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Everything posted by Shinohara

  1. Hi again @Pop1234 ! We would like to inform you that after Johto, the next region is HOENN. In order to reach Hoenn you need to level up to 80 a Rattata caught by you, because it must have your name as OT, and then beat Youngster Joey that you can find outside the Kanto & Johto league. We would also like to suggest and inform you that you are able to catch a level 50-54 Rattata in the Mt. Silver Expert Belt and that the suggested places to level it up are Mt. Silver, Dragon Den, Victory Road or Seafoam Island B4F. About Sevii Islands, to be able to reach them you have to be Kanto champion and have the Membership active. After that, talk to the Sevii Islands Sailor in Vermilion City Dock. You can check Sevii Islands guide here: SEVII ISLANDS GUIDE Also, Is it possible that the trainer you are talking about is Red, that can be found in the Mt. Silver Summit? If yes, battling Red serves as one of the requirements to be able to reach the TRAINER VALLEY through the SUBWAY Let me know if something is unclear or if you have any further question about it, have a great day !
  2. Hi again ! Unfortunately i've found no account named like that, that means he has yet to activate his account. Could you please make him try to register with a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome and, if possible, make him try that with his smartphone. Also which email provider are you using? Generally, GMAIL, YAHOO and OUTLOOK are the most reliable to use to register a new account. Let us know if you've been successful in solving your issue. Looking for a reply, have a great day !
  3. Hi @MrFollo13 ! We're sorry for the inconvenience experienced. Could you please tell us what is the error you're getting? You can even add a screenshot of the error if that's easier for you. Also, could you please check the following things : Looking for a reply, have a great day !
  4. Hi @Pop1234 ! Could you please explain to us what are you asking? Also, please try to be as much specific and accurate as possible. Looking for a reply, have a great day !
  5. We are really happy to see that you've solved your issue. If you have any further question, please don't hesitate to ask ! With that said i will now lock the thread, we wish you good luck and wonderful day !
  6. Can you please clarify to me if you have been successful to fix your issue? Also, if you solved that, you can also leave us the username of your friend so we are able to check that too. If you didn't solve your issue, please let us know. Looking for a reply, have a great day !
  7. Hi @angelluissolana ! We're sorry fro the inconvenience. Could you please try to make your friend resend the activation email with the procedure you find at this link: RESEND. If this should not work yet, please try with a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome. Also which email provider are you using? Generally, GMAIL, YAHOO and OUTLOOK are the most reliable to use to register a new account. Also, if this should not work, try to do the procedure using your smartphone. Be sure to check If a spam filter or email rule moved the email, it might be in the Spam, Junk, Trash, Deleted Items, or Archive folder. Also, plese refrain to post your personal info (e.g email, ip, etc) in public cause they are part of your privacy. Let us know if you've been successful in solving your issue. Looking for a reply, have a great day !
  8. Hi @skunk1 ! We're sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please try to resend your activation email with the procedure you find at this link: RESEND. If this should not work yet, please try with a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome. Also which email provider are you using? Generally, GMAIL, YAHOO and OUTLOOK are the most reliable to use to register a new account. Also, if this should not work, try to do the procedure using your smartphone. Let us know if you've been successful in solving your issue. Looking for a reply, have a great day !
  9. Hi @xXEMBERKILLAXx ! We are sorry for the inconvenience. This is an issue that can be caused by two things: Due to the merge your Pokémon get re-ordered automatically and it may happen that, while you haven't finished the story part of your current region, some Pokémon gets stuck in your party and you can't move them until you finish the story of the current region. A recent client had a bug where all Pokémon you caught may had a wrong region as caught region and so, if you were still completing the story of another region, those Pokémon would have been locked in your party until you would have finished the story of the current region. However, we've now moved your blocked Pokémon to the last slots of your PC storage. Also, in case you should find again this issue in the future, please use the POKEMON STUCK IN PARTY MEGATHREAD. Could you please check that?
  10. Hi @Yojin ! We are sorry for the inconvenience. We would like to inform that you didn't merge yet and we would also like to ensure you that you didn't lose your progress and everything is still there, and we'll now help you to get it back. Take note that the Red and Blue server has merged to form the Silver Server, and the Yellow Server is now renamed as the Gold Server. You will need to merge your accounts by log in the DASHBOARD and merge your accounts. I checked your account and it seems like you have 136 hours on the Red Server, so if you want to have back your progress you have to select Red Server as your main server. To merge your account you can use the following guide under the spoilers: [spoiler= Step 1] Log into your dashboard and click the [Merge is required] button: [spoiler=Step 2] Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done! We also suggest to read the MERGE FAQ for questions you may have as well as the COMMON MERGE ERRORS:FAQ if you may experience any issue while merging. If after the merge you should still get the Invalid Password/Username error, please go ahead and change your password from the DASHBOARD, ensuring that it is alphanumerical (characters from a to z, from 0 to 9) In case you are interested, you can find the threads with all the latest update and spawn changelog here: UPDATE LOGS SPAWN CHANGELOG & HALLOWEEN SPAWN CHANGELOG, take note that the halloween event will end the 30th November. Let us know if something is unclear or you have experienced any issue. We wish you a great day !
