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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. My girlfriend is coming to my city in some weeks and we pretended to play together in the same house, obviously in two different computers, at the same time. But we asked ourselves if this could ban both of us since we are going to use the same network acess, IP and so. Can someone help me with this? I didnt found any admin that i could ask. How can I get any information about this situation i got?


    Hey snipergf,


    as stated in our general rules:

    3. Account sharing isn't recommended but allowed none the less. Any infraction done on your account is the responsibility of the account owner and punishments will be issued to the account no matter who was under control at the time.


    Therefore, account sharing itself is no problem. Playing from the same location is also not really account sharing as you play from different accounts I suppose. But even if not, it is okay.

    I hope that clarified your doubts. If you have any further questions, let it me know.


    Regards Xylos

  2. I know a bunch of pokes got their stats updated in gen 7 and I'm pretty sure most have been updated on PRO, but I've noticed Masquerain hasn't had it's stats boosted and this begs the question whether a few others may have been likely unintentionally missed too.


    Hey DurantMan,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Indeed, the base stats of Masquerain are not updated to gen 7. They were in the past but it seems it got changed back in some way.

    I have forwarded this problem and it will be worked on. :)


    Thank you very much for reporting this bug!


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  3. Wait, when you say Tier 6+ is that the tier it shows for it when you do ^s (pokemon) in the discord bot?


    Q: How do I know what rarity tier my fail is?

    A: You can use the Reborn bot on Discord to learn what tier it is. Use the command ^s <pokemon>. This will show where it spawns as well as how rare it is.

    If it is, what if one of the locations is a tier 5, but the rest is tier 6

    Q: What if this Pokemon has spawns with rarities less than 6?

    A: Any Pokemon that have tier 5 or less spawns will not be eligible--even if they have spawns with rarer tiers too.

    its too late to join? :c

    Q: When does the event start and end?

    A: The event will start on November 11th at 15:30 GMT and ends on December 11th at 15:30 GMT.



    Everything written in the event description guys.

  4. In any event would be cool if it had a boss who gave reroll nature to any pokemon, the requirements would be: to have all insignias and to have at least 200h of game.




    Hey pizzaiolo,


    thanks for the suggestion. :)


    Nature rerolls for any Pokémon wont be implemented as common item. PRO is a MMO and unlucky Pokémon and unlucky natures/sync fails are part of it.

    The only reason why there are Nature/Iv rerolls for legendary Pokémon at all is, that those are unique Pokémon and there is no way to farm or trade them but it would be unfair to limit the player in this way. For any any other Pokémon you can go in the wideness and hunt for it or have, for a very few Pokémon, additional ways to farm it. :)

    Sometimes you will be lucky and be happy forever and sometimes you will have nightmares of your latest syncfail. :P


    Anyway, users actually had the option to change the Nature or Iv's of a non legendary Pokémon, they were for example a prize of our Annual PvP Tournament Summer 2018 - event.

    1 nature change for a non-legendary Pokemon

    1 ability change for a non-legendary Pokemon

    x3 Coin Capsules (300 coins)


    But those rerolls are super rare and will only be available as rewards of very special events.




    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  5. Hello,

    Imo its a bit too much that the strong booses can also boost up their poke (nasty plot, calm mind etc.) Since they have mega + are lvl 120. ) They 1hit literally everything and u have no chance to counter.

    Maybe theres a way to make it a bit more fair but they should still be a good challenge for us.


    Hey Fjabio,


    thanks for the suggestion! :)

    I want to inform you that there is already a big change for bosses ongoing. There will be a big Boss Revamp, all basic information were already spread by Eaty who is also working on the rewamp with SyaoranLi at following topic: Boss revamp; Opinions here.


    There will be three difficulty level with different rewards.

    Easy: Pokemon have no EVs.

    Medium: 252 EVs on all Pokemon.

    Hard: 400 EVs on all Pokemon, you can't use items.


