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Everything posted by Maisa

  1. Hi @Gerry97 Welcome to PRO! First, i'd like to invite you to our Official PRO Discord server to keep up-to-date with new content and updates, and to chat with the community. If you're interested in joining a guild, feel free to visit the Guilds page. There are a few Italian guilds available, just choose your pick. ^^ Also, you can check the Player Zone as there are many sub-forums that can be useful for you. I'll leave you to it now. Good luck and have fun!
  2. Hi there @Me1odias I've recovered your Lillipup, he should be in the last slot of your PC. If this happens again in the future, please do make a post in the Restore Pokemon Megathread. Since the issue has been solved, i'll be locking this thread. Feel free to make another one if you need anything else. Thanks and have a lovely day!
  3. Hi @Beruche Sorry for the delay. I have forwarded this to our developers and we are trying to figure out what the problem could be. Unfortunately figuring out a solution to the issue might take a while as all focus is being prioritized on the upcoming update and mega evolutions. We will let you know if there's any news regarding the bug. Once again I apologize for the inconvenience, and I thank you for your patience. Have a nice day!
  4. Hi @cris3644 If you've recently started the Heatran Quest, simply talk to Buck after defeating the level 99 Heatran to get your masterballs back. Hopefully this helps you, have a nice day.
  5. Hi there @cris3644 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Have you recently started any quests such as the Pinkan Island Quest or the Heatran Quest, as these quests temporarily take all types of pokeballs that you currently have in your bag. Speaking to the NPC who took your pokeballs, the pokemon ranger and Buck respectively will return your pokeballs. Looking forward to your reply. Have a nice day!
  6. Hi @BlurryFaceee Welcome to PRO! As Bhimoso has stated, it's fine if you speak in Portuguese as long as you use the "Other" chat in-game. If you are interested in joining a guild, I recommend you to have a look at our guilds page, or if you want to engage with the whole community then I would like to invite you to our Official PRO Discord server. Not only can you talk with other players, but you can also stay up-to-date with new content and updates. Additionally, the Player Zone is a good place to meet up with new people and talk about things as well, but i'll let you explore the rest by yourself. ^^ Good luck and have fun!
  7. Hi there @BVilela Sorry for the inconvenience. To be able to use dig outside of battle, you need to have defeated the 3rd gym which is in Vermilion, and as Darmantian stated, your pokemon needs to have 150 happiness. You can check how much happiness points your pokemon has by typing: /happy 1-6, with the numbers being the slot order your pokemon is in. To learn more about digging, feel free to check out the PRO Wiki page here. I hope this helps you, if you have any further questions please let me know. Have a nice day!
  8. The 3 boss fights must be in Medium or Hard in order for you to be able to choose the 3rd time reward.
  9. Hi @Ignaz1989 The Celadon Task Master does not take your pokemon. You simply need to show him the pokemon that he requests. The following is a list of the shiny pokemon you can get after 50 times: The chances of getting a shiny pokemon through bosses and the pve coin shop are all the same, and that number is 1/8192, however if you've defeated the boss three times in a row, you have the option to synchronize the pokemon or have a 1/4096 chance of it being a random nature shiny, regardless of having an active membership or not. Hope that answers all your questions, feel free to reply here if you want to know anything else. :)
  10. Hi @Kumiho You might have encountered the Entei through bosses or other NPC's. That's a common issue with the requirements for the legendary beasts as well as Latios and Latias. Thankfully you can continue the quest now, and don't worry about wasting my time, as you didn't. ^^ Since the issue has been solved, i'll be locking this thread. If you have any further problems or questions, feel free to make another one. Thank you and have a lovely day!
  11. Hi there, welcome to PRO! Since you said you just started using the forums more, here are some sub-forums that might be helpful for you. Check them out. Game Rules: The rules that include trading, and in-game chat can be found here. Make sure to give them a quick read. Player Zone: You can find anything from guilds, suggestions, and general game talk here. It's best if you go ahead and explore yourself though. ^^ Trade Zone: You can advertise, sell, and buy your pokemon here. Game guides: Find multiple guides here ranging from the story, to making money, to catching legendary pokemon. Guilds: Check this page out if you're interested in discovering and joining a guild to meet new people. Finally, feel free to join our Official PRO Discord server to stay up-to-date with new updates, or just have a chill time with the community. So good luck and have fun!