  11. Hi @Samekh15 ! We're sorry for the inconvenience. We would like to inform you that while merging you selected Blue Server as your main and that you had zero hours played on Blue. Instead, you had 14 hours played on the Red Server and that means that your progress on this account was on the Red Server. Take note that when you select the wrong server while merging, and so you will select one where you never played like you did now with the Blue server, your story progress will be resetted and so you will have to play again the story. However, you will keep both your Items and Pokémon in any case. If you are interested, we are able to unmerge your account if you have not made any trade while on the Silver server. So, let us know about that. About the Pokémon and Items that you say you've lost, it seems like you have an account called Dovahsebrom that has 68 hours of play time on the Gold Server. This is your account with more progress, is it possible that this is the account you are looking for? Looking for a reply, have a great day !
  12. Welcome back ! Hope you will enjoy your adventure !
  13. Welcome back ! Hope you will enjoy the new contents !
  14. Hi @SIO2020 ! We're sorry for the inconvenience. We would like to thank you for the report and inform you that it has been forwarded to the relevant parties. As stated from our Developer, this will be fixed with the next server update. However, unfortunately, we're unable to de-evolve your Mothim to Burmy as stated in our Evolution & Deleveling Request Megathread: Also, please refrain to create multiple threads with the same topic in different sub-forums and remember to use the correct one. Since your question have been answered, i will now lock the thread. We thank you again and wish you a great day !
  15. Hi @SIO2020 ! We're sorry for the inconvenience. We would like to thank you for the report and inform you that it has been forwarded to the relevant parties. As stated from our Developer, this will be fixed with the next server update. However, unfortunately, we're unable to de-evolve your Mothim to Burmy as stated in our Evolution & Deleveling Request Megathread: Also, please refrain to create multiple threads with the same topic in different sub-forums and remember to use the correct one. Since your question have been answered, i will now lock the thread. We thank you again and wish you a great day !
  16. Hi @iremmi ! We're sorry for the inconvenience experienced. Could you please check if you meet the requirements to play the game: -[/hr] If you meet the requirements, check that your connection is not having any problem and, if possible, try to use another connection and follow this procedure. Make sure to delete PRO Client/Application and all the files related to the game, temporary files included. After deleting the client and all the files, you can use a software like CCLEANER to clear the temporary files in the easiest way. Also, if you are from smartphone, restart your device. After that, make sure to clean your cookie and cache and try use another browser to download the latest client from PRO WEBSITE DOWNLOAD PAGE Let us know if you've been successful in fixing your issue. Looking for a reply, have a great day !
  17. Welcome to PRO ! Enjoy the game !
  18. Hi @Sebasderre ! We're sorry for the inconvenience experienced. Did you receive the dialogue after entering the cave in Route 25? If not, try to get the dialogue to pop up by going in and out keeping Entei as your first Pokémon in the team. If you have been successful in receiving the dialogue which says to look for Scientist Rey in the Bell tower, go in the Bell Tower and take note that the Scientist Rey has been moved to Bell Tower Floor 10 due to the addition of the Ho-Oh miniboss. You should be able to see the Scientist Rey in the area shown in the image posted below into the spoiler. If you should not see him in this location, please take a screenshot and post it here in the thread. [spoiler=Scientist Rey Location] Also, could you please try to talk with the Old Man in Ecruteak City and screenshot the dialogue you receive? The Old Man can be found in this area: [spoiler=Old Man Location] For any info related to the quest, you can check the LEGENDARY EVENT MOVE QUEST. Looking for a reply, have a great day.
  19. Hi @Bacon2DSXL ! We're sorry for the inconvenience experienced and we would like to thank you for your thread created to help our community. We would like to inform you that the Silver server was currently down due to technical difficulties, and so it was impossible to fix it with any of the suggested methods. However, you should now be able to log on again. We would also like to inform you that even if the server stability isn't perfect, we're always working and trying to improve it. Also, you can check the server status on our OFFICIAL PRO Discord by using the command ^up in the bot-commands channel. Take note that an announcement will also be made there for any update regarding PRO, like the one it was made to inform the players about these technical difficulties. Thank you for mentioning the rules and to remind to people to follow them. You can check all the rules here: PRO RULES With that said, i will now lock the thread. We thank you and wish you a great day !