    Feel free to give your opinion on this thread. :)

    However, there us currently no ETA when the revamp will live as it still needs some testing. We will keep you up to date at our Update Logs and our Official Discord Server.


    By the way: we have a guide How to beat every boss in our NPC Battle Guides!



    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  6. As the title suggests, I would want to suggest a separate Trade chat meant for those who do not speak English as well as the average English speaker, Its incredibly difficult speaking to someone who doesn't speak English well, or in general. Now i'm not trying to be racist and say that all non-English speakers are terrible at trading, but i noticed that a lot of non-English Trader don't even bother reading the entire post.


    For example I am wanting to sell a shiny and i want offers, a non-English speaker messages and says how much i want for it in broken English, clearly showing that he didn't even bother reading the post fully, as soon as you explain that you want him to offer, he leaves rudely without a care in the world, without even saying sorry, or even bothering to offer you anything. Fun Fact: It isn't nice at all, just makes you feel like your never going to sell this Pokemon.


    Here's another example, lets say you see a Pokemon in chat, you message the player, hoping you can offer this player something, and as soon as you offer him he leaves chat rudely, you message him again asking why he left rudely instead of telling you why he left, he just says he doesn't like your offer in broken English or in Spanish, or a different language to which you try to google translate, now google translate doesn't exactly give you a right translation, as soon as you finish what you wanted to say, you come back to find that the player left long ago.


    Now this feeling isn't exactly the best feeling, you lost the ability to manage to buy a poke you want, but you had to waste time in trying to translate what he said, and what you wanted to tell him.

    These two examples prove that having a mixed language chat isn't exactly very fun, and it makes trading absolutely impossible, now i'm not trying to say that all Non-English speakers are like this, i imagine some of them try their hardest to translate what they try to say in order to get what they want, however the biggest issue is that its impossible to communicate with these people. Unless this problem is solved and a extra trade chat meant for those who do not speak English can actually benefit those who wish to just trade with English speakers, and those who speak different languages can trade with those who speak different languages as well. This may sound like segregation, but i just want to make sure that the person i'm trading with, understands me, and i in return can understand this player, Same goes to the player who speaks a different language.

    - LobsterCorgi


    Hey LobsterCorgi,


    thanks for the suggestion. Its nice that you want to improve PRO. We really appreciate that! :)


    But, we won't implement this suggestion because of different reasons.


    For example I am wanting to sell a shiny and i want offers, a non-English speaker messages and says how much i want for it in broken English, clearly showing that he didn't even bother reading the post fully, as soon as you explain that you want him to offer, he leaves rudely without a care in the world, without even saying sorry, or even bothering to offer you anything. Fun Fact: It isn't nice at all, just makes you feel like your never going to sell this Pokemon.

    As first, no matter if you are a English speaker or not, Im sure this is not the reason why people ignore/don't read some trade posts. Also closing the chat out of nowhere is not a non English phenomenon, it happens very often and is a common manner in PRO, when it belongs to trades at least. Also leaving the chat after a offer is very common, I personally never had the experience that this happens because of the language barrier.


    But this are not the only reasons. Some were already mentioned by other users above.

    Arguments why we wont implement that are:


    • English is the main language in this game. Splitting the trade chat into two chats may make it a bit easier for English speaking users but not for non English speaking users would have to trade in a separate chat, to persons who may also not share the same language => The same problem occurs (Maybe even harder as most non English speaking users understand at least a bit English).
      • Creating a trade chat for every language would result into a chat where only a very few persons are in. You wouldn't have much 'supply'.

      [*]Splitting up the chat would result in a lose of offers.

      [*]Even if you would create a splitted chat, most other language speaking people would still use the bigger, English chat, as it offers more Pokémon and possible trades.

      [*]A basic English or more, is in the very most cases existing.

      [*]All basic words and tools for a common trade are most probably known by any user: Wtb, Wts, c.o, offer, insta, last offer, bid etc.

      [*]The advantages are to small.

    Therefore we won't implement several/a splitted trade chat.

