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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/24 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Start if won will come to silver
    4 points
  3. I would suggest that stat boosts and negatives are displayed somewhere in the battle screen as +1, +2, -1, -2 etc. Like DDance gives you attack and speed. Then it would show SPD +1 and ATT +1 in small text somewhere around your/enemy pokemon/healthbar.
    2 points
  4. Hello, I would like to request you to implement this system which is used on showdown in PvP, as shown in the image, it will be helpful for the players to check the pps left of the moves of opponent's pokemon as well. With this we can see the pps left on the move easily, without scolling too much in battle log, especially in the stall games. Also, if a player doesnt have his/her moves pp'd up then it should display like (for eg, 16/16 - Maximum). It will also display the possible abilities, so it would be more easy for the players to recognize it, especially for new players. It will enhance the experience for the players, and also players wont get frustrated scrolling too much in a long game. I am pretty sure most of the players in the game need this system in PRO. Thank You.
    2 points
  5. Duration: 48h after first bid Start offer: 4m Min Bid: 100k Insta: None Accepted payments Coin Capsule = 350k Reroll Ticket = 550k Contact Ingame: Norex Discord: norex1234 If you want to bid from Silver Server make sure to mention that when bidding.
    2 points
  6. start 10m min bid 100k insta 20m end 24 hours after the 1st bid accept cc 400k ivrr 500k Any false bids and any changes to the bids are strictly prohibited Need to enter the exact amount - Forum: If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid, and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current offer has been held for a full 15 minutes. Must be accurate to the minute that the auction is set to end.
    2 points
  7. @Thuonghuyen0 You were punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. Quite a few severe mistakes were made: Added Reroll Ticket as an Accepted Payment after the auction had started. Failed to acknowledge several bids on the final stage of the auction. Failed to respect the End Point. The winning bid is 4m by @Ireena. Seeing as you've traded the Pawniard to Ireena but made them pay 4m and 4 Reroll Tickets, 2m have been reimbursed to the winner. Please familiarise yourself with the Auction Rules before creating your next one. Locked as the thread has served its purpose and there's no further action to take. Take care.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. the auction you have already start. then you say if you won you come sliver. for the auction rules . i mentioned it in advance. Any false bids and any changes to the bids are strictly prohibited Need to enter the exact amount.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Well...not intended to replace the current hw gengar form (although lowkey hoping this form to be added)
    1 point
  12. s.o 10k each min bid 10k no insta ACCEPT CC 380K/ RR 500K 48 hour auction after first bid
    1 point
  13. s.o 1m min bid 50k auction lasts 48hours after 1st bid accept cc- 380k and pokedollars only
    1 point
  14. Im stuck after beating butch-cassidy, and james-jessie came. Tried to talking with rhyhorn, but nothing happen, dialogue window didnt pop up. I got dc when first time battling butch and cassidy, and respawned in poke center. I battle them again and win, ended in those situation. I tried using escape rope, rebattle them and win, but the result still same. Nothing happened when talking to rhyhorn. Need help for this situation IGN : Nerva Server : Silver
    1 point
  15. Hello @Xxxrosxxx You have made contact multiple times to the runner-up, they have been active in game and on the forums and likely have no interest in fulfilling their bid, as theyre not obligated to. The bidding war between the runner-up and the original winner(who could not honor their bid) is too much and damaged the integrity of this auction past repair. @Lunsant1998 As a courtesy in the future Ill ask politely if you can respond in accepting or declining and runner-up bids. You are not obligated to always accept them I have no choice but to consider this auction void. You are free to attempt in selling this Pokemon again in a new thread, while the runner up is also free to re-bid on it if they choose to. I will lock this thread as there is no further action to take. Innerfocus
    1 point
  16. Min raise is 20k. Next bid must be at least 390k
    1 point
  17. @Gonx2 Hi i have found a magikarp with swift swim + jolly Atk- 31 Def- 20 Speed- 31 Sp atk- 26 Sp def- 26 Hp- 30 You can offer me the price
    1 point
  18. 4 cc Marowak ( 1,6m )
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1,25m Alolan Marowak
    1 point
  21. Hi, the auction ended with the previous bid from @Benvirisback
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 521k (Silver acc, will transfer if I win)
    1 point
  24. Yes real, mount is the most important in game (we have over 150 mounts but need more)
    1 point
  25. Vote for rhyhorn mount rework, all will become better
    1 point
  26. Its not over after that, you just have to adapt your moves to it, a previous comment already described what you can do.
    1 point
  27. Hello @Oaklite, Thanks for reaching out. This issue was a result of a recent change to the sliding mechanic. The Developers are aware and it will hopefully be fixed soon. Once again, thanks for making a report and by all means, feel free to make another in the future. Cheers, Magicbounce
    1 point
  28. Hey there, I'm Nico, a passionate Pokémon enthusiast since 1999 when I embarked on my Pokémon journey with Red and Blue. Over the years, I've delved into every generation and spinoff, developing a deep love for the Pokémon universe. Joining the New Leaf guild in Pokémon Revolution Online (PRO) opened up a world of camaraderie, and I've been fortunate to connect with many good-hearted individuals. In addition to battling and exploring, I've discovered a knack for creating memes that bring joy and laughter to my fellow trainers. My ultimate goal in PRO is to build my dream competitive Pokémon team, and along the way, I'm on the lookout for more friendly faces to share the adventure with. Shout out to my New Leaf guildmates – you guys are awesome! Let's continue this Pokémon journey together!
    1 point
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