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Everything posted by Guccitrunkz

  1. 1. Guccitrunkz 2. 550 hrs 3. Metagross 4. PvE mostly, starting to appreciate PvP 5. Since I was a kid, around 7-8 years old 6. Chocolate and mint chip
  2. My IGN is guccitrunkz and my discord is serpent.d
  3. Hi, I am a returning player looking for a guild, trying to re route myself into the game. ( also maybe finding people to play other games ) 1. Guccitrunkz 2. 550hrs 3. Metagross 4. Canada 5. 21
  4. What's your Player name (IGN)? guccitrunkz Number of hours played? 500ish What's your favourite Pokemon? Greninja What country are you from? Canada How old are you? 20 Which server do you play on? Silver
  5. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? guccitrunkz 2. Number of hours played?500 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Greninja 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) Hunting and pve 5. How long have you been playing Pokemon? (Optional) huh probably since 2015? 6. Favorite ice cream flavor. (Optional) Chocolate and mint
  6. What's your IGN? guccitrunkz ● How old are you? 20 ● Where are you from? Canada ● What's your total playtime? 500 ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? PvE and hunting ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? Just getting back on the game so maybe dex services for now ? And the most important question of them all: Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? -Suidoof, Endoof or Raidoof? Endoof just looks better than the 2 others
  7. 1. I can't really tell, I've done the whole story, I'm not a really good pvp player but i can say that i learn fast. I also like to help new players or simply anyone who i can help through the story, events or anything else. 2. Derek, guccitrunkz 3. 18, from Canada ( i mainly speak French ! ) 4. Always online ! blackuav#1358 5. Screenshot
  8. OK so recently there's a lot of crashes on PRO, i thought it was getting better, so i wake up, get on the game and do my daily bcc to get a 140+ ivs pokemon to catch genesect. Today i finally did it but during my battle with genesect BAM, server crashed and now i lost genesect. is there a way to re fight it or respawn genesect for that mistake ? i didn't lost, he was 1 hp and paralyzed and it is kinda annoying. ps : the server crash was around 06:50 AM ( UTC-4 )
  9. I didn't buy it, i catched 2 of em and trained one with no EV train and just the first grunt took me out with ice punch and outspeed. The sevond one which was EV trained it was a bit easier, i also paid for new movesets at move relearner. But ahh, I'll just keep trying again and again. Thanks mate
  10. Hello so i am doing the heatran quest, i trained a magikarp which has good stats for that event and brought him to lvl 60, changed his moveset and did ev train just for that quest. Now i was doing the quest and during a battle the game just logged me out, saying connection error ( something like that ) when i re logged in i was in PC So i was wondering if you could de-level my pokemon to from lvl 66 to 60, i spent some time and money just to train him and because of a lagg i gotta restart everything. My username is guccitrunkz the pokemon is Gyarados LvL 66 intimidate // Adamant OT: guccitrunkz iD : 40805930 Sorry to bother you with that, i just got a lot of stuff to do and I'm pissed of that fail because i was good for the quest and i gotta restart over for that .. So i hope you will be able to help me
  11. 1. Age 16+ and above : Yes I'm 17 2. Playtime hours at 400 or more : No, I'm at 250 3. Able to use Discord , Most Important : Of course, discord is a NEED when you play lot of online games 4. Your previous Guild, why did you leave them (in case you were Kicked, then why?) : I quit on my own, i was in Calamity but 5 months ago i quit the game, it was starting to get boring but now I'm back. Sadly the guild doesn't seem the same and look " dead " compared to before so yeah 5. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? : Mostly having fun, but i want to look forward and slowly start to do PvP. My ign ? guccitrunkz
  12. What's your IGN? guccitrunkz How many hours do you have in PRO? 246~ hours What is your discord ID? [X_X] Ru1n3r#9909 How far are you in story? Story finished How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) Regularly but i'd be honest im kinda lazy like i need good reason to get on well for hunting it is what really make me active IG Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? Hmm i'd say both Have you ever been banned in game and why? Hmm one time yes for " hack " but staff doesnt let me know but i only play on mobile, how can we hack on a phone a game like that. But i guess it was a mistake so it is all good, please don't judge me on that Why do you want to join Calamity guild? I honeslty have no idea, just because i was lookibg through all guild forum and 2-3 was more attractive including this one, i usually cant find a guild that match me cause i got problem of saying what i think and mostly about staff... I dont like power abusing and not letting people express them self. But i think joining a guild can be helpful to me because why being all alone in a game with such hard mechanic when you can join and friendly guild ? Hope it is enough for y'all to accept me. Happy holidays !!!
