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Everything posted by Bhimoso

  1. They will probably need some time to fix him, so I guess recycler is on a good siesta for now
  2. Fixed and updated the guide with new respawns. Sinnoh post E4 respawns still need checking (and specific spawns). Bump :)
  3. Welcome to the game, Eiden! You can check the guild section in forums if you want to join a Gold or Silver server guild. I currently own a Gold server guild you can join via the discord link below this post :) Hope you enjoy your stay!
  4. Have you made sure that Probopass was at full HP, that he was not hit by a multi hit move (like Arm Thrust), or that the enemy pokemon didn't have an ability like Mold Breaker which ignores Sturdy?
  5. Hi Rocket! I had the same issue but that was because I was installing an old client that I had downloaded instead of the new one. Can you check that you're installing the current one and that you don't have leftover files? If nothing works, I suggest that you leave your phone specs (like what mobile it is, what version etc etc) so that Staff can help you out more :)
  6. Lost sons and distant brothers from the same RNG mother seed, now in Pokecinemas!
  7. It's up, it crashed for just one minute :)
  8. +1 to this, long distance trading would be really nice, though I understand having to spend money for moving balances and helps the MMO aspect of it. I'm just super lazy and don't want to move regions to buy a single pokemon because I'm way too fat
  9. I'm gonna get straight to the point. If they show you the evidence, it's because it's a minor infraction which they can show and explain why you were muted/banned (for example, they can show the conversation you had with another player where you might've been muted for toxicity). However, if you were banned for something super severe such as botting, evidence might not be explicitely shown as to avoid giving botters the exact way they got detected and thus, allowing them to possibly avoid bans in the future. (From my perspective as a player), if they ban someone, 99% of the times they make sure the ban is right, they check it multiple times and they make sure they're not banning anyone for no reason, they have evidence to back it up. Wrong bans due to "faulty software" or weird ips are almost never given to, and they're always appealed and solved quickly. As a normal player, in my almost five years, I've only seen a SINGLE wrong ban towards one of my guildmates. And he appealed and in one hour they had doublechecked and he was unbanned. His ip was weird + his computer was running on a hamster powering his toaster PC. Staff answered him quickly and they helped him. If you don't believe me, I don't know what to say. I'm 100% sure Staff does not ban without reason. They gave me proof when I was muted in Discord several times because it was normal chat messages that can be shown, but it is normal that they cannot give evidence in really severe cases where botting may occur.
  10. Por desgracia, si tu pokemon ha evolucionado, no hay manera de deshacer la evolución... Los miembros del Staff pueden reducir un nivel o dos a un pokemon para que pueda evolucionar, pero no tienen ninguna manera de poder devolver a un pokémon a su forma anterior :/ El link del chico de arriba sólo sirve para reducir el nivel de tu pokémon, aunque hagas un post ahí no podrán hacer nada, ya que no se puede deshacer una evolución. (I'm writing it in Spanish since I know from the first post that he's Spanish)
  11. Bhimoso


    +1 to the idea.
  12. TM's in PRO are only of a single use. HM's are of infinite usage. However, unlike in the original games, you can remove HM's at any moment, anywhere upon learning a new move. (Answering for Waleed since he's playing League right now lol)
  13. Bump! Just to get people's opinions and staffies to review it, to see if it gets approved :)
  14. Outbreaks are random, they've not been decreased manually. It's just bad luck.
  15. As Allsmell said, I used one as a Pokebank, another for cool tools... we can use up to 4.
  16. Don't worry, it happens to all of us! (I lost a Toxic orb the same way lol.) If you have it in your bag or you traded it, Staff members have logs and can check it. If it's not anywhere... then I'm sorry :/
  17. Did you accidentally Trick it to a wild pokemon? If a wild pokemon steals your item or you trick your item onto him and then he faints without returning it via the same move, you will lose it forever. If not, a Staff member should be able to find it in your bag :)
  18. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/region-locked-pokemon-megathread.130386/page-29 You can post it here so that Staff can help you out (I think you have to post the conversation with him agreeing though). If you want to post a picture with proof, you can try with your PC with Attach Files at the bottom of your post. If it doesn't work, upload them to IMGUR. I had the same issue yesterday when I wanted to fix one of my guides. Good luck :)
  19. Are you sure he is not level 100, fainted, or that he's fighting reeeeally low level pokemon? Can you take screenshots? I can't really help out, but I'm curious about the bug. (Proof or a recording might help staff solve it though). Are you fighting story scripted trainers that don't give any exp?
  20. It depends, if you want me to cook the cake you will end up poisoned, if you want our Guild Leaders to cook it... unless you ask Kalisto, the other 7 Guild Leaders might poison you too lol. Our cooking skills are pathetic xD
  21. I'll not copy and paste the comment I put in your introduction (that'd be boring lol). If you're looking for a newbie friendly guild with years of experience in PRO + also dedication to PVP and some experts here, our discord link is below to join! :)
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