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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. hi i'm having a problem logging into the game..i've changed my password but when i try to loggin via client says invalid username or password...i've tried relogging here and username and password seem to work just fine..


    Since I can see you online at the server, I assume the problem has been resolved?


    Regards Xylos

  2. where are the +20 new pinkan pokes? there are nothing yet


    Hey BabyPika,



    20 new pinkan forms has been added. That does not mean, that they currently have spawns. They will be added from time to time and we will let you know when and which. :)


    Regards Xylos

  3. Hi,any one can help here pls,i had EXP boost in bag b4 update and i didnt find it now

    Thank you


    Hey devilmak,


    it seems that the Exp Boost is still in your inventory. Could you check it again?

    Feel free to use the new searching option which has been implemented since the latest update.






    Let me know if you have found it.


    Regards Xylos


  4. it's been a long day without you my game and i will tell you all about it when i see you again .... so plz for the love of god make it work i'm booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored


    Hey Zorall,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Anyway, the Dev team is working as hard as possible to make the game run again. Please stay patient.


    We are aware that both servers are offline at the moment. We are in the process of releasing a new client with plenty of updates to keep the game fresh for new and old players.


    For information about the update, please check the most recent posts in the Download and Update logs.


    There is no ETA to when the servers will come back online so please be patient in the meantime. We will update you live on our Discord server when the game server comes back online: Discord Link


    Please do not create topics on the forum about the server status. They will be locked or deleted.


    Regards Xylos

  5. je ne peux pas jouer dans gold server ( can'not connect ) and i have the last version , so whay ?


    Hey yacoudz,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    The server is currently under maintenance as its being worked on to fix several bugs.

    There is no ETA when the server is available again. Please stay patient.


    Also stated as forum message:

    We are aware that both servers are offline at the moment. We are in the process of releasing a new client with plenty of updates to keep the game fresh for new and old players.


    For information about the update, please check the most recent posts in the Download and Update logs.


    There is no ETA to when the servers will come back online so please be patient in the meantime. We will update you live on our Discord server when the game server comes back online: Discord Link


    Please do not create topics on the forum about the server status. They will be locked or deleted.


    Regards Xylos

  6. Hello Xylos, thanks for the help.


    I tried a lot of things to that post, but nobody of that works of me, so I thought that was my W10 or something, so I tried to open the game in Android, and works on my android.


    Later, I opened the game on my pc and... my character move! with all my pokemons.


    Honestly, I don't know what happends but all is fine now, so thanks you very much


    Nice! Glad that the problem is solved. :)

    Enjoy the game! ^^


    Since the problem is solved, I will lock this topic now.


    Kind regards Xylos

  7. Hi,


    There is a bug on my account concerning the battle tower. I paid, but i don't have access to the fight area. I put screen shots as evidence.


    Hey fares4269,


    Im sorry for the inconvenience.

    May it possible that you left the Battle Tower before you tried to start the challenge? The challenge will stop when you left the tower and you have to wait till the cooldown expires.

    The same counts for when you had a dc and/or rollback, in this case we are sorry, but can not refund any lost progress or reset any cooldown.


    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.



    If nothing of that was the case, please wait till the cooldown expires and try again to start the battle tower quest. Let me know how it went.

    Sorry once again, but we can not reset the cooldown you currently have.


    Regards Xylos

  8. Hey guys, I start the game but this happend, no pokemons, no money, no chat, and I can't move. I downloaded the game again, but nothing happends.


    But the thing is, that this just happend on silver server, in gold I can play.


    I add an picture to my game actually.




    And sorry my english guys


    Hey chemigoku,


    Im sorry for the inconvenience.

    You already have re-downloaded the game but could you do it one more time? Make sure to delete all old PRO files before you re-download the game.

    In case this does also not help, check out out troubleshoot:


    Crash issues or other issues



    ▪︎ Win7 Guide

    ▪︎ Win10 Crash Fix

    ▪︎ Android Guide

    ▪︎ Mac Guide

    ▪︎ Linux/GNU Guide

    ▪︎ Black screen and Failed to load mono fix



    Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)

    1. Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

    2. Disable anti-virus program

    3. Restart computer


    Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions

    1. The Unarchiver

    2. WinZip5

    3. Keka

    4. BetterZiip


    Others solution:

    Update driver and reinstall Direct X


    Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the new client.



    Let me know the outcome.


    Regards Xylos

  9. Hello, I have been playing for quite a while pokemon pro evolutinon, I came back from a break. But I messed up with the merge (wrong server). Could I please get a unmerge request?

