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As the Staff Team of PRO, we do give a really high value to the community's opinion and think that it has a really big impact on the game. Therefore, it is important to gather your feedback in order to understand if, in your opinion, we are on the right path for what regard the content we release.

Feedback helps us to understand if what we release is liked, if it could have been better (and how) and in general allow us to further improve the game.


We would like also to clarify that the the Christmas Event is designed to be bigger than smaller events like Valentine and Halloween one. Therefore, a comparison between the two, specially for what regard rewards, would be unfair and wrong. 




In this specific case, we would like to hear your opinion on the following topics:

  • Enjoyment 
  • Quest Difficulty
  • Story/Lore perspective
  • Effort/Reward Ratio


We are aware that not all of you will be able to comment those for various reasons (e.g people speedrunning), however we will really appreciate if you can give your productive feedback on as many of them as you can in the most accurate way possible.




PRODUCTIVE FEEDBACK:  It was hard to form a party (with the random party feature) with friends who are not in your guild, because

  1. Everyone needs to join the random party at the same time (timing difficulties)
  2. Even if all of your friends managed to end up in the same party with you, you need to be at least 5 to start. I would've preferred if there were maybe up to 3 random parties you can join (and see the party members before joining), and be able to enter the dungeon having only 3 people in the random party. 

NON-PRODUCTIVE FEEDBACK: The event sucks, I didn't find Thomas, do better the next time.




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it was the first event i took part fully and i felt it was nice and the time of the event was actually also nice since we had always something to do.


quest difficulty was optimal !! not too hard not too easy.


story could be longer for the durations of the event.


rewards could be also bit more since it was a long event and the best rewards were from christmas chris imo (beside the awesome reward reshi and zekrom) the halo ring from 24th win.


maybe we could get also more iv-lock rerolls ? since its a real pain to get nice legendary ivs and its very very costly to reroll, had to reroll 20times my keldeo (40rerolls with the service) and i still got a bad one, i wish we had more iv-lock tickets.

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Alhamdu Lillahi (s.w.t.) Rabbel A'lameen ☝️

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I liked the idea of the dungeon it is also a lot because you had the possibility to do the quest with your friends, I hope in the future that adding things like this in game, because it creates collaboration, in the end it is an mmo there is that you collaborate with the 'other people in a dungeon, the thing I didn't like is that if 5 people who are friends but are in different guilds became complicated and cumbersome, just add a button that you could send people by entering the nickname

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Dungeon quest was really fun with friends.

Yeah it sucks if u don't have any friends in game or guild mates so if u try to add a option for a single person it will be really better 

Yeah dungeon part was really awesome 

But after that we have to go to catch reshiram and zekrom that was really frustrating that monkey part was really hard me and my friends waste around 2-3hrs and at some point we consider to leave the game but still next day we try harder to get and we finally got it but really please don't add quests like that monkey part that was so frustrating.




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  • Enjoyment
    Overall the quest was enjoyable, however there were a fair few things that made that experience not so great as well.
    Main point being if you were not in a guild and or had guildmates available at times where you could all run it the matchmaking system was awful. In future if the matchmaking could be made better then it would make group based content like this more enjoyable. Other than that, the quest was enjoyable.
  • Quest Difficulty
    I didn't personally find the quest too difficult to complete, other than the matchmaking issues stated above in the beginning. The quest was about 5/10 in difficulty and relied more upon the very large cooldown that you applied on it. This I would assume was down to the fact you could obtain items from it and is understandable, however it'd have been nice to have an option to sacrifice the rewards to only complete the moving of the npcs part for example to be able to obtain the mega-stone of Lucario. This would have reduced the wait time to have to re-do the quest again over and over to have a "% chance" to get the correct room layout to find the last npc
  • Story/Lore perspective
    In all honesty I don't pay attention to this in any game I play, so I can't comment here.
  • Effort/Reward Ratio
    Again it goes back to the original point of the matchmaking system being literally terrible. Effort to do the quest was increased majorly if you didn't have a bunch of guild mates that could all be around at the same time to do the quest. If this was made better the effort would be a lot less in all fairness. Again goes back to my point above about the cooldown as well which factored into this "effort" as well
    Rewards - Pretty poor for the amount of time the quest took and the cooldown on the quest in my own personal opinion, a mega-stone for something that is banned & a lightstone that at the time was useless as well.


Overall I'd say the content was a 5/10, that being low because of the matchmaking really. The second part of the quest the tower where you could do it solo was so much better because it didn't rely on external factors nor did it have a cooldown. Cooldown based content isn't really good in my opinion as it restricts people to have to be there at certain times and lowers the amount of fun that can be had with an event. The second part of the quest I'd rate an 8/10 however I'd remain the 5/10 for the first part and the dungeon.

Edited by Hundjager
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The dungeon was fun, and rewards were great. The light stone part shouldn't have been rng based in my opinion.


Christmas chris was back which is great.


The spawns could have been a bit better. I liked the spawns from last year a lot, and ended up hunting a ton that event. For example, a few guildmates and myself were looking forward to repeling ferro, then there ended up being no event spawn for it at all.

Edited by DeIta
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Really nice light stone quest was fun to do with friends idk about guild party but it was little weird in random party when 5 friends try to join in a single party lol

But ye nice event hope we get more quest like this in future.

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