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Everything posted by Haruyukio

  1. Hello @firered97, Just a reminder, you can only determine insta before the auction is started. Regards, Haruyukio.
  2. Hello, As @Monteria said, the auction should end 12:57 PM GMT +0 which is 30 mins later from now.
  3. @PokesquadNoah please don't ask people to change their prices; According to Trade Rules players can use any price they want for their stuff.
  4. Hello Everyone, Auction has been forced to @SideEffect as his offer is the last legit offer. Auction's duration was 75 hours that being said auction should have ended August 13, 2021, 08:15 PM Auctioneer will be punished for handling the Auction Poorly. Regards, Haruyukio.
  5. Hello @Takenwasblank, According to the Trade Rules when you have more than 5 pokemons you should post in Pokemon Shops subforum I already moved it, please take care next time and good luck with your sells ! Regards, Haruyukio.
  6. Hello @hoagluan58, Please bump your auction once every 24 hours, good luck with your auction. Regards, Haruyukio.
  7. Please next time take Screenshots to verify bids that are done outside of the forum post.
  8. Hello everyone, Trade was redone with 500k as the 550k offer wasn't valid as it wasn't updated here. @Fkang Please make sure to keep your offers up to date and take all screenshots needed next time. Also please consider the 15 minutes rule Regards, Haruyukio.
  9. I have forced this trade due to difficulties between both parties to find suitable time. Have a great day everyone! Haruyukio.
  10. Hello @alfatrion1980s, Please don't keep bumping your thread: since you keep updating the overs no need to bump,just bump if the thread wasn't active. Have a nice day. Haruyukio.
  11. Hello @Aergia, Please avoid overbumping since acknowledging an offer/bid till counts as a bump. Only bump if your thread didn't get any interaction from you for a 24 hours Regards, Haruyukio.
  12. Hello everyone, Actually you were correct first time when u wrote that there was around an hour left. since it started 26th Saturday at 09:28 AM GMT+2 and since its 72 hours it should end today . Thankfully no harm is caused and @Feeelrr is the winner with the 4.25M offer I know you tried to contact me my apologies for the late reply I was busy and wasn't able to check it, however next time use the report function above replies so that all the TMOD team can see and you get help as soon as possible . Kind Regards, Haruyukio.
  13. Hello, Please bump your post once every 24 hours. Regards, Haruyukio.
  14. Hello, Moved your thread to the proper subforum as you used Selling Pokemon and it needs to be in Shiny and Special. Please give the Trade Rules a read. Also please bump your thread once every 24 hour. Regards, Haruyukio.
  15. Unfortunately I can't do that, we can't offer players such service since its fair to all players. Since the other account is yours as you say you need to finish that yourself. Regards, Haruyukio.
  16. Do you have any screenshots/conversation to prove that?
  17. Hello, Thanks for contacting us, can you explain for me more what these trades were for?
  18. Hello, Auction should end Wednesday 26/5/2021 12:07 AM GMT+2 . Also for the next time ,please use the Report Button on the reply instead of tagging the whole TMOD Team Regards, Haruyukio.
  19. Hello Everyone, @hellomefriend please do not offer to buy a pokemon you aren't interested in. Offering then editing the offer is prohibited. @PopInSmoke said user will be punished accordingly and good luck with your shop. Regards, Haruyukio.
  20. Hello, Thanks for contacting us. It was a mistake from my side when I returned your pokemons from your report. However, I removed the extra one and returned it to its owner. Regards, Haruyukio.
  21. Hello @YASHBOSS21, I moved your post from Selling Pokemon to Buying Pokemon Subforum as its the proper destination. Please take care next time. Regrads, Haruyukio.
  22. Hello everyone, According to the Trade Rules That being said, ^ Thats the legit winner.
  23. @Dnler,Please bump your thread only once every 24 hours.
  24. @xxdemonangelxx,your ban duration has been ended,please contact @GREYMONDand continue the trade. Let me know if you couldn't reach out with him. Regards, Haruyukio.
  25. Hello, Sorry for the inconvenience,the last offer was a fake one ,and he doesn't have the money to force the trade, said user will be punished accordingly. Current winner is @Suz please proceed the trade with him. Regards, Haruyukio.
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