it. This is especially important considering that PRO players have culture to bargain for lowest possible price for anything, and sadly for services as well. - For leveling you need to go to the very specific location within each region. >Before, we had multiple options for leveling and with this update it feels like we have just a handful now. - You nerf other reasonable leveling options game had.. >Before we could level pokes on locations that had good syncable pokes. For example if I would want to get good Chansey I could have taken my false sweeper + sync to the ceru cave and still level my desired pokemon while still have chance to encounter Chansey. Multi tasking makes experience less of a chore. - Leveling in the tower feels like a chore > you dont get money while leveling + loose money by not doing "member things" = frustrating. > Its repetitive and it doesn't make leveling much better honestly. > traveling to just leveling location is annoying. > leveling is propably going to be more expensive now, so it would make players who didn't want to level pokes themselves go there and do things they didn't like- potentially losing players. - The way location is designed > I found description of everying VERY confusing. I think not everything is explained by npc's- i could not figure what pokemons I need to take along, and had to figure out everything little by little by myself. Also this animation in the beginning is really annoying, it buggy and I don't understand why I have to waste my time looking at my character moving there insted of just teleporting to the floor with trainers. Also bicycle is not allowed- just annoying. The suggestion itself: Why not make more player friendly changes to the systems that are chore-like? Surely you guys understand that by making product less user friendly you are probably loosing both current and potential staying players. Players who like mega grindy experice still can do pokemon hunting and all the daily-weekly stuff for their liking, hovewer they would be isolated in this as this is their choice, when other players can do their own thing at their chosen pace. Exp grind- make it VERY fast and cheap through end game method. I mean leveling level 10 poke to 100 in 5-10 min. It would remove this chore grind and let players actually enjoy PVE, PVP, pokemon hunting and social stuff! EV grind - make it VERY fast and cheap through end game method. I mean full EVs in 5-10 minutes. For same reason. Conclusion: I've seen so many games fail due to same issues seen in this game, and I just thought that I would explain what I see, to at least try to make game a better experience for everyone. Thanks for your time! And sorry for bad grammar.
    2 points
  8. Greetings, @Gabriel10hdz You have been punished for poorly handling this auction. I will be using GMT+0 onwards: Auction Time: 72hrs from Thread creation Start Point: 29/7 3:04AM End Point: 1/8 3:04AM Winner: @Leeluckya with a 8.1M bid made at 1/8 2:49AM. This bid didn't trigger the 15min rule, as the End point would still be 1/8 3:04AM. As such, @Ntszuu3 8m2 bid made at exactly 1/8 3:04AM is INVALID I have reversed the trade, please confirm the following outcomes: @Leeluckya 8.1M were removed from your account, and the Audino aded. @Gabriel10hdz 1.9M were removed. @Simplelove1311 the Audino was removed, and 10M were added back. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    2 points
  9. soon buddy dont worry!
    2 points
  10. 15 minute rule applies If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end. › e.g. If the auction ends at 15:00, it will end at 15:00:00. If a late bid is received in the final 15 minutes, at 14:46, the auction will end at 15:01. If another user bids at 15:00, the auction will be extended again, and will end at 15:15, this will be repeated until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes.
    2 points
  11. This being added is nice since it removed the inconvenience of having to write q / g within the guild channel ingame whenever you go and do a match , however it only works for Ranked PvP Matches , so i’d like to suggest that it should work for randoms as well as there’s no point of a player taking away his/her guildmate’s ratings , as it doesn’t increase the entirety of the guilds ratings ( it will remove the inconvenience of to keep sending draw request to guildmates )
    1 point
  12. Hello, Just wanted to suggest that when the train pass is active it should have a symbol on the top left like when MS, BMS, WQ, etc are active. I find my train pass running out all the time and having to pay the fees simply on the fact that I didn't notice since I'm used to just clicking to use the train or boat without reading. Would be nice if there was a visual cue to let us know it ended. - Thank you
    1 point
  13. I just logged into the servers and walked around for a few minutes and then i got disconnected and it said i was banned until 5pm. i believe this was a glitch or something because its completely unjustified.
    1 point
  14. I think you're making a fuss over nothing, just bid and let the owners and if needed mods handle out their thing. If you think it's wrong, you can always report. The mods will look over the stuff and will give their judgement. If you think it unfair just report it, but if you're wrong don't ruin the posts. if I say something which is not in your favour, you're just gonna reply back at worse, so just report your problem, if it's legit you'll get it , if not someone else with the valid bid will be declared winner. Just refrain yourself from tagging mods everywhere. Thank you
    1 point
  15. Approx 5 minutes remaining
    1 point
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