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  1. 1 - 2 Days MS added to accounts with membership due to long downtime on this update. Database has been cleaned up, removed all accounts never logged in. Generation 7 Sprites/Follows should mostly be in game now. There are now login buttons instead of a drop down list for Servers now. Move Names have been updated in the client to match what the server has, so a few moves shouldn't have blank info now. Really long maps wont let the player appear infront of the top layer tiles anymore. Charjabug evolves to Vikavolt in Power Plant Crabrawler evolves to Crabominable in Whirl Islands B4F Rotom evolves to Rotom-Heat in Jagged Pass Rotom evolves to Rotom-Wash in Route 120 Rotom evolves to Rotom-Frost in Snowpoint Temple B5F Rotom evolves to Rotom-Fan in Sky Pillar Rotom evolves to Rotom-Mow in Eterna Forest Rockruff evolves to Lycanroc max happiness during the day. Rockruff evolves to Lycanroc-Midnight max happiness during the night. Rockruff evolves to Lycanroc-Dusk with Dusk Stone. Poipole evolves to Naganadel by leveling while knowing Dragon Pulse. Status Changes Confusion only triggers 33% of the time and not 50 now Paralize reduced speed to 50% and not 25% now Burn reduces health by 6.25% per turn instead of 12.5% (1/16 instead of 1/8 of health). Sleep and freeze now increase catch rate by 250%, up from 200%. Burn, poison and paralysis remain at 150%. Abilities Should Now Work Tough Claws Strong Jaw Water Compaction Water Bubble Gale Wings now only activates when pokemon has full health Weak Armor now boosts Speed by two stages instead of one Tangling Hair Steelworker Stamina Liquid Voice Galvanize Long Reach Moves Should Now Work Seed Flare Shadow Bone Icicle Crash Tail Glow Clear Smog Zing Zap Trop Kick Toxic Thread Solar Blade Lunge Fleur Cannon Fire Lash Dragon Hammer Liquidation Clanging Scales Brutal Swing Accelerock Smart Strike Nature's Madness Prismatic Laser Move Changes Thunder Wave accuracy reduced to 90% from 100% Sucker Punch has been reduced to 70 base power, from 80 Flying Press has been increased to 100 base power. Tackle is down to 40 base power from 50. Swagger is now 85% accurate, down from 90% Normalize, Pixilate, Aerilate and Refrigerate now boost Normal-, Fairy-, Flying- and Ice-type moves by 120% respectively, down from 130% Fell Stinger now has 50 base power, up from 30, and increases Attack by three stages instead of two. Leech Life's power was quadrupled from 20 to 80 and its PP was changed from 15 to 10. Sheer Cold now fails if used against Ice-type Pokemon. Sleep Talk will fail if used when taunted. Hidden Power now has 60 base power. Leech Seed has 90% from 100%. Item Changes Super Potion and Hyper Potion now heal 60 HP and 120 HP respectively. Fresh Water, Soda Pop and Lemonade have been nerfed, previously healing 50 HP and now down to 30, 60 down to 50 and 80 down to 70 respectively. Follow Sprites for gen 7 credits: [spoiler=Follows credits]Nikola nicomts piphybuilder88 Metaguel Varete princess-phoenix Kidkatt swdfm Rogor Tynno Nataniel_Sama Alejox51 NIGHTMARE Blaner SacredDragonair Tynno Javierb Johnny(05) Aniki0001 Clara-Wah Zender1752
    29 points
  2. 15.03.2018 Entei: lost Flash Fire, gets Inner Focus Raikou: lost Volt Absorb, gets Inner Focus Suicune: lost Water Absorb, gets Inner Focus Gengar: lost Levitate, gets Cursed Body Pelliper's second Ability is now Drizzle Beartic's second Ability is now Slush Rush Gigalith's second Ability is now Sand Stream Torkoal's second Ability is now Drought Boldore's second Ability is now Weak Armor Roggenrola's second Ability is now is now Weak Armor Vanilluxe's second Ability is now Snow Warning Vanillite's second Ability is now Snow Cloak Vanillish's second Ability is now Snow Cloak Sucker Punch now has Base Power of 70 instead of 80. (If you still see it as 80 then it's just a visual bug.) The issue with ThunderShock, Softboiled etc should now be fixed.
    4 points
  3. Added headbutt corners in Sinnoh. These are headbutts similar to those you can find in Kanto/Johto, but stacked all together in 6 different spots. I'll let you find out what surprises these trees hold for you! Enjoy.
