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Everything posted by Lyn1311

  1. Another quest done! Xmas Dungeon 2run (1.5m and 200k) . Thnx Much, GLhf!
  2. Another quest done! Part 2 Zekrom. Thnx Much, GLhf!
  3. Another quest done! gyaradosite, Char X, Alakazite (guild disc). Thnx Much, Glhf!
  4. Update Some untrained smeargles and shiny starter
  5. Maybe you havent kill latias yet? Or maybe you alredy killed latios and forget Btw tv should say blue pokemom roaming or smthing for latios to spawn on thos locatiom maybe check does jirachie alredy spawn on moon yet if you sure have killed latias
  6. Try google kanto guide or search on yt, kanto guide pokemon revolution, u can find where to find cut, flash etc Valuable item such nugget can only be sell to npc called item maniac, u can find him at house route 25
  7. shovel for dig spot, tree axe and pickaxe can come handy but not mandatory, with shovel you can dig at certain spot and find valuable item, also if you still stuck gym 1, i recomended oddish. you can try officer jenny quest to grind some money in early game
  8. you miss orb, try ttalk to golem where u fight char x, try talk to stone right of pokeball at cave where u fight washi
  9. +1 cool idea pvp coin reward maybe since only top 3 guild can access g.i, would be nice if 10 top rating player on guild rank 4-10 can access g.i too
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