    Nevertheless we want to thank you for your suggestion. ^-^


    Kind regards Xylos

  7. When i am logging to game i got statment that i am banned, but when i check on my account it says that i have no ban


    Hey DobryCiul,


    it is also possible that only one account is banned.

    Please create a ban appeal to know the duration/reason for your ban in our Discipline Appeals area. You can bump your appeal once every 24 hours with a reply at the topic.

    Anyway, as stated in our forum rules:

    Do not report players or appeal bans here.


    Therefore I will lock this topic now.


    Regards Xylos

  8. When I try to install the new client it keeps saying "app not installed".

    Things I tried to do so far


    - Uninstalled the previous client

    - Cleared the downloads folder

    - Cleared cache through recovery mode (did it every time before attempting to download)

    - Downloaded from both links, although I haven't noticed any difference (says app not installed with both)


    Phone info

    Huawei P8 lite

    Android 8.0.0

    1.4 GB of free storage (I was told in discord that it should be enough)


    What else can I do to make it work?




    Hey MManco,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Please also try following:


    • Reset your app permissions
    • Try to download the client from a other browser/incognito mode
    • Check the storage left after you installed PRO


    Let me know the outcome. :)



    Regards Xylos

  9. Hí Xylos,


    Yeah, I understand that I have to wait. :) It's just hard to earn money now since the Item Maniac is blocked off too. :P


    But I appreciate all the help and work you guys put into the game! Thanks for that.


    I can't do much with 3 days free MS, but I guess it's better than nothing. Anyway I'm looking forward to the new client.


    Have a good one


    Okay. Im sorry for that. :(

    When the item maniacs will be available again, you will get a bunch of money then. :P

    Is a bit unfortunate when you need it fast, but really, we cant do anything here. :/


    But also, thanks for the kind words. :)


    Since everything is clarified here, I will lock this topic now.

    Have a nice day!


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  10. I really hope you mods would actually read what users write. I'm well aware that the game is a "beta". I wrote:


    I understand that bugs happen when a new update gets released, but I really rely on the money from bcc. Will there be any way to get all the time I lost doing the contest back? Like can I do it twice a day for a short period of time when the new client releases?


    I was just asking - not demanding.


    Furthermore some mod in discord told me that I should try reinstalling (which most likely won't fix the problem) and if that not works I should then afterwards seek a CS and ask him to help me, since he witnessed another player getting help for his BCC problem.


    Have a great day.


    Hey xXBlackAshXx,


    Im sorry for all this inconveniences.

    However, all steps to get rid of this problem were mentioned above in[uSER=1837673] [/uSER]Heiwajima's answers. Thanks for that!

    If you have done them properly, as it seems you have out of your replies, you have to wait for the new client unfortunately. Also a Content Scripter can't do anything in this case.

    The new client will be available soon. You will notice it when you can't login with your current version but we will also do a Discord announcement.


    Regarding the contest and the lost time there: No, you wont get a refund in this way. You won't be able to do the contest twice or anything else. Everything will stay as it is.

    However, a small apologize in form of a 3 day Membership Medallion will be given, like[uSER=1837673] [/uSER]Heiwajima already mentioned.



    So, you have to wait for the new client in order to be able to do the Bug catching contest, you can also try to re-install the client again by making sure to delete every previous PRO version and connected files. (Im not sure how often you did it, I just mention it to go sure at this point). ^^


    Do you have any further questions?


    Kind regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  11. Do game still support for LinuxOS? I'm a linux's user and i realy love this game, but It was a long time ago that the game has not released a new linux version yet.


    Hey misenn,


    Im sorry for inconvenience.

    A Linux version is out! It just seems the links on our download page have a issue, or to be more accurate: the client.

    A new client will be available soon. If you still want to play in meanwhile, feel free to use the download links from the PRO Wiki - they should work.

    If not, please let it me know. :)


    Kind regards Xylos






    Hey nikz383,



    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Some new download links were created in our download page as a few bugs were fixed. Anyway, it seems that those new clients do not work properly.

