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Everything posted by Fusionflair

  1. Hi @Masskiller Apologies for the late reply, also really sorry to see you're unable to revert your mount. I have forwarded this and will soon come up with a solution to your issue here. I really appreciate your patience with this and will have to ask for a little more. Wishing you a wonderful rest of your day, Fusionflair
  2. Hiya @Valourance o/ Welcome to PRO. Glad to know you're finding the game so well. I wish you the best with it all and feel free to contact us in the Resolution Center, for any questions or issues. Thrilled to see your amazing art in the Creativity Zone(more info here), also there are a lot of custom forms that you can hunt around events. Also, Discord tags do not have any numbers to them anymore due to their new username system. If you have any specific issues joining the server or similar you can make a thread in the Discord Hub(more info here) and a Discord Moderator will help you with it.
  3. Hello @Erick07koner o/ I will first quote a reply of mine to another thread to set the base for your questions regarding the merge here and will then add to it accordingly. With all of that being said, I will now get to your questions in specific: To your first question, I will be first quoting the exact thing that the Discord announcement from our Developer. Unlike right now, after the merge you will only be able to defeat only 20 bosses across all characters in that one account. So, if you have 7 characters under one email, you will be defeating a total 20 bosses per week. This may raise other questions as well regarding the implications of it, which would surely be addressed in an announcement on a later date. According to the info I gave you in the quoted reply, yes you should have a total of 8 characters if you have a playtime >10 minutes. If it were less than 10 minutes playtime and you haven't logged in for once in the last six months from the merge, it would have been deleted. Answering 3 and 4 at once. Trading and storing Pokemon across accounts, is something we do not have enough info about and can be hoped to be announced and addressed on a later date in the Discord Server. I hope this helps. Even though there is a lot that we do not know right now, please feel free to ask if you have any more questions or concerns regarding the server and accounts merge. Wishing you a wonderful day ahead, Fusionflair
  4. Hello @Amaske The merger announced for the future in our Official Discord Server(click to join) is to be of two types, a servers merge and an accounts merge. The server merge is to be really very simple, i.e., it will merge all accounts across all servers(Red, Blue, Silver, Gold) into one. The accounts merge is a little complicated and is hence raising a lot of questions such as yours. Right now, an account is a player profile with the ability to have one character per server where you log in with your username. You can have upto 4 accounts in total, with a total of 8 characters, taking two servers into account. With the merge, the accounts and multiple characters that you have will be merged into one singular player profile, where you log in with your email address and you can even create more of those(a cap for the number of characters is not set yet, but it will be more than the ones you can create right now). In short, you are allowed to have one account but with multiple characters under one single email address. I'll explain to you now how this is to take place: Merging all accounts associated to you to one single email address. 1) If your accounts are all associated to one email only, there is no action needed to be a taken. 2) If they are under different email addresses, they will need to be merged manually. Characters where currently both associated with one single account have progress on Gold and Silver both. For example, if my Gold account has 4 hours of playtime and Silver - 1k hours, both will qualify for the merge. When it happens, I will be asked to change my names on the characters, since both had the same name in the previous servers, and that one name cannot exist twice in the singular new server. Characters that are currently not merged, with more than 10 minutes playtime on Red or Blue servers. These will also qualify for the merge. These will be treated the same as the accounts in the second step, where more than one character is merged. Characters with <10 minutes of playtime AND have not logged in the last 6 months will be deleted. For example, if your account, Amaske, has 1k hours in Gold and 5 minutes in Silver, the Gold one will be kept and the Silver character will be deleted. Advice would be to get ready for it, sooner rather than later. If you have different accounts associated with different email addresses, please change the email on them to the same one; you can do this from the Dashboard(more info here). We will be seeing to what can be done about players who leave it until the last minute, or even after the merge has taken place, then they'd run into issues with the 2FA. In the near future, a subforum might be created to help with account change requests, but for now there is the 2FA - Email Recovery(more info here) subforum. If you have any accounts with less than 10 minutes of gameplay and not logged into in the last 6 months, you may log into it and play on it to surpass 10 minutes, if you wish to keep it. For the rest of your questions, we do not have enough info about and will probably be announced and addressed along with a lot of other questions and concerns, on a later date. I hope that you and other players find this information useful. If you have any further questions regarding this, please feel free to ask. Have a great rest of your day, Fusionflair
  5. @Blueciferr It is really sad to see you go but I also wish you the best in your real life. I have revised my warn as well.
