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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. Hello , I want to tell that I m not able to catch any starter because of bug or something like that. First game not showing any characters(players) or npcs, all are shown transparent. And second more badest thing is I cannt able to catch any starter. When I encountered with any other wild the game runs well but when I encountered with any starter bulba, squirtle or char it always freez . I noticed it when it was happens third time with me . in first I trying to catch bulba in viridian and I catched many Pikachus but when bulba comes I got freez there .second I go for squirtle same thing happens with me . when this happenes with me in 3rd time so I m thinking its not a network problem its a bug or something when I encountered with only starters I m geeting freezing .. please fix it . or what I do to get rid from this .

    I cannt able to catch any Halloween pokes..


    All three time ,game is freezed in the same screen when I throw pokeball its stuck in this . please please please fix this .



    Hey Amitmehra,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    You can try to re-download the current client in order to fix this problem. Make sure to delete all old PRO versions before you download a new client.


    If that should not work, it be fixed with the next client which will be available today.

    When exactly the new client is available, will be announced at our PRO Discord Server.



    Regads Xylos

  2. My 25% exp boost expired. I try to apply another and nothing happens. Is it a bug or can we not stack them on top of membership anymore?


    Hey RevXD,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    The Dev team is aware of this problem and it is being worked on. This is a visual bug and will be fixed with the next client which will be available today.

    We will make a announcement on our Official Discord server once the newest client is uploaded. In meanwhile, please stay patient.


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  3. Your account has been suspended due to violations of our Game Rules.

    day ago i post in Discipline Appeal but still dont have a answer.

    I need to know-what kind of rules?for ~3 yearsi never broke any rools.

    I mean WTF?=_=


    Wait for the answer on your appeal please. You can bump your appeal once every 24 hours by a reply at it. In meanwhile, please stay patient.

    Do not report players or appeal bans here.


    Regards Xylos

  4. I have purchased 2 xp boosters which took a day to be added to my account and now that I have them I click them multiple times and they won't work.


    Hey Jazuto,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    The Dev team is aware of this problem and it is being worked on. This is a visual bug and will be fixed with the next client which will be available today.

    We will make a announcement on our Official Discord server once the newest client is uploaded. In meanwhile, please stay patient.


    Regards Xylos

  5. i fully deleted all of the game library but still [heck]. i dont know what that discord thing is. the new client will be downloadable here on the download section?


    Yes it will. I will let you know when the new client is available. :)

  6. i have redownloaded the client, but the invisibility is still on


    Have you also deleted all previous clients and PRO folders?

    If not, please repeat this step. If you did, please wait for the new client which will be available somewhen today. When exactly, will be announced at our Official Discord server.



  7. thanks, im trying ig. can u give me a list from the currently working updates? that are inside now on the game and working


    You can check all new features on our Update Log.

    All there mentioned updates are ingame and should work.


    If you are referring to the last topic you made regarding the pinkan Pokémon, only those and the Darkrai forms are ingame but not available yet.


    Regards Xylos

  8. Why am i and the other players invisible? i see just my shadow and names

    I have the same problem..


    Hey you two,


    please try to re-download the current client.

    Before you do that, please make sure to delete all previous clients on your device. You can find the newest client on our Download Page.


    Let me know if it worked^^


    Regards Xylos

  9. How do i open the download for android. My older version doesn't work and i cant seem to open the spooky download


    Hey St3vo420,


    Im sorry for the inconvenience.

    Some users currently have problems to download the Android version of PRO.

    This might be fixed with the new PRO version which will be available tomorrow.


    You can try to download the game from time to time - just to go sure.

    Make also sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download a new one. ^^


    In case you still can not download the Android version, after the new client was released, please create another General Support topic.


    Update: Try to download it from following page: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?resources/android-client.7/


    Regards Xylos

  10. I lost the image from the player from the new version


    Hey Crushe,


    Im sorry for the inconvenience.

    Will be fixed with the next client which will be available tomorrow.

    When exactly the client is updated, will be announced at our PRO Discord Server.


    Make sure to delete all old PRO versions before you download the new client.


    You can also try to redownload the current client, which may also work. Downloads



    Regads Xylos

  11. I have tried reinstalling my game and relogging. Nothing seems to work. What Can I do? I have a Rattata in slot 1 and a Dunsparce in slot 2. Can't sweitch the order or deposite them. Items in my inventory never go away even after they have 0 left.


    Hey Trozay,

    firstly, sorry for the inconvenience.