  20. Hi @SilentCreeper ! We're sorry for the inconvenience experienced. We would like to inform you that the Silver server was currently down due to technical difficulties. However, you should now be able to log on again. Also, i moved your thread, but please refrain to ask about the server status here on the forum and remember to use the correct sub-forum in the future. We would also like to inform you that even if the server stability isn't perfect, we're always working and trying to improve it. You can check the server status on our OFFICIAL PRO Discord by using the command ^up in the bot-commands channel. Take note that an announcement will also be made there for any update regarding PRO. About your suggestion regard the "new avatars", you are free to create a thread in the SUGGESTIONS SUB-FORUM following the forum rules. With that said, i will now lock the thread. We wish you a great day !
  21. Hi there and welcome to the PRO General Information Guide. This guide is designed to teach you the basics of PRO. This guide will also inform you on the differences from the original games. You black out once all your pokemon are fainted. When you black out, you are sent to your last visited Pokecenter. You will also lose 5% of your current money each time you black out with a maximum of 50.000 Poké Dollar. As stated in the Suggestions Sticky, breeding was removed to fulfill PRO's goal of becoming an MMO. Breeding would make everyone self-sufficient and would therefore ruin the social, economical, and hunting aspects of PRO. For these reasons, breeding will most likely never be added into the games despite the Eggs Tab in your backpacks. The Eggs Tab currently has no function, but it's there for future updates. For Egg moves, you may access them through the Daycare's Egg Move Tutors. For moves only lower evolutions can learn, there is also a Pre-Evo Tutor at the back of every Daycare. For more information on how to unlock the Daycares and its tutors, please refer to the Egg Moves Guide. Most evolutions in PRO are coded according to the Pokemon games. However, there are some changes to evolutions that have been made to certain pokemon. For more information on changes in evolution, please check out the Evolutions Coded Differently thread. The Happiness Bar of a pokemon can be seen in its Pokemon Information Card. To see the exact value of a pokemon's happiness, do /happy <Slot 1-6>. Happiness can be raised in different ways and a Soothe Bell doubles happiness gained. For more information on how to raise happiness, please check out the Happiness Guide. There are a few Legendaries that are obtainable to players as of now. Darkai and Regice are no longer obtainable. However, they have been available to players in the past due to events. More information on how to catch the currently available legendary pokemon can be found in the Legendary Megathread. There are a bunch of legendaries that are obtainable to players with new additions over time. Some legendaries are only available on seasonal repeating events. More information on how to catch the currently available legendary Pokémon can be found in the corresponding Wiki page. In PRO, you can link pokemon in chats by dragging them from your party or PC into the chat. Linked Pokemon in chat can be clicked. This will allow you to see the Pokemon's IVs, Ability, Current Statistics, Nature, Level, Hidden Power and Gender. Ordinary pokemon are linked in Teal. Shiny Pokemon are linked in Purple. Pink Pokemon are linked in Pink. Event pokemon have their corresponding link colors. Your pokemon are locked each time you enter a new region. You regain access to locked pokemon after the 8th gym of the region you are in. This was done to ensure difficulty and fairness in completing regions. To access your pokemon's Information Card, simply click on your pokemon's icon in your party or your PC. It contains the pokemon's ID Number, Region, Level, Gender, Happiness, Ability, Nature, OT, Moves, Current Statistics, IVs, EVs, and Moves. The white statistic is the Pokemon's current overall stat value. Natures work the same as in normal games. They have different effects on your Pokemon's statistics. Therefore, the green statistic is boosted while the orange statistic is lowered. If none are colored, then your nature is neutral and does not affect statistics. For further information regarding Pokémon stats, check out the stat explanation's guide. EVs and IVs work the same as in the normal games. The orange values are the pokemon's IVs while the blue values are the pokemon's EVs. Below is an example of a Pokemon Information Card. Just like the original games, PRO's shiny chance is 1/8192. The chance of Pink Pokemon on Pinkan Island is 1/1500. Event pokemon have their own corresponding spawn rates. For more information on special pokemon rates, feel free to check out the Special Counterparts Thread. In order to trade, use the mailbox, and use the Trade channel, you'll need to have the Rainbow Badge. You cannot accept pokemon from regions you have not been in yet or if you are locked in a region. Please screenshot all your deals and trades for incase you are scammed. If you have experienced this, please upload the screenshots and report said player in the Report Center. Please refer to the Forum Images Guide for how to add photos in a thread. Please be sure to check out the Trade Rules before involving in a Trade. The more fully evolved your pokemon is, the more difficult it is to level up. Switching pokemon in and out will cause the lower leveled pokemon to gain less experience. Not all trainers reward EXP points, depending on the type and function of the NPC. The Exp Share and Lucky Egg do not exist in PRO to add difficulty along with the goal of making PRO an MMO. Levels of certain NPCs/Bosses are not disaplayed. However, they still have a current value set. Pokemon learn certain moves after reaching the required level or by TM's or HM's. Most moves and Abilities are coded and work