  6. Hiya @Lusoria As I have handled it in-game and since there is no more such issues, I will now lock this thread as resolved. Feel free to create a new one in the future for any other questions or issues. Take care, Fusionflair
  7. Hiya Will you be able to go online right now?
  8. Hello @Blueciferr @Souleater84 Please stop making taunting and disrespectful comments towards each other. It is a parting post of Blueciferr where such comments are not only off-topic but also are taunting and toxic. These comments and spewing hatred towards people creates a really toxic environment in the game which we do not want. If you think anyone is rule-breaking you are free to report them in our Report Center. @Lucifer001 and @Tokokun, I understand that you are trying to make a point there and expressing your views but such comments are really not needed and are off-topic in that regard, I hope that you understand. The changes that have been recently announced are only a part of it. If you have any questions or concerns you are free to use the General Support subforum to ask about it. Any further such behavior from either of Blueciferr and Souleater84 will lead to a temporary posting restriction. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  9. Hiya @Mashh92 Hidden Ability on your Magikarp always translates to Hidden Ability upon evolution into Gyarados as most other Pokemon. There are some exceptions to this, like Ferroseed which has one ability, Iron Barbs but upon evolving into Ferrothorn, has a 5% chance of turning into its Hidden Ability, Anticipation. You have two Adamant Nature - Moxie - Gyarados and one Jolly Nature - Intimidate - Gyarados, which is the one you claim has suffered the bug, but unfortunately it is not the case here. In this case, you might have mixed them up as it is impossible to have happened otherwise. I understand that this is not the reply you might have expected but there is nothing we can do to make it so. You can go back to hunting to find another one with your preferred nature and ability and train that. I hope that you understand. Let me know if you have any more concerns regarding this. Have a wonderful rest of your day, Fusionflair
  10. Hiya @Turkishplayer Awesome to hear you figured it all out. As there seems to be no more questions regarding this, I will now lock this thread. Feel free to create a new one in case of any other questions or issues in the future. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  11. Hello @Turkishplayer I am sorry to hear that you are facing lags using our forums. To fix this you can go into that toggle button called the customizer from the forum hot-bar and scroll down and toggle the "Enable heart effect?" off and Save the action, as shown in the quote below. Moreover, the links you saw in the Inspect element of the forum are related to the adblocker you are using. Thus it is not associated to our forums' source code. I hope that I could clarify all things necessary here, and that you will be able to use the forums without any lags or issues. Feel free to let me know if there are any more questions regarding this. Wish you a great week ahead, Fusionflair
  12. Hello @Lusoria I am really sorry to hear about your situation here. Please let me know when you go online, I'm going to help you out of it, in-game. Looking forward to hear from you. Wishing you a great rest of your day, Fusionflair
  13. Hello @Hellmon I have restored your Mew to your PC. Check the last page of your PC, and you will find it there. For the future, please use our Restore Pokemon Megathread(more info here) or the #request-chat in our Official Discord Server(click to join) for such requests. Let me know if all is in order. Have a great rest of your day, Fusionflair
  14. Welcome to the Mono-Type Tournament guide. It is a Tournament held in the Trainers Valley Stadium where you can obtain a Z-Ring and Type-Specific Z-Crystals. The building is at the center of Trainers Valley. â–¹Access to Trainers Valley If you haven't already unlocked it you can find the guide around it in Trainers Valley(more info here). â–¹It is a kind of team that has only one type of Pokemon, such as a team of Fire type Pokemon only. â–¹Dual-Typing on Pokemon like Gyarados, a Water and Flying Type is something you can register for the Tournament with and use for both Mono-Flying and Mono-Water Teams. â–¹Mega Evolution is allowed even the ones which gets a change in its Type upon Mega evolving. For example, you can also register Gyarados holding its Mega Stone, which would still count as Water and Flying type and you can register it with either of those Mono-Type Categories but you won't be able to register it in the Dark Type team(Gyarados in its Mega Evolution being Water and Dark type Pokemon), as you are registering it as a normal Gyarados. â–¹Winning all rounds/Losing a round will end the Tournament for the day and you can register again after 00:00 hours GMT+0. There are two levels of tournaments you can enter... Your and the Trainers' Pokemon will have their levels reduced to level 50 for this tournament. â–¹You need to have a Mono-Type Team of 3 Pokemon of Level 50+ for this tournament. â–¹Z-Ring â–¹EXP. Candies â–¹PvE Coins Note that, the amount of EXP. Candies and PvE coins rewarded will vary. â–¹This has 5 rounds in total, all of which are to be won to obtain the Z-Ring. This is necessary to obtain for getting Z-Crystals in the next part of this Tournament and other Z-Crystals' Quests. â–¹You have obtained the Z-Ring. â–¹You have to bring two Mono-Type Teams of 3 Pokemon each, all preferably Level 100 since the Trainers are also using Level 100 Pokemon. For example, three Psychic Types and Three Steel Types. â–¹Pokedollars â–¹PvE coins â–¹Type specific Z-Crystals Note that, the amount of Pokedollars and PvE Coins will vary. â–¹There are a total of 11 rounds. If you win all 11 rounds you will also win a Type-Specific Z Crystal at the end of the Tournament depending on the type of team you used the most. â–¹The Crystal Seller NPC on the right side of the map will sell you some of the Z-Crystals associated to the Type of Pokemon used by the Trainer NPCs in the Tournament, given you have won at least 6 rounds in a row. You can buy them for 45 PvP coins each or for 75 PvE coins each. Here is a list of all 18 Type-specific Z-Crystals you can obtain from this Tournament: That concludes my quick guide around Mono-Type Tournaments. I wish you all a great time with the Tournament battles and obtaining and using all of the Type-Specific Z-Crystals.
