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Everything posted by Thor

  1. yes, just level it up once more
  2. This doesn't sound like a bad idea. But, how exactly would something like this work? Ergonomically I mean. the economical offsets have been explained (which i quite like).
  3. You forget that a whole other regions worth of content is on its way. I can say that at minimum, there will be 6+ new bosses with hoenns release.
  4. not possible. the timer is controlled by the actual map itself, not any NPC you interact with prior to access.
  5. rewards are random anyway. guess you're new to MMOs. Most raid bosses have random chance to give u both something good, and something bad. I have played many MMOs with this structure, and it works well, hence why i made bosses the way they are, and i highly doubt they will be changed just because someone is calling a waahhhmbulance over 'bad prizes, or server crashes'
  6. the workaround i was going to add before i left, was rejected, or was trying to be changed to something that was just retarded, so i never did it.
  7. Thor


    yeah, on second reading it doee seem that. Also, FYI it was me who said about the ripping. good luck with that. took me 4 months to rip about 380 cries from the anime, and most had background noise, so not suitable for a MMO
  8. Thor


    the guy means the sounds from the gameboy games.
  9. Lorelei's boss battle has an articuno as one of the pokemon.
  10. the left/right movement problem isnt a deadzone issue, its a compatibility issue. PRO doesnt support non HID based input devices, meaning Xbox 360 based Xinput devices do not work properly.
  11. Um, no. Membership doesnt mean easier. Membership is early access, that is it.
  12. you mean the map called 'Start' you (or someone) will have to make a new account and make screenshots and stitch them together. Obtaining a staff's view of said map is impossible unless ur staff.
  13. how about, try winning without using 20k on potions? then the prizes will seem better. l
  14. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <r><QUOTE author="suny"><s> </e></QUOTE> i quit because i have no time to work on PRO, and u players deserve better. which is why I stepped aside so someone else can do updates in the amount of time it needs.</r>
  15. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>i was the only one working on it.<br/> <br/> however dont worry, i had been recruiting scripters and when these guys get promoted, they will carry on my work as i have left them everything they need.</t>
  16. basically, yeah. there has to be downsides to battling sometimes. Beauty of it is, the way it is scripted, they will take your money if you DC to try and avoid the loss anyway. can i talk to u in game For a sec ? IGN : Badrtheghost im online ill wait for a pm :Grin: i'm not available to come ingame.
  17. basically, yeah. there has to be downsides to battling sometimes. Beauty of it is, the way it is scripted, they will take your money if you DC to try and avoid the loss anyway.
  18. jessie and james can take up to 30k from a player. Those and the upcoming giovanni boss will do this, because theyre evil, and they steal things.
  19. the beauty of android is you can install any interface you want. there are so many themes and launchers (even on stock OS's) it is great. I am using CM12.1, running Nova Launcher Prime 4.1 and, the experience ia flawless
  20. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>dig and headbutt are script based, and can only be accessed the moment a NPC is interacted with, and locked from view up until that point, and after the interaction finishes.<br/> <br/> This is why headbutt and dig pokemon will never be on the pokedex, and guides like these will remain useful</t>
  21. 1. No, can be abused to spam the server 2. No, can be abused and unmoderated, this has been suggested several times and declined. 3. No, can be abused. Several people could gang up on someone they collectively dont like. 4. Staff host tornaments on a semi regular basis (one has not long finished), so this wont be a thing.
  22. Thor

    Android Players

    my note 4 only takes about 15 seconds to load PRO anyway currently, so does that mean it will only take about a second and a half? :p
  23. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>so, how are people liking the new changes? :)</t>
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