properly but not all. For more information on moves like these, please check out the the List of Broken Moves and Abilities. You may keep an eye out in our Update Logs for when moves or abilities are coded. Take note that there are also some moves that are banned in Ranked PvP. Please be sure to check out the PvP Rules before engaging in Ranked PvP. NPCs and Wild Pokemon are smarter than in the original pokemon games. This means that they actually know how to use their movesets. They will often select a move that is super effective against your pokemon rather than a random move. PRO has currently three different PvP modes. Ranked, Unranked and Random. Ranked battles have a catch: 1 PvP Coin per win and the Ranked Ladder, but battles are regulated by PvP Rules. PvP Coins can be spent at PvP Masters in Vermilion, Olivine, Mauville, and Canalave. To join a Ranked battle, use the PvP icon, choose Ranked and wait in queue. You will then have 30 seconds to change your team's order, based on what you know thanks to the Team Preview. Unranked battles, on the contrary, are just for fun, nothing is at stake, therefore no rules are to limit them. To join an Unranked battle, you can use the PvP icon and choose Unranked then wait in queue. You can also use /battle <username>, or right click on someone's name and choose Battle to start an unranked battle. The Random battle mode is a mode where you and your opponent get six random Pokémon with random, preselected movesets. The teams of the battle participants are hidden in the beginning of the battle, all Pokemon have a neutral Nature, 31 IV's and a 85 EV invest in all stats. PvP Coins are only rewarded for every win in excess of a loss; for example, a 5-3 record that season would earn two Coins. The top-25-ranked players in a PvP season are rewarded an additional 100 Coins, which effectuates at the season's official conclusion. Regular Trainers have a 7 day cooldown. Trainers won't force battle you anymore though. Bosses have a 12 Day cooldown. Gym Leaders can be re-battled after beating the Elite 4, the Elite 4 itself can not be rebattled once defeated. TMs are single use unlike some newer Pokemon games. Gym Leader TMs are bought from the Gym Guide at the entrance of the gym. To use TM Dig outside of battle, you'll need 150+ Happiness on the pokemon with Dig. TM Rock Smash does not usually have a happiness requirement. However, it needs 220+ Happiness in Love Island for crystals. For more information on TMs and where to get them, please check out the TMs, HMs, and Move Tutor Guide. HMs can be reused infinitely. To use HMs out of battle, simply click left click or use the spacebar. To use HM Dive outside battle, you require 150+ Happiness on the pokemon with Dive. To use HM Flash outside of battle, you have to click on the move in your pokemon's Information Card. HM Fly does not have an out of battle effect. For more information on HMs and where to get them, please check out the TMs, HMs, and Move Tutor Guide. There are several Move Tutors scattered around the regions. Each move tutor has its corresponding price per tutee. To use Headbutt outside battle, you require 150+ Happiness on the pokemon with Headbutt. For more information on Move Tutors and their locations, please check out the TMs, HMs, and Move Tutor Guide. Berries cannot be planted by players in PRO. There are set berries in each berry patch. You will have to wait for berries to respawn every 3 days for outdoor berries and 4 days for EV berry trees in mazes. EV Berries are obtained from Headbutting Trees, the Goldenrod Berry Shop or the Berry Tower. For more information on how to acquire Berries and their functions, please check out the Berries Guide. Running Shoes are not implemented in PRO as you already walk 1.5x the speed in normal games. However, Bikes and Mounts are a way to move faster in PRO. Take note that they provide the same speed. You can obtain a Bike by capturing a Ditto with your OT and turning it in to the Youngster in the house right of Vermilion PC. Afterwards, you'll get a Bike Voucher which you can turn in at the Cerulean Bike shop to get a Bike for 60k. Mounts on the other hand can be obtained from Player-Hosted and Official Events, the Coin Shop, PvP/PvE Masters, or bought from other players. The Old Rod can be found in the house on the left side of the Vermilion Mart. The Good Rod can be found in Fuchsia City House 1 for 15k. You must own the Old Rod. The Super Rod can be found in Olivine City House 1 for 75k. You must own the Good Rod. You cannot trade these as they are a key item. Items can be equipped by a pokemon by dragging the item from your backpack to the pokemon's icon in your party. To take an item, simply click on the item in the pokemon's information card. Items can be obtained in various ways. For more information on Items and where they can be obtained, feel free to check out the Items Guide. Please take note that reroll tickets only work on Legendary Pokemon. You are able to purchase a nature reroll ticket for 75 PvP coins from the PvP Masters in Vermilion City, Olivine City, Mauville City and Canalave City. You may also get a Reroll Ticket for 150 PvP coins there too, which can be used to reroll your legendary’s IVs. In addition, you can talk to the Reroll Ticket Exchanger in Vermilion to get two Nature Reroll Tickets for one Reroll Ticket. Besides purchasing tickets for PvP coins, you may also buy them off of other players in the Trade chat. You may also get them from various quests like the Battle Tower and Solaceon News Reporter quests. After purchasing, you will have to go to Psychic Marina in Vermilion City who will reroll your Nature/IVs for the Nature reroll Ticket or Reroll Ticket respectively. Please take note that it will take the coupons before your coins. She also offers a double reroll mode, where you reroll your Pokemon twice while spending only one reroll. This works up to ten times in a certain time period when you spent some fee or Mysterious Ticket.