    3 points
  4. Hey, you still awake there? - Good. Because we have something for you! The moment you've been anticipating for is here. We are proud to present Nap Island to you all. It's a small new zone that will give you the ability to travel between Johto and Hoenn without spending any cash! There's some fun challenges on the island, and a secret questline! Be careful to not doze off, because the island tends to do that to unprepared players. To access the Island you'll have to either go South in Route 41, or North in Route 125. Please note that you need to have beaten the Hoenn League to be able to enter this slumber peninsula. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Happy exploring, don't forget to cherish your Chesto Berries! [spoiler=*Zzz...*]
    3 points
  5. Both my boyfriend and I have experienced a bug when trying to trade a pokemon from party slot 4. Selecting a pokemon from any other slot works fine, but nothing happens when you choose number four - it isn't the pokemon because if I switch its position in the party, I'm then able to trade it so it must be the party position.
    2 points
  6. 10.2.2018 Generations 7 elements have been given to Shane to work on them. When gen7 will be released is not yet known, but should be soon. - Generation7 Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon is now fully supported. - Generation7 art is in final phase. - Movepool has been updated to gen7 (it will be live once we release the gen7) - Level up moves have been updated to gen7 (they will be live once we release gen7) - Eggmoves are now gen7 (they will be live once we release gen7) -Tutor moves are now gen7 (they will be live once we release gen7) - TM skill mapping now matches the gen7 (they will be live once we release gen7) - Liquid Ooze is now coded. * - A workaround for Pokemon like Rotom Wash has been found. - Nidoran Female/Male + Evo line have chance to be Valentines spawn. So does illumise & volbeat. - Lots of staff updates and game optimization.
    2 points
  7. Hello, with Gen 7 Pokemon and Mechanics being added to the game sometime soon, I just want to make a little post mentioning exactly what changes we should expect to be coming to PRO such as, Stat changes, Abilities, Moves etc.. STAT CHANGES The Following Pokemon received stat changes in Generation 7! Arbok - Attack 85 -> 95 Dugtrio - Attack 80 -> 100 Farfetch'd - Attack 65 -> 90 Dodrio - Speed 100 -> 110 Electrode - Speed 140 -> 150 Exeggutor - Sp. Def 65 -> 75 Noctowl - Sp. Atk 76 -> 86 Ariados - Sp. Def 60 -> 70 Qwilfish - Def 75 -> 85 Magcargo - HP 50 -> 60, Sp. Atk 80 -> 90 Corsola - HP 55 -> 65, Def 85 -> 95, Sp. Def 85 -> 95 Mantine - HP 65 -> 85 Swellow - Sp. Atk 50 -> 75 Pelipper - Sp. Atk 85 -> 95 Masquerain - Sp. Atk 80 -> 100, Speed 60 -> 80 Delcatty - Speed 70 -> 90 Volbeat - Def 55 -> 75, Sp. Def 75 -> 85 Illumise - Def 55 -> 75, Sp. Def 75 -> 85 Lunatone - HP 70 -> 90 Solrock - HP 70 -> 90 Chimecho - HP 65 -> 75, Def 70 -> 80, Sp. Def 80 -> 90 Woobat - HP 55 -> 65 Crustle - Attack 95 -> 105 Beartic - Attack 110 -> 130 Cryogonal - HP 70 -> 80, Def 30 -> 50 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABILITY UPDATES The following Pokemon received ability additions or changes in Generation 7! Beartic - Gained Slush Rush Roggenrola and Boldore - Gained Weak Armor Gigalith - Gained Sand Stream Gengar - Levitate -> Cursed Body Pelipper - Gained Drizzle Torkoal - Gained Drought Vanilluxe - Gained Snow Warning Legendary Dogs - Hidden Abilities changed -> Inner Focus --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABILITY DIFFERENCES The following abilities have been updated in Gen 7! Aerilate: The power boost has been decreased from 30% to 20% Gale Wings: The ability only activates when the Pokémon has 100% of its Hit Points remaining Parental Bond: Second hit only does 25% of the first hit's damage rather than 50%. Pixilate: The power boost has been decreased from 30% to 20% Prankster: When targeting a Dark-type opponent, the move with priority now fails. The move will still work on Ally Dark-type Pokémon Refrigerate: The power boost has been decreased from 30% to 20% Weak Armor: The Speed stat now increases by two stages And these are all the new abilities! