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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/18 in all areas

  1. ★ Hello everyone, and wish you are having a delightful weekend! We will make renaming and resetting accounts possible for those who want it, but only if they meet certain requirements (listed below). The Renaming/Resetting topic is closed since Monday the 3rd of September 2018 _____________________________________________ ★ Account renaming: Your account and Login data will change to a new username. Pokemon's OT, friend lists, guild memberships (if leader, the change might have to wait until a server reboot for it to update) and everywhere the former username is, will change to the new one. ___________________________________________ ★ It will delete all the Pokemon on your account, variables, and items you may have. Friendlists will be kept and if you play on the account, you will find yourself at the Start Map. __________________________________ Minimum 150h 300k Pokedollars payment Registered more than 3 months ago Clean infraction history (small PvP infractions may not count) - Includes ALL PRO scope chats You may purchase this for a friend in case s/he hasn't done any infraction, and just 1 change per 6 months Have to choose FREE NAMES (as in, not already taken) in case of a name change
    10 points
  2. Ban blaziken. Don't think I need to fully explain to why it needs a bann now, but if you require a reason then you should just go look up why it is banned in competitive play. And if you want me to show u calcs I'm for it. But what it comes down to is no Pokémon can come into this mon and live 1-2 hits not any mon. With the nerf of talon and how under played it will be and in our current meta the only 2 Pokémon able to revenge kill would be a azumarill and crawdaunt. Basically saying If you team don't have one of these mons in it your teams gets blow back by a blaziken. If you don't have one of these mons in and blaziken is pard up vs say your amoongus and you know u need said mon to Win but you know if you switch out he sds and sweeps your life/ what ever you switch into he blowing tf back... nice Pokémon we go there... if you want more information... like detailed go check why it was banned in the first place.. so just ban this broken ass mon with no checks or counters
    9 points
  3. While you're on it might aswell ban Duggy aswell.
    2 points
  4. :CharYay:Hey, welcome to the Red Rider guild page! :ChikoritaWTF:Who are we? We are a really chill guild who's just trying to have a great time playing this amazing game! Most of what we do is playing the story, collecting pokemon, and help others in the help chat! You will most definitely see at least a few of our guild members helping other in the chats! We also build up mons to start working on the pvp ladder and hopefully climb up. :ValentineBulba:How did this happen? It allll started when Kruton, the guild leader, wanted to hunt the valentine nidorans. While we were all split up, there were comments about wanting to start a guild, and a few people hopped in, saying they wanted to join. Our only problem was the darn 400k, cause most of us were either in Kanto or Johto, and poor. Our solution was to c r o w d f u n d. So we got the money, set up, and b a m. Here we are! What really brought us together was Kruton's legendary hunt for a valentine nidoran. He started counting encounters, but only nidos. so on route 10, he got to about 300 before going to cupid, where over a course of 3 days, he reached a whopping 1317 nidorans before encountering a valentine nidoran male. This doesn't include any other encounters, so the total encounters was closer to 2700+. What Are we looking for? We're trying to keep the guild as toxic-free as possible (there are moments though :^) ), which includes, but is not limited to, bringing others down, racial slurs, and sexist slurs. As long as you aren't being toxic, feel free to talk and discuss a whole bunch of different things with us! Nothing special is really required, but qualities that would help are: Discord; it is not required, but is VERY useful, not only for our guild, but for the PRO official discord as well! Any basic knowledge of Pokemon in general; It helps, but we are willing to explain the ins and outs of most of what PRO offers to new players learning, or people who have played the main series games that are playing PRO for the first time! ALSO NOTE: Not everything in PRO is the way that it works in the Main series games. THINGS MAY NOT BE CODED RIGHT OR AT ALL. TY :^) A positive attitude towards people who ask for help! Here's a quick little format for those that are interested in joining: Discord Tag - [example#0123] (It is CaSe SeNsItIvE!) How many hours on PRO? Progress so far? What's your favorite Pokemon available in PRO right now? What's your favorite part about PRO right now? Kruton, Clippermurray, or I will send invites to our discord when the chances arise, so please be patient!