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  22. Hi there and welcome to the PRO Useful Links Thread. This thread is designed to redirect you to threads which may be of aid. This thread consists of different guides and links that may help you understand and enjoy PRO more. *Clicking on the titles will redirect you to the corresponding thread. Game Rules Forum Rules In-Game Chat Rules Trade Rules PvP Rules Website (Registration, Client Downloads, Forums etc.) Guide to the Discord Update Log Appeals Dashboard Evolution Request Megathread Forum Images Guide Hit by a Rollback How to Make a Report How to Record your Screen and Upload Videos Installing PRO on Android Installing PRO on Linux List of Available Commands List of Broken Moves and Abilities Merge information, General FAQ and Issue FAQ PRO Wiki Restore Pokemon Megathread Troubleshooting Sticky PvP Rules PvP Viability Rankings PRO Discord PRO Twitch How to Stream PRO on Twitch Kanto FAQ, Complete Kanto Walkthrough - SS Anne Quest - How to beat Kanto E4 Johto FAQ, Complete Johto Walkthrough - Goldenrod City Quest - How to train Rattata fast - How to beat Johto E4 Hoenn FAQ, Complete Hoenn Walkthrough - How to access Sootopolis - How to beat Hoenn E4 Sinnoh FAQ, Complete Sinnoh Walkthrough, How to get to Sinnoh(1), How to get to Sinnoh (2) - Missing students. Jubilife City - Vally Windworks Quest - How to reach Route 224 - How to beat Sinnoh E4 How to Access Specific Areas How to access Cerulean Cave Love Island (Video) Mirage Island Mt Silver walkthrough Nap Island Quest, Nap Island Quest (Video) Pinkan Island, Pinkan Island (Video) Petalburg Forest Maze map Sevii Islands Trainers Valley Valley of Steel Viridian Maze map 'More essential' Arcanine Mount Quest Doctor Pokemon Quest Guild Island Hoenn Teleporter Quest How to get access to Egg Moves Mt Silver walkthrough Officer Jenny, Officer Jenny(2) Trading with NPC's 'Less essential' Ash's hat quest (Kanto) Cubchoo Hat Psyduck Hat Teddiursa Hat (Johto) Abandoned Ship Quest Eeveelutionist Devan Quest (Kanto) How to get HM-02 - FLY How to get Shell Bell (Hoenn), How to get Shell Bell (Hoenn) Lilicove Medicinal Herb Quest (Hoenn) Free Rotom (Video) Miltank Farm Quest Pewter City Museum (Free Reroll) Pokemon Tower underground Rustboro Masters Quiz Rachel's friends Quest (Video) Trick House (Hoenn) Legendary Event Moves Legendary Pokémon (Collection Wiki) Legendary Mega thread (Collection Forums, not complete) Newbie stuff Boss guide for newbies How to hunt Free EXP Potion (Pre badge 1) Hidden power on PRO How to trade in PRO Hunting for Abilities Hunting guide Leveling zones for newbies Fast leveling, How to level up fast, Level up fast Pokemon stats explained, Pokemon base stats PRO enconemy (Pricing stuff etc.) (1), PRO enconemy (Pricing stuff etc.) (2) , PRO enconemy (Pricing stuff etc.) (3), Officer Jenny, Officer Jenny(2) Berries Guide Guilds in PRO All information about happiness (Pokemon) Honey Trees PVP Coins PVE Coins Repel trick guide Fishing guide "Important" Guild Island Hoenn Teleporter Quest How to access Cerulean Cave Love Island (Video) Mirage Island Mt Silver walkthrough Nap Island Quest, Nap Island Quest (Video) Pinkan Island, Pinkan Island (Video) Sevii Islands Trainers Valley Valley of Steel Less "important" Ash's hat quest (Kanto) Cubchoo Hat Psyduck Hat Teddiursa Hat (Johto) Abandoned Ship Quest Doctor Pokemon Quest Eeveelutionist Devan Quest (Kanto) How to get HM-02 - FLY How to get access to Egg Moves How to get Shell Bell (Hoenn), How to get Shell Bell (Hoenn) How to get a free Arcanine Mount (Kanto), How to get a free Arcanine Mount (Kanto) (2) Lilicove Medicinal Herb Quest (Hoenn) Free Rotom (Video) Miltank Farm Quest Officer Jenny, Officer Jenny(2) Pewter City Museum (Free Reroll) Pokemon Tower underground Rustboro Masters Quiz Rachel's friends Quest (Video) Trick House (Hoenn) Trading with NPC's Repeatable Bug catching contest BattleTower (Wiki) Celadon Daily Dig Spots (Wiki) Excavation Guide Honey Trees Item recycler World Quest, World Quest (2) Solaceon Daily Quest (News reporter), Solaceon Daily Quest (News reporter) (2) Sinnoh Underground, Sinnoh Underground (2) Benefits of membership Clothing and Mount Showcase Coin Shop Item Maniac Item Recycler TM and Move Tutor Guide Available Pokedex Data in PRO Evolutions Different in PRO Fossil Guide Boss guide, Boss guide (2) Boss guide (Baton pass) Boss guide (Mega Slowbro) Every farmable boss in one run, A boss team, How to defeat each Elite Four Mini Bosses Officer Jenny, Officer Jenny(2)