  12. Hi there @Kumiho I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please confirm to me that you've interacted with Entei at Johto Safari Mountain Zone, and Suicune at Tohjo Falls? As a reference, please check out the Legendary Megathread. I'm looking forward to your reply, have a nice day.
  13. Hi there @Moethchdn I'm sorry for the caused inconvenience. This is a known bug, and unfortunately can happen randomly. To fix this, simply make your pokemon lose happiness, such as by having it faint, and it should evolve when leveled up. I've deleveled your Gible for you, can you please try to lose some happiness, restart your client, and level her up again. Looking forward to your reply. Have a great day!
  14. Hi @6peanuts No problem. I'll be locking this thread now since your questions have been answered. If you need anything else, please do make another one. Good luck and have a nice day!
  15. Hi @6peanuts Unfortunately there is no way to organize the pc. You will have to either search up a name of the pokemon you want to find or manually find them through the page. Released pokemon are deleted, but you can however request a recovery if you accidentally released a pokemon you wanted to keep, in the Restore Pokemon Megathread. Regarding your pokedex progress, Prof.Oak will count all the pokemon you've seen or caught regardless if you've released them or not, so releasing them should be fine, but do note that some quests such as obtaining the bike voucher quest, or the Hoenn access quest require OT Ditto and Rattata respectively. I hope this helped you out, please do let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you and have a lovely day!
  16. Maisa


    Hi @Pokestar1 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. This is a known bug and the CS team are working on a fix for it. It might take some time because of the upcoming update. Can you please check once again if the NPC spawned there for you though? This has happened to a few players before as well and the NPC's have appeared for them. I hope this helped you. Have a nice day!
  17. Hi @konichi24 Don't worry about it, i'm just glad your issue has been solved. Since it has, i'll be locking this thread now, if you have any further problems please make another one. Thank you and have a nice day!
  18. Hi @Abraham72059 Glad to know the issue has been solved. Since it has, i'll be locking the thread now. If you have any further questions or doubts, feel free to make another one. Have a lovely day :)
  19. Hi @vincentloy99 Glad to see the issue has been solved, since it has, i'll be locking the thread now. If you have any further issues, feel free to make another one. Have a lovely day!
  20. Hello @Abraham72059 I'm sorry for the caused inconvenience. I have reported this to the CS team and the bug has been fixed. You should be able to re-enter Dock Island House 2 and Phione will spawn beside the table. Please let me know if this solves your issue. Thank you for reporting and have a nice day!
  21. Hi there @vincentloy99 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for reporting this. I have forwarded it to the CS team and it has been fixed. You should be able to re-enter Dock Island House 2 and Phione will spawn beside the table. I hope this solves the issue, please let me know it worked for you. Have a wonderful day!
  22. Hi @Jdude I'm glad the issue got resolved. Since it has, i'll be locking this thread now, If you have any further questions or issues, feel free to make another one. Have a great day!
  23. Hi @thegioidota Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please tell me if this issue is still there or has it been solved? Looking forward to your reply. Have a great day.
  24. Hi @i3dontknow32 I've recovered your Honedge and it should be in the last slot of your PC. If you accidentally release a pokemon in the future, please do make a post here instead: Restore Pokemon Megathread. Since the issue has been solved, i'll be locking the thread now. If you need further assistance feel free to make another thread. Thanks and have a lovely day!
  25. Hello @Jdude Thank you for your response and the details you've given. Unfortunately, I can't reset the cool-down of the bot or get you back to how many wins you previously had, however, this is a known bug and the CS team are working to solve it. For now, if something similar to this ever happens again, be it either bosses or suspicious bot, please do report it here. Hopefully this clears up any doubts you have. If you have any further questions, feel free to reply here. Thank you and have a great day.
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