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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/24 in all areas

  1. Mechanics Changelog 09.01.2024: - Oblivion Wing restores 75% of the damage dealt to the user's HP. - Splintered Stormshards (Lycanium Z) now removes any active Psychic/Grassy/Electric/Misty Terrain. - Contrary and Simple will stop affecting stats boosting from Z-Moves. - Beast Boost now will boost the user's highest stat instead of Atk each time. - When Ditto transforms into a Beast Boost user and KOs a foe, it now will boost Ditto's highest stat using the copied stats from Transform/Impostor instead of taking Ditto's. - Simple Beam now gets reflected by Magic Bounce. - Simple Beam will fail if used against a Pokémon having Simple, Truant, Multitype, Stance Change, Protosynthesis, Schooling, Comatose, Shields Down, Disguise, RKS System, Battle Bond, Power Construct, Ice Face, Gulp Missile and As One. - Fixed several issues where we dealt 1-2 less damage with Sheer Force or Life Orb with the most favourable RNG outcomes. A missing "poke rounding" call right after applying the final modifiers (such as Life Orb or Sheer Force) has been added. - The Sniper Ability's bonus 1.5x boost is now applied in the final modifiers, rather than directly with the critical hit bonus. As a result, Sniper does 1-2 less damage. - We now use the exact, rightful modifiers from the original games. For example: . The Life Orb Damage boost is 1.2998046875x (5324/4096), instead of the previously used 1.3. . The Sheer Force Damage boost is 1.300048828125x (5325/4096), instead of the previously used 1.3. - Cute Charm no longer affects Pokémon that have a 100% male/female gender ratio. - Fixed that both players couldn't draw anymore with a precise scenario. - Player A won't be able to send a new draw request each time to Player B if B waited more than 30 seconds to decline it. - Normalize now boosts the moves' Base Power by 20% that originally weren't Normal type. - Illusion now immediately wears off before using a Z-Move. - Improved the Full Restore battle messages. - Clarified the White Herb activation message. - Soft-Boiled healing amount now rounds up. - Arceus' 17 Plates now will boost the Base Power of moves having their assigned type by 20%. - Eviolite now works with Type: Null. - Type: Null now can evolve into Silvally.
    9 points
  2. Start Offer : 10k Min Bid : 10k Auction end 6 hours after first bid Start Offer : 10k Min Bid : 10k Auction end 6 hours after first bid Start Offer : 10k Min Bid : 10k Auction end 6 hours after first bid Start Offer : 10k Min Bid : 10k Auction end 6 hours after first bid
    3 points
  3. Hello all, I cannot guarantee or give hints about potential new content that may or may not be released in PRO. However, we do look through everyone's feedback in regard to art related matters. For a long time, people have discussed about cyndaquil missing a pinkan form, and the feedback we get from the community is something we look out for, and I just want to say I appreciate everyone for their feedback. With that being said I hope everyone has a wonderful day! -Poochyena
    3 points
  4. Hi, i'm looking to sell this skin becouse reasons, open to anyone who wants to collect my price is 8m since i like this one (negotiable / best offer) accept only pokedollar
    2 points
  5. Hello @Darksoul56 Great to hear that it helped. Note that, speaking to Psychic Luigi NPC shows the change in the Reroll Shards in your bag after dungeon runs. As this issue has been resolved, I will now lock this thread. Don't hesitate to create a new one in case of any other issues or questions in the future. Kind regards, Fus1onflare
    2 points
  6. Hey guys, I am willing to sell this amazing max speed dragonite! This auction will be 48 hours after first bid. Message me in game, forums, or on discord if you have any questions. s.o: 1M min bid: 100K insta: 10M COIN CAPSULE: 400K IV RR: 500K NATURE RR: 250K GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
    1 point
  7. Start 50 k each Min raise 50 k Accept cc 380 k Rr 500 k 24 hours after first bid for each mon
    1 point
  8. Sorry 200k Gyarados and 160k Gastly
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 160k each for froakie and weavile
    1 point
  13. 200k marill, 500k abra
    1 point
  14. 160k marill, 460k abra
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 10k start marill
    1 point
  22. Greetings @Giorgietto I am sorry to hear about your situation. For getting another chance at catching Mew, you have to beat Boss Nikola at the Unknown Place in Trainers Valley. If you haven't unlocked it yet, here's a guide on how to get to Trainers Valley(more info here). After beating the boss, you have to go back to Faraway Island, speaking to the Lapras in Pallet Town around 12:00-13:00 Poketime where you get another encounter with Mew to catch it this time. The EXP. Share has been refunded to your bag. For the Hoenn Teleport quest, you first have to speak to a Security Officer at the top floor of any Pokecenter of any city in Hoenn. After that, head to New Mauville from Route 110, and speak to Wattson there. After speaking to him, you have to start beating all the Trainers in the and deactivate the Electro-Barriers in the way. After defeating them all, one will say that she hid the remote-control key which is in a box in the north-westmost room accessible room where the NPC Nova will be. The box in the room would be the room's southeast corner. After getting the key, you would be able to go through to the north-east room. There Whitney and Shelly will appear but there is no battle here, they will leave and Wattson will appear. Speaking to him, you will have to get to his Plusle and Minun. You can follow the rest of the quest from the Wiki Guide(more info here). I hope this helps. Feel free to let us know if you have any more questions regarding this. Have a wonderful day and wishing you the best of New Year, Fus1onflare
    1 point
  23. S.o 1m Min bid 100k Accept CC 400k, IVREROLL 500k 48 Hours After First Bid Start 20h10 GMT+7
    1 point
  24. Start Abra ! end in 36h 27h left for Gardevoir
    1 point
  25. Start Marilla, voltorb
    1 point
  26. Hey @Doodskus! Although this suggestion was made some time ago a lot of players have shared a pretty similar sentiment on new outfits regarding anime themes or manhua themed clothing. Although I cannot promise personally what may or may not come out in regard to content for PRO I just want to say I appreciate the feedback you gave and will forward it up towards the art team for discussion in regard to the content. Although having a separate event made might be a bit out of reach having general content items out might be something to look forward to in the future. We always want to hear more from players, and I appreciate that you gave your suggestions. -Artist Poochyena
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Glad someone understards me
    1 point
  29. Hi @Exzxay Thankyou for providing this and logging off, I have refunded 250K to you. You may log back on now.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
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