  23. For those who aren't already aware, the Red and Blue server has merged to make up the Silver Server, and the Yellow Server is now renamed as the Gold Server. If you played on either the Red or Blue server, you will need to merge game data files from both servers in order to play on the Silver server and have access to your past game data. We made this post to inform you of everything you need to know about the merge. You can choose to merge both accounts, or keep them, as shown below on this screenshot. Do note, if you decide to merge, then the story progress on one account will be deleted, but you get to keep all Pokemon, items, etc. How to merge: Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on the Merge message that appear in the page. If that does not appear, please switch to "My Account" or "Server Transfer" to make ti appear. Step 2: After that, make sure to pick the server you used to play on. Done! Make sure to select the right main server and read the General FAQ before you merge! ___________________________________________________________________ Q: What happens if my Pokemon and Items are over the limit allowed and I don't want to make a new account and merge everything into one? A: Items will cap at 999, the rest will be cut. And as for Pokemon, you will be forced to keep both accounts if the combined total is over the 1000 Pokemon limit. Q: I want to be able to choose which progress I use! How do I do it? A: Just as shown in the screenshot above, you will be able to select your progress from the server that you want. Q: I have legendaries on both servers. What will happen to them? A: If you have the same species of legendaries on both accounts, you'll have the option to keep both accounts, or to choose one of the two to keep. Q: What about my playtime? A: Playtime will be merged. Q: There is a guild on with the same name as mine on the other server! What will happen to my guild? A: All Guilds were deleted and leaders got reimbursed 400k. This is to prevent any collisions that may occur. Important: Guilds had one week to recreate their guilds if they have a guild post that was older than a week. Q: What are the new server names? A: Gold and Silver! Q: Does it take long to merge? A: Absolutely not. It's easy and quickly done. Q: I play PRO on my phone, can I do the merge with it? A: Yes, the website is phone compatible. Q: My account is banned, can I still merge it? A: You can't. If you are only banned on one server then you can keep both accounts, but you have to rename the account that's not banned. Important: If you are currently appealing then it might be better to wait for the final outcome and decide afterwards. Q: What happens to my mails? A: They will be merged. The sender will be changed to Eaty, but the original sender will be added to the title. Q: I need a list of all my guildies, is this possible? A: Yes, you will automatically get mails with a list of all your old guildies. Q: Do I lose something with the merge? A: Pretty much everything will be merged except the clothes you wear. The clothes you wear on the server you didn't choose as main server will be deleted. To prevent this you should take them off before you merge your account! Q: Not related to the merge, but when does Eaty recover my legendary? A: Good question and related to the merge! Legendaries won't be recovered anymore. If you want your legendary back you can do this: Choose the server you didn't catch it yet as main server Merge your accounts Fulfill the requirements for the legendary Catch it again! If you deleted your legendary recently then they can still be recovered. _______________________________________________________ Q: I'm getting an "Invalid Password" error, what do I do? A: If you haven't yet merged your accounts, please do so in your dashboard and it should resolve your issue. Q: I've already merged both my Red and Blue account but I'm still getting an "Invalid Password" error! What do I do?! A: If you have already merged your data for the Silver server and get an "Invalid Password" error when logging in, please go ahead and change your password here, ensuring that it is alphanumerical. Q: I accidentally chose the wrong main server and now all my gym badges are missing! A: This is why we added a confirmation box to ensure that players would select their proper server. However, staff can assist and unmerge your account if you chose the wrong server as main; note however that this offer is only available once