    I would be happy. I promise I won't make this mistake again :/


    Hey giitu,


    your account has been unmerged.

    Please make sure you select the right main server this time! (Blue in your case)


    Here again a quick guide how to merge:

    How to merge:

    1. Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on Merge is required!

    2. Step 2:



    Let me know if it worked. :)


    Regards Xylos

  10. Hello,


    I just want to for first time to sinnoh and Talk to Hannah, but while we speak she dissapeared.

    Now she is gone …

    I tried a few Things to get her back.

    - relog

    - Change place

    - F2 + clearmaps and closet the Client


    Nothing worked to get her back... i asked in discord a moderator but he send me here.

    Following is the conversation beween e and the Mod. His solution doesn´t work…


    Please help me




    Saschmaelheute um 16:22 Uhr

    it doesn´t work ... clearmaps , relog change map ...... annah is gone . is there an other solution to get her back ??


    Vector the Poochheute um 16:22 Uhr

    @Saschmael not relog, close the game entirely.


    Saschmaelheute um 16:23 Uhr

    yes i tried both

    is there an other way to go to sinnoh for first time ???


    Vector the Poochheute um 16:24 Uhr

    No there is not.

    I would say try taking your issue to general support in the forums to see if PRO Staff can assist you there.


    BuddyBotBOTheute um 16:25 Uhr

    Here is a link to the General Support sub-forum.



    Saschmaelheute um 16:28 Uhr

    thanks for help i hope it ´ll be fixed soon ... im sad now ....


    Vector the Poochheute um 16:28 Uhr

    Don't worry, I'm sure you will be able to continue your adventure.

    No-So-Ghostly-Anymore Keitanitoheute um 16:28 Uhr

    @Saschmael Please, be sure to explain and type what i already made you try, in that way you will help PRO STAFF to help you

    that's an important step in order to help staff to help ya.


    Saschmaelheute um 16:29 Uhr

    io hope so ok i understand


    The problem has been resolved ingame.

    Once again, Im sorry for the inconvenience.


    Have a nice day and enjoy Sinnoh! :)


    Regards Xylos

  11. Eu comprei uma medalha de 72h com + 20% de chance de encontrar ha, coloquei meu personagem no jogo não está funcionando, o que eu faço? Eu sou de ouro. : :PiplupCry::


    Hey ShinyCookie,


    Im sorry for inconvenience.

    Once you have bought a Black Medallion, you can activate it in your bag. If activated, you have a icon on the top left corner. If this icon appears, your Black Medallion is active and works.




    It increases the chance for the Hidden Ability of a Pokémon by 20%, that is right but it still is a random generated chance. You might be unlucky and get many Pokémon without Hidden Ability. If this is your issue, you are just unlucky.


    If you have a other issue regarding the Black MS, please let it me know by a reply at this topic. :)


    Kind regards Xylos


  12. thanks for the atention,


    I want to wait for this option to be avaliable again, so when this time comes, it will be possible to transfer to my gold account ?


    Exactly. Keep in mind that your accounts will be transferred, not merged. Means, your silver items and progress will be on the golden server and your gold progress and items will be on the silver server. When this transfer option is available again is not clear, it depends when the admin team decides to do it.


    Regards Xylos

  13. Hi, good morning !


    I had an account on the old blue server, but i've created a new account in the gold server, i need someone to help me to merge these accounts..


    i want to move all blue server's data (pokemons, itens, cash) to my new profile in the gold server, can someone help me ?


    Kindly Regards,




    Hey ArthoriasK


    how to merge and what the merge is, can be found out in our Merge FAQ.

    Here a quick quote how to merge your account:

    How to merge:

    1. Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on Merge is required!

    2. Step 2:


    Anyway, it is not possible to merge an account to the Gold server as the server merge was done between the Blue and Red server which resulted in the Silver server. The Golden server (Before named Yellow) is standing alone for itself. In the past we already had options to transfer your account to a other server but those options are time limited and not always available, but that has nothing to do with the merge.

    We will let you know when this option is available again in our Announcements sub forum or in our official PRO Discord.


    Make sure to select the right main server!


    Do you have any further questions regarding this topic?


    Regards Xylos

  14. Ok, i can unterstand staff want a clean event without bug/glitch but so much player will lost interest about this event (me in first, im waiting and think will happens like in 2016)


    Staff started so late event map/script i think, except if event need a new client i dont know about this.


