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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. Por favor mi tablet es versión 4.4.2 arreglen el juego como estaba antes de esta actualización se me sale el juego


    Hey jonpain,


    Im sorry for inconvenience.

    We will have soon a new client downloadable which will fix many bugs. Please download this new client once it is available. We will announce when the client is available in our Official Discord Server.

    Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download a new.


    In case the new client didnt solved your problem, let it me know at this topic.



    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  2. i buy 2 and dont have too

    Im sry but i still dont find it...


    Okay, please wait for the new client which might fix this bug.

    We will announce it when the new client is downloadable in our Official Discord Server.

    Make sure to delete all old PRO versions before you download the new client.


    In case you still have the bug, after you downloaded the new client wich is comming soon, please create another General Support topic. :)



    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  3. I have the dame problem

    Player sprites and npc sprites are not shown in my game.[ATTACH=full]52615[/ATTACH]

    same here



    Will be fixed with the next client which will be available soon.

    When exactly the client is updated, will be announced at our PRO Discord Server.


    Make sure to delete all old PRO versions before you download the new client.



    Regads Xylos

  4. Hi, my problem is that I can not see the avatars or the npc of the game. I can only see their names and their shadows. I do not know how to solve it. I already reinstalled the game several times. I leave you an image to see what I mean. I await answer


    Hey Ciclopentano,


    Im sorry for the inconvenience.

    This is a client bug which occurred for some users. A new client will be available soon and the bug migh be fixed with this update.

    We will make an announcement at our Official Discord server when the new client is online.

    Make sure to delete all old PRO versions when you want to download the newest client.


    In case the bug is not fixed with the new client, please create another General Support topic. :)


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  5. Just curious what the status is on the Linux client, its the only one not up yet, and the forum post just says N/A.


    Hey, fuzzbop


    Im sorry for inconvenience.

    A new client will be available soon, I cant really tell you if also for Linux.

    When the new update is out (Soon) and there is still no Linux version, reply here and I can forward it. :)


    Thanks for the report.


    Regards Xylos

  6. It's completely random.

    I have days the game don't crash and I have days the game crashes so many times...

    Today it crashes 3 times :(


    I have forwarded the problem.


    You can also try our troubleshoot. But the problem might be fixed with the next client which is comming soon.


    • Crash issues or other issues


    ▪︎ Win7 Guide

    ▪︎ Win10 Crash Fix

    ▪︎ Android Guide

    ▪︎ Mac Guide

    ▪︎ Linux/GNU Guide

    ▪︎ Black screen and Failed to load mono fix



    Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)

    1. Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

    2. Disable anti-virus program

    3. Restart computer


    Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions

    1. The Unarchiver

    2. WinZip5

    3. Keka

    4. BetterZiip


    Others solution:

    Update driver and reinstall Direct X


    Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the new client.



    Like mentioned, if it does not help, please wait for the next client and see if it works there.

    If it still should not work, please create a new topic. :)


    Once again, sorry for the inconvenience.



    Regards Xylos

  7. can any moderateur help me i did the appeal and no answer yet


    Hey redxiii09,


    feel free to bump your appeal with a reply under your topic every 24 hours.

    A moderator will work on it as soon as possile, in meanwhile please stay patient. :)


    Do not report players or appeal bans here.



    Regards Xylos

  8. Hi, I've caught those Tentacool on route 118 in Hoenn




    So the game tell me they're from Kanto and I can't use them to surf in Hoenn and continue the game

    I have the same Issue, so naturally i cannot switch they, trade or save in pc. Now I'm stucked in the adventure.





    Forwarded the problem, thank you for letting us know. :)


    @KaikiDeshu Can you tell me where you have caught them?



    Regards Xylos

  9. i dont see them on the maplist, so i cannot find of them yet?


    Like mentioned, they will be added from time to time. They wont be added all together. I can not tell you if any new pinkan Pokémon is catchable at the moment. You have to stay patient and wait for new announcements in our Spawn change log or in our Official Discord server.


    Do you have any further questions regarding this topic? :)


    Regards Xylos

  10. does the Ability trace works properly now?


    Hey joseph101,



    Trace should work properly now as it got updated in the update in august. In this update was nothing done regarding this ability. You can see all updates in our Update Log.

    If you are aware of any bug regarding this Ability, feel free to report it in our Bug Resolution Center.



    Regards Xylos

  11. I already do that and the game still crashing.


    Can you describe when the game crashes? Is it when you do something specific or is it completely random?

    Also, is there any crash message/log?


    Regards Xylos

  12. I do not speak English so I'm kind of lost on the site and wanted to know how to download the update




    Im sorry for the inconvenience.

    A website with different languages is already in work.


    Updating to the newest PRO version is easy:


    1. Delete all previous PRO Versions to avoid any kind of bugs
    2. Download the newest version at out Download Page
    3. Unzip the data and play


    Let me know if everything is clarified. :)


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  13. The first problem is that the silver server don't work and don't recognize me, it say invalid username or password, and the second problem is that gold server has deleted all my progress, even if i just started to play in it that's not pleasant. Pls don't tell me that silver server has deleted progress too, i was really close to finish kanto


    Hey sTeVeCueloBelo,


    Im sorry for inconvenience.

    It seems that you haven't merged your account yet. The merge is needed in order to login on the silver server.

    What the merge is and how to merge properly, is noted in our Merge FAQ.


    Here a small quote out of it where is explained how to merge:

    How to merge:

    1. Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on Merge is required!

    2. Step 2:


    Don't forget to select your right main server! (Red in your case).


    In case you have successfully merged but still can't login or have any other issues, please check out our Merge Issue FAQ.


    Kind regards Xylos

  14. English

    Hi all. I hope they are well After the maintenance I go into the game, and I see that my clothes with which I disconnected was not the same and I found it strange, so I checked in my bag and saw that I was missing the Autunm clothe blue, and I found the other horrible clothe in his place that I had. And I'm sure that I did not change it, neither I made a trade, nor bought that other one. I think there was an error with those clothe. I hope you solve that. First of all, Thanks



    hola a todos. Espero que estén bien

    Después del mantenimiento yo entro al juego, y veo que mi ropa con la que me desconecte no era la misma y me pareció raro, entonces cheque en mi bolsa y vi que me faltaba la Autunm clothe blue, y me apareció la otra clothe horrible en su lugar de la que yo tenia. Y estoy seguro que ni la cambie ,ni e echo trade, ni e comprado esa otra.Creo que hubo un error con esas clothe. Espero me solucionen eso . De ante mano gracias


    Hey Joguar,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Can you try to delete your current PRO version and all other old PRO versions and re-download the new client?

    PRO Downloads


    Let me know if that helps.



    Regards Xylos

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