and exclusively if you never traded on Silver server. In the worst case scenario, you will need to do your story quest over again, but you should have kept your Pokemon and items. Q: I merged my accounts, but some Pokemon I released are back in my box and now some of my Pokemon are missing! A: Please try to release a few unwanted Pokemon. Afterward, log off and back in, and the 'hidden' Pokemon should now appear for you. If this is not the case, please make a post in General Support and let us know as much detail as possible so Admins can assist you as efficiently as possible. Information like the missing Pokemon(s) ID numbers, Nature, Ability, may greatly help us as well. Q: I can't store some of my Pokemon and they are stuck in my team, what do I do?! A: Please take a look at This Topic. Regarding the Pokemon Limit: Due to the recent mass restoration of deleted Pokémon for some people leading them to reach a 1000 stored, following the merge process, it appears that a lot of people now think that the Pokémon PC storage limit has been raised from 900 to 1000. This is not technically true; the maximum storage capacity has always been 1000, hence the 67 visible boxes, however one cannot use any ball in battle anymore once one has 900 Pokémon. The extra storage space is for trades or Pokémon handed over, exclusively. So if you have 900 Pokémon—especially on Silver due to the merge fix—I would advise you to release a bunch before going out on a hunt. We unfortunately can't provide help for uncaught Pokémon due to the catching limit set at 900 stored, since Pokémon only get their data saved a couple minutes after the catch itself, or if the user relogs to force-save it (which is advised to do for valuable Pokémon to avoid any risk to lose it in a potential rollback if the server crashes). Re-spawning one of any kind is out of the question for ethical reasons, since it would be equal to spawning a new one, with different randomized stats and such. Apologies for the inconveniences caused; PRO Staff is doing their best to properly address your concerns and make the merge as easy as possible for all players. Please stay patient with us, and if your question isn't answered in this thread, please make a post in General Support with as much information as possible so we can assist you.
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  24. PRO Game Rules apply to all aspects of the PRO environment, inclusive of Discord, Forums, Ingame, etc. GENERAL FORUM RULES Deplorable behavior such as foul language, profanity, harassment, and excessive toxicity is not allowed. Spam is not tolerated here under any form and circumstance. This includes, but is not limited to, offering services (charged and free), trading of things outside of PRO, recruiting members for your own projects (moderators, designers, professional MOD work, etc.). Do not message members of staff in following cases; Appealing for a ban, Looking for support, Applying for a team, offering various services and so on. Those messages will be trashed and won't be replied to. If you need help with something use the Resolution Center sub-forum. Mini-Modding is prohibited. We encourage to bring any rule violation to the attention of the Staff Team via the report button or through the proper forum. Do not respond to such topics yourself. Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media and so on. They have the right to report you for you plagiarizing their own work. Do not link illegal material such as torrent content sites. Advertising in any form and way is against the rules. In case you want to advertise something you deem of a good nature, contact developers or administrators when you have the requirements to do so. In appeals, complaints and trade posts you are allowed a bump every 24 hours. RULES FOR AVATARS AND SIGNATURES Content in signatures and avatars should be PG as per the game/forum rules, not profane and also consistent with normal writing and abide by the general forum rules. You may not include hidden text or links. Those will be deleted instantly. Respect the given size limits. Do not try to bypass it by having more images or links. You can have more links and images but size must not exceed of a signature or avatar. If the account you use is suspended due to breaking any of the rules above you have a right to appeal. During the appeal process we will take into consideration the rule broken, your behaviour during your time as an appealer, and your behaviour before you were suspended.