  15. Hiya @Elisppro I am sorry to hear about your situation. Have you tried using the HM01-Cut on your Budew and Oddish? If not, please do and let me know if the move learning prompt appears and you are able to replace one of the moves for Cut. Looking forward to your response. Wishing you a lovely and joyous Valentine's day with us, Fusionflair
  16. Hiya @Theswant Yes there is one, and I have restored it to the last position of your PC. Will that be the only one you want back or is there more from the bunch you'd want for me to restore? Looking forward to your response. Fusionflair
  17. Hello @Theswant I am sorry to hear about your situation. I have seen the screenshots and would like to have a bit more clarity of the Clefairy(s) you want me to restore. Following are some questions regarding it. Do you want me to restore all of the Clefairy that you released today? This way you can choose which one(s) you would like to keep and then release the rest. Do you have a specific one that you'd like for me to restore? If yes, can you provide me with a description of it, like Nature, IVs, Hidden Power, etc.? As soon as you answer the questions above I'll be able to restore the Clefairy for you. Looking forward to your response. Wishing you a really Happy Valentine's day and all the good luck in your hunts this event. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  18. Hiya @Morecooler I am sorry to hear about your situation. Firstly, you have to play with your SFX volume turned up from the Options Menu>Sound, in case you play with it turned off. Here's a step by step approach to the quest: After having the Salamencite quest done, you have to speak to Ayva NPC after being teleported, and they will disappear. Speaking to the Sailor, exiting and re-entering the Dragons Neck, you will see Ayva there again. While speaking to them, you will hear a cry of a Valentine's Form Pokemon which you have to find in 1.5 hours, Poketime. Having the SFX turned on here is supposed to help you listen for the sounds and identify the Pokemon with it, the cry is played during the dialogue with Ayva too. It is not necessarily a Valentine's Raichu as you may have seen in some of the recent guide videos, as the Target Pokemon here is random and can be any Valentine's Form Pokemon in the whole of the event map. After finding, battling and winning it, you have to return to Ayva in Dragons Neck, and if you have finished the quest within the time they will reward you with a Dark Gem. If you are not able to do it in time, the dialogue in the spoiler is shown and you can try it again the next day. Thus, it is safe to presume, you took too long to reach to the Raichu(or another possible target Pokemon). The good news here is that you can repeat this quest everyday, so even if you didn't make it today you can try again tomorrow. I hope this helps. Please let me know if there are any other questions regarding this. Wishing you a lovely Valentine's week ahead and good luck in your hunts and quests this event. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  19. Hello @Flamingxexu Glad to hear all is in order. As that is the case I will now lock this thread as resolved. Feel free to create a new one to reach out to us for any such issues or questions in the future. Take care, Fusionflair
  20. Hiya @Flamingxexu I am sorry to hear about your situation. I had contacted our Developers and they have fixed the issue for you right now and you should be able to freely login. Will you please confirm if all is in order? Looking forward to your response. Wish you a lovely Sunday, Fusionflair
  21. Fusionflair


    Hiya @Provb As I see there's no further questions from you regarding this topic, I will be locking this thread as resolved. Feel free to make a new one, in the future, for any such questions or if you are having any issues. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  22. Hello @Sandwalker873 You already have a thread regarding the same topic in Complaints(click to check) where a Staff member is on it. Please continue in there and stick to just that as it is a private subforum and do not create more threads regarding it. You are allowed bump that thread once every 24 hours. Will be locking this thread as you are to continue in there. Kind regards, Fusionflair
  23. Fusionflair


    Greetings @Provb Yes, there are some people who may have got them, but they are really very rare Staff-only rewards. They are not obtainable for players through quests, as of now. I hope that clears it all. Feel free to let me know if there are more questions regarding this. Have a wonderful day, Fusionflair
  24. Hiya @Kipstur Can you provide us with screenshots of the said issue and which client out of- Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, you are running and the version of the same? Looking forward to your response. Have a wonderful rest of your day, Fusionflair
  25. Hiya @Provb The Legendary Pokemon, Rayquaza, Mewtwo and Groudon are not obtainable in the game, as of now. I will list you the obtainable and unobtainable Legendary/Mythical Pokemon Below. All NOT obtainable Legendary and Mythical Pokemon in the game Check this spolier below for the list: Although these are not having any quests to obtain them for now, they maybe added later into the future. Obtainable Legendaries For most of the Obtainable Legendaries you can check wiki page on Legendary Pokemon(More info here). Some quests are not updated there. You can refer to this list for them and check out the YouTube and Wiki Guides on them from different people. I hope this helps. Feel free to let me know if there are any other questions regarding this. Have a wonderful rest of your day, Fusionflair
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