  13. Name change Username : guccitrunkz New username : Sc4tterz Server to charge the money from : gold
  14. In-Game Name: guccitrunkz Discord Tag: Mini Mouse.Jr#9909 Server: gold How often do you use Discord? Every day What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Being more comprehensive, not power abusing. And answer faster maybe.
  15. Hello staff and sorry to bother... I would like to ask you if it was possible to revive the manaphy in temple for me. Reason is that while the changing host of PRO and the zombie crashing problem my manaphy got deleted and i talked about it with WalrossKastanie in discord and he said that he'll regenerate the manaphy to the player who lost it but me it didn't come back and then when i tried talking to walrozz he stopped reply me. I actually have no proof of the conversation with walross or my manaphy cause i didn't screen shot my manaphy and i just made a clean up of my discord conversation, but please hope you'll consider this not as a lieing but it really true
  16. Sorry but i accidentely release the wrong poke, i were hunting pansear and going tk release some bad but i released my rotom. Can i get it back please??? ID Screenshot: 20651085 Server: gold
  17. Pseudo dans le jeu : Gliitched Temps de jeu : 1hr00 Âge :15 Quelques mots sur vous : Je suis sociable et très amicale, si je peux répondre a vos questions concernant PRO je serais heureux de vous aider. Je ris un peu a Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : oui, je suis sur le serveur de la French Connexion (Ace_XmasFather) Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : 1er badge, j'avance le plus vite que je peux j ai commencer il y a même pas 1hr Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : Collection PM et faire du PVP Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? Aucune raison en exception, mais je crois mieux avancer avec votre guilde non pour le bonus exp mais parce que vous êtes fr et ne demander aucune nb d'heure
  18. How Many Hours? 82 Do You Have Discord? yes Are You Done Story? If Not How Far Are You In The Story?nope I'm doing hoenn quest Do You Have A PVP team? (Just Curious) no but I'm hunting for PvP poke maybe I have some in my storage that I don't know xD Do You Have Time To Chat With Us In Game Or In Discord? yes of course Discord ID and Username? (If You Have One)Guccitrunkz#4571 and ign is guccitrunkz
  19. Guild Application Form: Please fill out the application below and post it as a comment, our guild staff will contact you if you've been accepted via discord or directly in game. What's your IGN? How many hours do you have in PRO? Do you have discord? How far are you in story? How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? [ATTACH=full]41961[/ATTACH] IGN:guccitrunkz discorde tag:guccitrunkz#4571 yes i have discord im active in game mostly for hunt PvP poke and finish story and right now I have 82hrs did. right now I'm doing hoenn quest (leveling up rattata) and evo poke /I have 240 poke caught I'm more a pve player but I like to PvP sometimes that's why I'm hunting good poke
  20. [ATTACH=full]46397[/ATTACH] 1.my IGN is guccitrunks → discord tag : guccitrunkz#4571 2. im at 82hrs 3.Fav Poke would be froakie 4.i would say im a hunter
  21. hi I have 76hr in game name is guccitrunkz discord I'd is guccitrunjz#4571
  22. Hi i would like to join im still in learning cause im nee im at johto and did 50hr. I know some styff on pvp and i have a good knowlegde of pokemon My discord tag is : guccitrunkz#4571 In gamename is guccitrunkz im really active
  23. Pseudo dans le jeu : guccitrunkz Temps de jeu : 45hr Âge : 15 Quelques mots sur vous : Je suis un gars assez mature quand le moment est important ou sérieux mais sinon j ai essayer de faire rigoler les autres. Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? :Oui mon tag ses → guccitrunkz#4571 Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? :j en suis a johto a goldenrod Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? :La collection de pokemon et avoir le plus de shiny Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? Honnêtement je n ai aucune chose a dire poyr sa ses libre a vous tout ce que je peux dire c est que je suis déterminé et même si j arrive pas a quelques chose bah jvais m acharnée pour l avoir. Mais aussi parce les guildes anglais sont plus dur car mon anglais est assez moyen xD J espère pouvoir vous rejoindre
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