    That can be fixed. Check out this topic: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/pokémon-stuck-in-party.112198/




    Regards Xylos

  12. Grovyle lv. 100 id: 22003119


    Is there no other way to evolving a poke on lev100?




    Hey HardVanCore1337,


    no, for this Pokémon there is no way to evolve it at level 100.

    For a few Pokémon it is possible. Mentioned in our De-leveling Request thread. Make sure to use it next time. ^^


    I will de-level your Pokémon, try to be more careful in future ^-^


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  13. Hello, i was playing PRO like i do everyday.

    i had 20 coin capsules, i bought the 25%boost exp, and when i checked my inventory it was gone.

    Please help!!!




    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    We are aware of this problem and it will be fixed with the new client which will be released soon.

    We will announce it when the new client is ready to download in our Official Discord Server.

    Make sure to delete all old PRO versions before you download the new client.


    In case you still have the bug, after you downloaded the new client which is coming soon, please create another General Support topic. :)



    Regards Xylos

  14. Hello, good evening I do this post because I disappeared an object that had it a long time ago when it will enter the game told me to be locked and I said ok I will wait until they fix it when I enter the game and I will look for something I see that is not my exp boost


    Hey yaxon22,


    Im sorry for inconvenience.

    We are aware of this problem and it will be most probably fixed with the new client which will be available soon. In meanwhile, please stay patient.

    When the new client is available, it will be announced at our Official PRO Discord.

    Make sure to delete all old PRO versions before you download a new one. :)


    In case the problem still contains in the new client, please create another General Support topic.



    Regards Xylos

  15. [ATTACH=full]52637[/ATTACH]


    Hey yostingamer25,


    Im sorry for inconvenience.

    A re-download of the current client will solve the problem.

    I want to inform you that there will be again a new client soon, where some big bugs will be fixed.

    Make sure to delete all old PRO versions before you download a new one. :)


    When the new client is available, it will be announced at our Official PRO Discord.


    Regards Xylos

  16. Não consigo entrar na minha conta, aparece que não estou na última versão do aplicativo ... Não recebi nenhum link para atualizar! Conseguem me ajudar?


    Hey Rodren1610,


    you cant login because we have a new version of PRO. You need to update PRO in order to be able to login.


    Updating to the newest PRO version is easy:


    1. Delete all previous PRO Versions to avoid any kind of bugs
    2. Download the newest version at out Download Page
    3. Unzip the data and play


    But we will have a new PRO version very soon, if you don't mind to wait a bit before you play again, wait a bit till the new version is available.

    When the new client is available, it will be announced at our Official PRO Discord.


    Regards Xylos

  17. my game on gold server stuttering while gaming even freezes allot and i bought xp boost potion in shop for 20 coins but cant find annywhere and now game unplayable pls help i love this game


    Hey chrisjke,


    Im sorry for all this inconveniences.

    Both issues (1) Stuttering 2) Invisible EXP Boost) will probably fixed with the new client which which is available soon.

    Please download this new client once it is available and check if everything works and you have the item in your inventory.

    Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download the newest. :)


    When the new client is available, will be announced at our Official PRO Discord.


    Regards Xylos

  18. Are some Pokémon stuck in your party and you would like to have them removed?

    If so, please post a reply with your in-game name and your server. A Staff member will remove them from your team and place them in the last slots of your PC.


    Please remove all items held by your stuck Pokémon, otherwise you may lose the items.



    Why did this happen?

    There are two possible ways why it happened to you.

    • Our client had a bug. All Pokémon you caught (Only counts for players in story mode) may had a wrong region as caught region. This means when you were in Johto, you caught Pokémon which were accidentally registered as Kanto Pokémon in our database. As you cannot use Kanto Pokémon in Johto until you have 8 badges, they will be stuck and cannot be removed as player.
    • A merge issue. Sometimes when you merge your account, while you haven't finished the story part of your current region, your party may contain few old Pokémon of your previous regions. As you cannot use Pokémon from previous regions until you have 8 badges in your current region, they become stuck in your party.

    When a staff member removes them, can I use them later?

    They will be locked in your PC until you have completed 8 badges in your current region. We can unfortunately not avoid that, but they will not be deleted!


    Can I avoid that?

    Sadly, no. However, once we have removed the Pokémon from your party, the bug shouldn't occur again.


    Will I get any problem when I don't let them be removed?

    No, but they are stuck in your party and you cannot re-order them.




    We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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