    You dont give any informations about where is the event, why he is late, you just said "No ETA here" We want to be reconforted and know what happens.


    So have a nice day and cya.


    CobraMK from Silver server.


    Hey CobraMK,


    the reason why the Halloween event has not started yet is simple: It is not fully finished yet. I know I announced nothing new with that but thats it.

    Indeed, we don't want to run a incomplete event and therefore it will only be released when it really is finished.


    Why we don't give any information?

    Well, we said there will be a event but not more. The reason for that is, we can't really tell you how much more time it needs.

    We don't want to tease you with 'No ETA' messages but any other information regarding the progress of the event would be absolutely inaccurate and most probably a lie. Thats why ' No ETA'. Many people of the staff team are working on the event but keep in mind that this is a voluntary job and staff member also have a real life with the same problems everyone has. Means, sometimes there is much stuff done in a short time, sometimes not.


    Anyway, just because the event is late compared to the last year, it does not mean it has a shorter duration or will be canceled.


    So as small conclusion: The event is still not finished yet and we cant really tell you when it is but it will come. Please stay patient in meanwhile and stay tuned. :)


    With this statement, I will lock this topic now. When the event is out, we will let you know by an announcement in our Announcement section and in our PRO Discord server.


    Kind regards Xylos

    • Like 2
  15. Hi there,

    If we want to activate that Conkeldurr ability we should "give" him any status condition. So we have choice between Toxic Orb (making him poisoned) and Flame Orb (making him burnt).

    Poisoned Pokemon loses HP every turn. Amount of losing HP grows with every turn.

    Burnt Pokemon also loses HP and aditionally its attack is lower.

    And I have 3 questions:

    1) Does Pokemon with Guts ability loses its ATTACK when it's burnt?

    2) Does Pokemon with Guts ability loses its HP when it's burnt?

    3) Does Pokemon with Guts ability loses its HP when it's poisoned?

    4) And finally: what is the best item for Conkeldurr with Guts? Flame Orb or Toxic Orb?

    Thanks for help :)


    Hey PokemonDzoto,


    firstly I moved your topic in our PvP section as this is a proper place for this topic. :)

    Regarding your questions:


    1) The Attack stat wont be lowered for Pokémon with Guts ability, the attack will be increased with the same amount when it is Paralyzed or Poisoned.

    2) Yes, it loses 1/16 of its maximum hp after every turn from its burn.

    3) Yes, but it depends if its Badly Poisoned or just Poisoned. The difference is explained at Bulbapedia for example: here

    4) Most players prefer the Flame Orb since the Toxic Orb causes a badly poison.


    Regards Xylos

  16. Why i have a ban


    Hey Rotjuh,


    like RobTheSlob already mentioned, this is not the right place to talk about bans.

    As stated in our rules for this sub forum:

    Do not report players or appeal bans here.


    You can appeal in our Discipline Appeals area, please stay patient till your topic is answered. You can bump your appeal once every 24 hours.


    Regards Xylos




    - Locked -

  17. Hello,


    Just had a PvP Match and here are the events that took place:


    1. I had a choice scarf Medicham out, he had a bold/timid Togekiss w/ leftovers.

    2. Medicham uses ice punch, Togekiss is switched in and taken to half health. Togekiss has leftovers, gains a little hp.

    3. Medicham uses ice punch, Togekiss is almost dead. Togekiss uses T Wave, Medicham is paralyzed.

    4. Togekiss is now faster and uses Roost (is above half health now). Medicham uses ice punch and it only does half damage it should. Togekiss is now at 1/3 hp. WTF is this? Togekiss should have been brought back down to nearly dead.


    It's like being paralyzed caused Pure Power to not work anymore. Or the first turn after being paralyzed, Pure Power doesn't work anymore? I know there was an issue with the choice scarf not functioning properly in the past. Perhaps the coding of PP is interacting with the choice scarf coding? I have no idea, but please fix this. I lost the match b/c of this.


    Thank you.


    Hey Ewitsallsticky,


    it is like Kaminokage mentioned, a Pokémon using the move Roost will lose its flying type for the round it used the move. Therefore also it's type effectines changes and it would be possible to hit Earthquake on a Flying Pokémon which used Roost in the same round - as example.


    You can also find more information how Roost works at the Bulbapedia site of it: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Roost_(move)


    Since this problem has been solved, I will lock this topic now. ^^

    Thanks for Kaminokage for the fast answer!


    Have a nice day!


    Regards Xylos

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