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOVE CHANGES The following moves have been changed in Generation 7! Tackle: 50 power -> 40 Power Leech Life: 20 power -> 80 Power 15PP -> 10 PP Swagger: 90 Accuracy -> 85% Accuracy Sucker Punch: 80 Power -> 70 Power Dark Void: 80% Accuracy -> 50% Accuracy Ally Switch: +1 Priority -> +2 Priority Flying Press: 80 Power -> 100 Power Fell Stinger: 30 Power -> 50 Power Parabolic Charge: 50 Power -> 65 Power Diamond Storm: 50% chance for +1 Defense for the user -> 50% chance for +2 Defense for the user Water Shuriken: Physical -> Special Mystical Fire: 65 Power -> 75 Power Thunder Wave: 100% Accuracy -> 90% Accuracy The following pokemon have has moves given to them in Generation 7 These are the new moves! Some pokemons level up movesets have been updated in ULTRA SUN and MOON these changes can be found here: https://serebii.net/ultrasunultramoon/movesetchange.shtml (Thank you Sviper!) I Plan on adding all these SoonTM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechanic Changes Burn Damage per turn was lowered from 12% -> 6% (thank you Akalli!) Confusion chance 50% -> 33% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW POKEMON! Lets be real, it would be a ton of work to list every single Gen 7 Pokemon on a single thread, maybe ill update it one day but for now here a link to the pokedex!~ Link: https://www.serebii.net/sunmoon/pokemon.shtml --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope this helps new players or maybe some veterans remember exactly what the changes were in Gen 7, this is a W.I.P and if i missed anything or something isn't correct please let me know and I will add it!~ Thanks for reading
    1 point
  8. Until the "Xmas version" of the game, the client started normally. Later versions have this error: The staff still do not know how to correct this error? I have other posts before this, and I tried all the solutions that indicated me, and none solved the problem. What did the "Xmas version" have, what these new customers do not have ?
    1 point
  9. yea i download new client in this web
    1 point
  10. Ah yes there was a defog tutor added in the newest game, so it should be legal now, wonder what staff will say!
    1 point
  11. I would consider it a bug and not a suggestion seeing as the wrong music is playing at the wrong time.
    1 point
  12. Have you tried running the program as admin? Also make sure you are running the new client if you have the PRO.exe on your desktop make sure its the correct one as the old one didn't update for me so I just deleted the old PRO folders.
    1 point
  13. Added growth to the pre-evolution tutor for Vileplume.
    1 point
  14. Welcome to PRO if you have questions just ask. There is a lot of helpful information found on the forums as well. Which server are you playing on.
    1 point
  15. hello, for retrieve a pecha berrie for the captain /medic quest you need to: 1- start talk again the medic at the kitchen(will give the berry again) 2- talk with the kadabra guy near the captain room 3- search for blisey at balls room near the rival. 4- get the potion to captain /bypass guard. 5- find leftovers at the ship before leave. 6- leave a like thanks XD
    1 point
  16. serve, então quando instalares o gpu diz alguma coisa. já agora dá liek ai em todos os pots que eu dou nos teus XD para ganahr likes aqui .
    1 point
  17. Quando a Placa chegar, eu te aviso por esse Post, Muito obrigado por sua Atenção.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. entao dá , XD instala isso , vai te resolver . lembrança: não te esqueças de ver se a tua fonte também consegue aguentar os wt's a mais que vais adicionar. sim deves por windows 64 bits. já que tens 4gbs
    1 point
  20. Quando a minha placa nova chegar, devo mudar para 64Bit meu Windows ?
    1 point
  21. Compra: GEFORCE GT 710 2GB oque coube no orçamento kkk
    1 point
  22. ^sobre isto yah tás a usar o gpu do teu processador. Slots PCI Express x16 -> qual é o gpu que comprastes?
    1 point
  23. "Overall, the Intel G33 Express Chipset has poor performance. This is not altogether surprising, as it is an integrated GPU. If a robust graphical system is desired, a dedicated graphics card upgrade is a must, though you can get away with an integrated GPU for less intensive applications and games. This integrated GPU is now over 10 years old" Mais oque mudou na "Versão Xmas" para esses novos clientes ? Eu joguei todo Natal sem problemas.
    1 point
  24. "o teu gpu só tem 126 mbs de suport do jogo é normal que ja n tenha potencia para tal" será esse o problemas ? fiz uma compra de uma nova placa de video de 2GB espero que resolva, ser for isso.