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  25. Punishment Policy What is the Punishment Policy The Punishment Policy is a system created to help the Staff Members to ensure that every single player is treated fairly and equally when it comes to issuing a punishment for a violation of the Game Rules. It is good, however, to point out that punishments escalate based on the punishment history of the user being punished. For example, two users might receive different punishments (i.e., type of punishment + number of days) for breaking the same exact rule if one of them has already violated said rule while the other has not. Terminology Severity levels : A method that staff use to help categorize the severity of various infractions. Mute : Prevents the user from using Public Chats for a specified period of time. Quiet Ban : Completely prevents the user from talking in PMs, Public Chats and Local Chat for a specified period of time. Trade Ban : Prevents the user from trading or sending Mails for a specified period of time. Temporary Server Ban : Completely prevents the user from logging in to the server for a specified period of time. Perm Ban : Permanently prevents the user from logging in to the server. Special Ban : A cutom ban that can be issued by Management and Administrators. Issued for really, really, bad things. Continued S1/2/3 Infraction: Infraction of that severity repeated to a point it escalated to the next level. Punishments & Severity To reduce the amount of workaround and abuse, the duration of each punishment won't be disclosed to Players. CHAT INFRACTIONS Inappropriate Behaviour. Misuse of Channels & Languages. Distribution of False Information. Advertising of personal channels, other Pokemon games and services not related to PRO without permission. PUNISHMENTS : Mutes, Quite Ban, Kick from server. FORUM INFRACTIONS Inappropriate Behaviour. Minor Spam. Mini-Modding. Plagiarising of other Users, Sites, Media etc. Inappropriate Avatar/Signature. Hidden Links/Messages in Avatar/Signature. Avatar/Signature Containing Graphics Portraying PRO Ranks. Excessive Spam. Harassment. Impersonating Staff. Inappropriate Advertisement. PUNISHMENTS : Forum Warning, Forum Ban, Suspension, Mute Bans. HIGHER CHAT INFRACTION Continued S1 Infractions. Deplorable Behaviour (Hate Speech/Threats/Racism/Harassment). Insulting & Harassing Staff. Discussing Adult Content in Chats. Disrespect and Toxic/Trashtalk behaviour directed to staff and users. Staff Impersonation. PUNISHMENTS : Mute Bans, Temp Bans, Perm Ban. TRADE INFRACTION False Offers/Selling/Lending. Deceiving/Misleading. Attempted Scam & Accomplice. Successful Scam & Accomplice. PUNISHMENTS : Trade Bans, Perm Ban. RATING PVP INFRACTIONS Abuse of Bugged Moves & Breaking PvP Rules. Illegitimate Rank Boosting. Using more than two alternate Accounts in the Ranked Ladder. Having Alternate Accounts on the End-Of-Season Top 25. PUNISHMENTS : PvP Bans, Mute Bans, Temp Bans, Perm Ban, Rating reset, PvP Coin resets and Tournament Bans IN-GAME MAIL INFRACTIONS Sending abusive mail. (Chat infraction via mail). Mail spam. PUNISHMENTS : Trade Bans, Temp Bans, Perm Ban. MODERATION INFRACTIONS Continued S2 Infractions. Inappropriate Usernames. False Screenshots/Evidence. Account Hacking. Inappropriate Use of Guild Logo/Plagiarism. PUNISHMENTS : Perm Ban. HIGHEST GAME INFRACTIONS Mass Accounts. Glitch Abuse & Accomplice. Attempted AND/OR Successful RMT (Account/Pokemon/Pokedollar/Items Selling) & Accomplice. Hiding the rule breaking information or culprit itself (both staff or player). Use of Macros, Automated Software, Speedhack or Multiboxing. PUNISHMENTS : Perm Ban. ADMIN LEVEL INFRACTIONS Continued S3 Infractions. Client Hacking/Modification. Threats Against Server/Game. Advertising/Links of Malicious Apps & Illicit Programs. Staff violating Staff Rules PUNISHMENTS : Perm Ban, Special Bans. STAFF-PLAYER INFRACTIONS Leaking staff information (If Staff leaks it and then Player spread it instead of reporting to an Admin) Excessive harassment towards staff. PUNISHMENTS : Temp Bans, Perm Ban, Special Bans The Punishment Policy is a guideline for staff, harsher or bespoke punishments can be added and issued by staff if the majority of the Moderation Team and Management Team agrees upon it. At any time, new punishment reasons may be added or changed to keep PRO as a healthy environment. Staff are not immune to the rules and are trained to follow the PP whilst apprentices. Abuse of this can lead to demotion. Credits to: Nikola & PRO Moderation Team : Writing the first Punishment Policy and reference. Daeon : Re-writing the Punishment Policy (Dec 2016). Letrix : Revamping the PP and Punishment Policy reference. Shinohara/Keita: Adjusted, Updated and Rewritten the Punishment Policy.
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