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baqnn landorus t from pvp


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its not even hard to beat it, if it runs scarf, just switch to a resisting move, any type of ice move kills it, most water moves, do, rotom-wash stops it very easily, and he's quite an obvious switch when it comes to it. 
He's also not that fast, 91 base speed, caps at 309, sure it beats 90s, but it loses to all the 100s, of whom are very common, yes some switch ins are hit hard, but generally he's not that difficult to take down.


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This post is a cry for help. I can’t stand this anymore. Everywhere I go, this stupid orange shitstain somehow finds me and ruins my life. No matter how many defense mechanisms I have, it always come back.


Yesterday, I was working at my job when I heard it. That fateful sound of a stat drop. I quickly leaped out of my chair and turned around, but the fucker had already used intimidate on all of my coworkers. I ran towards the [wonderful person] to punch him, but he set up stealth rocks in my cubicle, preventing me from working again. I quickly bolted to the office fridge to grab some ice cubes, but by the time I screamed “KYUREM USE ICE BEAM” the fucker had already u-turned out the window. I couldn’t work anymore because of the stealth rocks, so I had to leave so I could get a defog tm from my car.


As I grabbed the defog tm from my car, the thing jumped me from behind and used knock off, smacking the tm into the middle of the road. Before I could go grab it, a car raced by and crushed the tm, making it worthless. As I was standing there, shocked by what happened, the orange demon used earthquake on my car, giving me 4 flat tires simultaneously. Filled with rage, I grabbed a keldeo plush from my car, shoved a pair of spectacles onto its face, and hurled it at the thing, while screaming “KELDEO USE HYDRO PUMP.” Just like always, however, my hydro pump missed, and the fucker u-turned away again.


After I took a bus home, I was exhausted. As I was lying in my bed, depressed, my 6-year old daughter came into the room. She started talking about her favorite TV show, when suddenly, her face began to change. No. NO. As she continued talking, her face continued to morph, until it was identical to Landorus-Therian. I was ready this time, though. I quickly kicked off my shoes, revealing that I had duct-taped ice cubes to my feet. I then proceeded to triple axel the ever loving [heck] out of that thing. I looked up and screamed with joy, thinking it was all over. However, as I came to my senses, I saw my daughter unconscious on the floor and realized what I had done. The orange [wonderful person] had tricked me. My wife stood in the doorway, shocked, before she pulled out her phone and dialed 911. I’m writing this in the woods right now, the police are probably going to find me soon.


Screw Landorus-Therian. 



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This post is a cwy fow hewp. I can’t stand this anymowe. Evewywhewe I go, this stupid owange shitstain somehow finds me and wuins my wife. No mattew how many defense mechanisms I have, it awways come back.

Yestewday, I was wowking at my job when I heawd it. That fatefuw sound of a stat dwop. I quickwy weaped out of my chaiw and tuwned awound, but the fuckew had awweady used intimidate on aww of my cowowkews. I wan towawds the bastawd to punch him, but he set up steawth wocks in my cubicwe, pweventing me fwom wowking again. I quickwy bowted to the office fwidge to gwab some ice cubes, but by the time I scweamed “KYUWEM USE ICE BEAM” the fuckew had awweady u-tuwned out the window. I couwdn’t wowk anymowe because of the steawth wocks, so I had to weave so I couwd get a defog tm fwom my caw.

As I gwabbed the defog tm fwom my caw, the thing jumped me fwom behind and used knock off, smacking the tm into the middwe of the woad. Befowe I couwd go gwab it, a caw waced by and cwushed the tm, making it wowthwess. As I was standing thewe, shocked by what happened, the owange demon used eawthquake on my caw, giving me 4 fwat tiwes simuwtaneouswy. Fiwwed with wage, I gwabbed a kewdeo pwush fwom my caw, shoved a paiw of spectacwes onto its face, and huwwed it at the thing, whiwe scweaming “KEWDEO USE HYDWO PUMP.” Just wike awways, howevew, my hydwo pump missed, and the fuckew u-tuwned away again.

Aftew I took a bus home, I was exhausted. As I was wying in my bed, depwessed, my 6-yeaw owd daughtew came into the woom. She stawted tawking about hew favowite TV show, when suddenwy, hew face began to change. No. NO. As she continued tawking, hew face continued to mowph, untiw it was identicaw to Wandowus-Thewian. I was weady this time, though. I quickwy kicked off my shoes, weveawing that I had duct-taped ice cubes to my feet. I then pwoceeded to twipwe axew the evew woving [heck] out of that thing. I wooked up and scweamed with joy, thinking it was aww ovew. Howevew, as I came to my senses, I saw my daughtew unconscious on the fwoow and weawized what I had done. The owange bastawd had twicked me. My wife stood in the doowway, shocked, befowe she puwwed out hew phone and diawed 911. I’m wwiting this in the woods wight now, the powice awe pwobabwy going to find me soon.

heck Wandowus-Thewian.

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I'm sorry to interrupt you. 
I have lost my sponge, did you see it? Its a blue one in shape of a duck.

Please let me know if you have any clues.


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Of course I'm talking to myself, sometimes I have to talk with an intelligent person.





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