    1 point
  25. Hello, Servers are currently down due to an update. Since this update is pretty big it will take a few hours. Make sure to download the new client: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/download.php You will need it to play after servers come back online. Make sure to delete all previous PRO files before downloading the new client, including anything you may have in the Recycle Bin and temp files. In order to stay informed on when the servers will come online, keep an eye out on Server Status. In the meantime, Have a nice day! - Locked -
    1 point
  26. Theres no eta. check link for info. have a nice day https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86671-url
    1 point
  27. Hello, Servers are down due to an update. Since this update is one of the biggest updates PRO has ever had, it will take some time. We can not refund you for this since this was an announced update, you may lose a few hours of Membership but you will gain a lot of new content in PRO to experience. Also, i have moved your thread to General Support since server downtime has nothing to do with coins, please refrain from posting in Donations and Coins Issues about server downtime in the future. In order to be informed on when the servers will come back online, keep an eye out on Server Status. Servers will be back up as soon as possible. In the meantime, Have a nice day! - Locked -
    1 point
  28. Já que você viu minha o Modelo de minha placa de video OnBoard, qual devo baixar ? Tem uma lista grande de Drivers, testei duas, deu erro: "Você não tem os requisitos mínimos para essa instalação" Minha Placa: http://www.ecsusa.com/ECSWebSite/Product/Product_Overview.aspx?DetailID=897&CategoryID=1&DetailName=Feature&MenuID=24&LanID=12
    1 point
  29. how u are portuguese? eu posso ajudar , -intel (download) faz download do driver. desinstala e antes de voltar a instalar desliga a internet. volta a ligar depois de instalares e renicia o pc depois diz alguma coisa. isso é emsmo problemas dos drivers. o teu gpu só tem 126 mbs de suport do jogo é normal que ja n tenha potencia para tal. -Overall, the Intel G33 Express Chipset has poor performance. This is not altogether surprising, as it is an integrated GPU. If a robust graphical system is desired, a dedicated graphics card upgrade is a must, though you can get away with an integrated GPU for less intensive applications and games. This integrated GPU is now over 10 years old that gpu dont support direct x 11 now.
    1 point
  30. Welcome to PRO, have fun!
    1 point
  31. ... As I said, until the Xmas version, normally starts, later versions came with this error. I have not changed anything in my computer since the Xmas version.
    1 point
  32. Hello, as Sviper kindly explained, this update is pretty big so it takes time. Keep an eye on Server Status in order to be informed on when the servers will be back online. In the meantime, Have a nice day! - Locked -
    1 point
  33. did u try run has admin? /whats your gpu? -start menu - dxdiag -video - name: gpu drivers -nvidia (download) -ati/amd (download) -intel (download) DirectX 11 Technology Update by Microsoft: (download) That can happen when you dont have framework isntalled fully direct x installed or gpu is to old for dx 11. Event Name: WindowsNonFatalSuspectedDeadlock ->Reset PC and reinstall video card drivers. to reset card follow the image i attach .(remenber to dowload the gpu driver 1st) this happens in others games like : hearthstone blizzard games.
    1 point
  34. Name in the Game: Yaboiii How many Hours game play do you have currently? 100 How many badges do you currently have? All 8 Kanto and 6 Johto Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? Yes Your discord username: YaBoiii#8937 Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? Yes Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? It would be a fun experience
    1 point
  35. This one is pretty big one, so no ETA for this one. It's already almost 3 hours since maintenance started.
    1 point
  36. Inside battle you already can do it. Pc version - the 12345 are for hotkeys. Inside battle 1234 have others functions, 1 fight 2 choose Pokémon 3 to bagpack 4 run away. Also inside every execept the bagpack you can choose by the same keys what u gonna do. But yes besides this I agree with 1/2 things u said up there.
    1 point
  37. I really want a shiny caterpie mount and wanna know if you (owners of the game) can do it:PiplupCry:.Caterpie is a cute pokemon,i love it,and i have a shiny caterpie in game,can look so nice ride one,thank you for your attention and hope a game moder or someone can answer me,see you :D:RowletHeart:
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Dig spots have been added at 7 different locations in Sinnoh. I'll let you discover where, and what's good to find inside. Enjoy!
    1 point
  40. Once you get access to love island, which isn't very hard, getting all those OT pokemon for sinnoh won't be hard. The items are also very easy to obtain at love island by rock smashing. Good luck.
    1 point
  41. Hey there gam3rartz! I feel like I owe you a small explanation to the amount of frustration you've had to endure whilst playing our game. It's sad for me to see that it has not been the most pleasurable experience for you lately, but everything we create content-wise has to have it's requirements. This for instance was to not overcrowd the launching period of the Sinnoh region. We hope you understand this and still have the motivation to explore and play the game eventhough you've hit a rough patch! Good luck and have fun!
    1 point
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