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Everything posted by Haruyukio

  1. @Subhammaster please change the title as its not 25+ (4 on speed) as its a misleading title.
  2. Hello, To clear further doubts , auction ends in Monday, January 3, 2022, 09:24 PM GMT+2 ~Haruyukio
  3. Hello everyone According to Auction Rules, last minute bids are prohibited ; However, there was an offer at 4:58 AM GMT+2 (a minute before the auction ends) With that you will have to extend another 15 minutes as ; Unfortunately, the pokemon cannot be forced to the rightful winner, as it was already trained and removing it after the effort would be so unfair to its owner right now, auctioneer will be punished for that. I hope you all understand , and I am sorry for the inconvenience. ~Haruyukio
  4. Hello, Winner doesn't have the money on his account, he is punished for false offering. You are allowed to reauction it. ~Haruyukio
  5. @Yanndeoli once you start an auction and it starts you cannot sell your pokemon. Please read the Trade and Auction rules, this is an official warning as for the next time your punishment will be harsh. ~Haruyukio
  6. Hello, I have moved the post to Special and Shiny subforum as its the appropriate place, be careful next time. Also, next time include a screenshot to prove the offer. ~Haruyukio
  7. Hello @Alikhan111, Unfortunately, I cannot force the trade as the winner doesn't have the funds. He will be punished for false offering. I will void the auction, and you are allowed to open a new thread. Also please use the Report button to report instead of tagging a Tmod, so that all the team can see it and you get a reply as soon as possible. ~Haruyukio
  8. Hello, Sorry for the inconvenience, the auction has been voided as the trade cannot be forced because the winner doesn't have the required money ; he has been punished for that. @Zetzumi I will lock this thread, you are allowed to start a new one. ~Haruyukio
  9. @Kamalt7106 Please reupload the pokemon's image as it seems to be corrupter and not visable. Also, keep the image/ auction into in same post, so its more organized.
  10. @quids Please make sure to use Special and Shiny Pokemon instead of Selling Pokemon. I have already moved it, please be careful next time. ~Haruyukio
  11. Hello Everyone @fetxize please avoid editing the ending point on your main post in the future, it can get really confusing for the people who participate. Just keep it simple and instead of editing the main post, you can leave replies (you are allowed to bump once every 24 hours). And for clarification, Metagross auction ends December 16, 2021, 03:10 AM (Thursday) GMT+2 Bisharp's auction ends December 15, 2021, 02:58 AM (Wednesday) GMT+2 ~Haruyukio
  12. Hello, Your pokemon should be back in your account now, please use the Region Locked Megathread next time. ~Haruyukio
  13. Hello Unfortunately, I will void the auction ; as the starting offer was a fake one, said user is punished for that. It wouldn't be fair to other participants to continue offering on a false start. @Risto I will lock this thread, you are allowed to start a new one and reauction. ~Haruyukio
  14. My warning was clear enough , and you still ignored it. The auction has been voided, and you are punished for breaking the Auction Rules. ~Haruyukio
  15. Hello everyone @rinoc according to Auction Rules , you need to declare all the possible payment methods before the auction starts , once it starts you cannot change it. Also the End Point wasn't declared too, you said it will start after the first offer, but when will it end ? Please go give the auction rules a read, I will let this time be as the auction has already started and offers are consistent, but for the next time you will be punished for that , that's an official warning. ~Haruyukio
  16. @Sanidhya I have removed the word epic from your post, as it is misleading. Please avoid using misleading words next time. Also please include the Ending Point as it wasn't included , give the Auction Rules a read. ~Haruyukio
  17. @Urmyyellow Please next time when you update the bids you get add them in separate replies to your main post so the time/date can be visible to all players, do not edit them to your main post. Also declare a specific time limit for the auction (24 hours for example) not when the auction will end because that way we don't know when it has started.
  18. Hello, I have moved your thread from Special and Shiny to Pokemon selling subforum, as its the appropriate destination because the pokemon isn't shiny. Please read The Trade Rules and be careful next time. ~Haruyukio
  19. Hello, I have forced the trade as both parties couldn't meet. ~Haruyukio
  20. Hello, My apologies regarding the late interference. @Tien29 please read the Auction Rules and the Trade Rules to avoid such things in the future. @Pangoro201118 thanks for your help in here, I really appreciate that you helped without being mean/leaving silly comments. Have a wonderful day everyone ! ~Haruyukio
  21. Hello @JinksLIT, According to the Trade Rules it's the seller's responsibility to transfer to the buyer not the opposite : Please remove the "Located on Gold Server Transfer to gold if you win on silver" and make sure to give the rules a read. ~Haruyukio
  22. Hello @rajkkapadia I have moved the thread to its appropriate subforum which is Shiny and Special Pokemon - Cross Server. Please consider that next time. ~Haruyukio
  23. @Shiroyagi you are only allowed to bump once every 24 hours, please consider that.
  24. Hello Everyone @Wandace You broke multiple auction rules here. According to the Auction Rules you need to add 15 minutes if a bid offered within the last 15 minutes : That being said the last offer here should be the winner. This points toward the 2nd rule you violated; You didn't acknowledge the last offers you took in-game here,so, where did the 1.2m rule come from? You always MUST update your forum post. All these being said, the auction should be voided, however pokemon has already been traded to @Lyn1311 and trained ; I can't reverse that. I just wanted to state that auctioneer has been punished accordingly and I am sorry about such situation to all participants. Have a nice day, ~Haruyukio
  25. @ImissPokemon you offer isn't valid as 11m was offered before.
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