    We may get a new client version today which will definitely work but you have to wait a bit for that. In meanwhile you can still use the downloads from the PRO Wiki which still has the older download links and should work.


    So, you have two options now:

    1) Waiting for the new client which may be available soon.

    2) Downloading the version from the PRO Wiki in meanwhile to bridge the time and download the new client when it comes out.



    In case you don't want to wait for the new client and decided to download the Wiki version, please let me know if it works.



    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  13. I logged back on to find the item maniac has trapped me in his house because i decided not to sell my nugget to him. how am i supposed to escape? (no escape rope btw)



    Hey FCRNathan,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    We had to block this area at the NPC located there need a fix. Unfortunately you logged out right there.

    I have moved you to the last Poké Center and you should be able to continue now.


    Is everything okay now and works properly?


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  14. when you start the game writes an error about an outdated game client[ATTACH=full]53323[/ATTACH]

    same bs is happening on pc rn as i try to log in...


    Hey you two,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Some new download links were created in our download page as a few bugs were fixed. Anyway, it seems that those new clients do not work properly.

    We may get a new client version today which will definitely work but you have to wait a bit for that. In meanwhile you can still use the downloads from the PRO Wiki which still has the older download links and should work.


    So, you have two options now:

    1) Waiting for the new client which may be available soon.

    2) Downloading the version from the PRO Wiki in meanwhile to bridge the time and download the new client when it comes out.



    In case you don't want to wait for the new client and decided to download the Wiki version, please let me know if it works.



    Regards Xylos

  15. I am french so this text has been translated with Google tarduction. I have a pokemon on me that I can not move or put in my computer (Ralts)


    Hey KnyDrake2001,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    You Pokémon was stuck because of a bug. I have moved your Pokémon in your pc box.


    We have a thread for exactly this problem, please use it the next time. :)

    You can also visit it in order to get more information about the issue, but right now you should be fine. Pokémon Stuck In Party



    Regards Xylos

  16. Today I downloaded the client (all of them for wqindows) and it says "Your client is outdated..." i never played this game befor. Its the same on my Android phone. Somebody pls help i want try this game.

    I have exactly the same problem how can I do I just downloaded the document but it's not the correct version

    I Too have exactly the same problem. Same Message.


    Maybe We need to wait ?

    I tried all the downloads of the page.

    Same. Came here to post about it. I've used CCCleaner, deleted all previous game files and shortcuts, re-downloaded the current version ... still getting the same message. I was really jonesing for some PRO tonight too! lol



    Hey you all,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Some new download links were created in our download page as a few bugs were fixed. Anyway, it seems that those new clients do not work properly.

    We may get a new client version today which will definitely work but you have to wait a bit for that. In meanwhile you can still use the downloads from the PRO Wiki which still has the older download links and should work.


    So, you have two options now:

    1) Waiting for the new client which may be available soon.

    2) Downloading the version from the PRO Wiki in meanwhile to bridge the time and download the new client when it comes out.



    In case you don't want to wait for the new client and decided to download the Wiki version, please let me know if it works.



    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  17. I would like to know why I was banned from trading.


    Hey ShadowMateus025,


    feel free to create a Appeal at our Discipline Appeals area in order to know the duration and reason of your ban. In meanwhile, please stay patient. Once created, you can bump your appeal once every 24 hours by a reply at the appeal.

    As this is stated in our forum rules:

    Do not report players or appeal bans here.

    I will lock this topic now.


    Regards Xylos

  18. Estaba jugando desde mi android en cinnabar mansion 3 intentando capturar un charmander de Halloween y de repente me echó el server y al intentar conectarme me dice que estoy baneado




    for bans, please create a Discipline Appeals. You can bump your appeal once every 24 hours by a reply at it.

    As stated in our forum rules:

    Do not report players or appeal bans here.


    Therefore I will lock this topic now.


    Regards Xylos

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