    1 point
  5. Friday the 13th Story Event All Servers Welcome Greetings fellow Trainers: It has finally happened. We get our first Friday the 13th in April. As it is our first Friday the 13th of the 2018 year let us treat it as something special. This event has a pyramid of rewards depending on the number of Entry's. But, let us get to the juicy part of the competition. Format: The format for this event is you need to write about what one of the Pokemon in the above picture does on Friday the 13th. The short story must be 250 words and no longer than 500 words. I won't be critiquing proper grammar but spelling is a must. I am looking for a good story to give thrills and chills similar to ghost stories around a camp fire in the woods. This should be PG13 and under. Prizes: As mentioned above there is a pyramid system for rewards depending on the number of submitted stories. So the more submitted stories the better the reward is. Tier 1 - Less than 10 Stories 1st - 1 Coin Capsules 2nd - 15 Day Membership 3rd - 25% Experience for 72 hrs. Tier 2 - 11 to 20 Stories 1st - 2 Coin Capsules 2nd - 30 Day Membership or 1 Coin Capsule 3rd - 15 Day Membership Tier 3 - 21 plus stories 1st - 4 Coin Capsules 2nd - 2 Coin Capsules 3rd - 1 Coin Capsule or 30 Day Membership How Judging Works - Judging will be handled by me and a few of my friends. We will double check the word count to make sure it fits the criteria as requested. The event will close on 12:01 AM PST on April 14th. We will review all submissions and announce the winners on April 15th. Prizes will be given out at the earliest convenience. Where to post my story? You can post your story here in the thread. If you feel someone might steal some of your ideas you can send me a PM with your story. All stories will be published at the end of the event. Questions? Feel free to PM me here on the forums or you can find me on Discord. The link to the Official Pro Discord is in my signature. Best of luck and may the odds forever be in your favor.
    1 point
  6. So, a thought came across my mind i was thinking... how can trading become less of a hassle?.... that BOOM this thought exploded into my brain like a lightening bolt to my brain. '' A Grand Exchange '' i've played plenty of mmo's in my life and what i'd love to see is a player own shop that they can put a set price on a pokemon for it to be sold and seen by everyone via typing in the pokemons name of their buying choice. shiny/non-shinys for example. you talk to a npc, that will show you the pokemon thats a player is selling and it'll have an asking price of what they've set. so like a timid charmander with 20 in speed and 20 in special attack (lets say that was the pokemon i was considering on buying.) and they put a set price for 50.000 poke'dollers. and when i buy the pokemon, it will go into my party or pokemon center pc and the player selling that pokemon will receive the money onto their account, online or offline. so like an pokemon market for players on the servers. no idea if this idea seems good, but thought trying to sell or buy pokemon can be such a painful task. anyway whats your thoughts on this lads and lasses?
    1 point
  7. There was incident that happened in Eterna Forest years ago. On March 13th, a month early, the locals has setup fliers outside of the forest, warning to all trainers who enters in Eterna Forest on April 13th. Today is now April 13th. There's two trainers that had arrived outside of Eterna Forest are having a adventure together (I dubbed them M!Trainer for male/F!Trainer for female) Both trainers were given a flier and a brief information what was happened during the previous incident. Both trainers read the flier and says "Beware of the pokemon Trevenant on the date of April 13th, we are not responsible what happens on that day, you trainers have been warned." M!Trainer says "Really people? This is the reason why all of you are camping the night out for this? Just bring some pokemon that is super effective against it! You weaklings!" F!Trainer responds "I don't know, this seems dangerous. I think we should wait. M!Trainer responds "Not you too!? I'm not scared, I'm going in. See you tomorrow I'll be waiting. F!Trainer responds "Wait! I'm coming. Even though both of them enters the forest nearly at the same time, yet they seem to be alone surround by mist and "it" used Confuse Ray on them. M!Trainer says "This is it? It's a forest in the night, what so scared about that. Right F!Trainer? F!Trainer! Where did she go? F!Trainer says "Huh? Where is he? I thought I was behind him moment ago. I knew it, I should have stayed back there. As F!Trainer tries to return to the entrance, it seemed to have disappeared. F!Trainer had no choice to continue walk through the forest by herself while getting cold. F!Trainer says "What is going on? I'm getting cold, I could see my own breath. I don't like this. The cold was an indication of Trevenant were nearby her using it's roots with Confuse Ray to disguise into a Phantumps ,but she couldn't able to understand pokemon language and starts to run, while it whispers "Are you my Momma? F!Trainer says "What!? Is it talking me? What is they saying? Stop! F!Trainer was running as fast as she could until bumped into something big and begins to scream, while M!Trainer heard and starts run towards her, but he sees is...something else. M!Trainer says "F!Trainer! Where are you? I could sworn I heard her voice! Hmmm what is big tree doing here? What the? Pokeballs and a wallet lying here. I wonder who would just leave these? As the M!Trainer picks up the wallet and opens to find out who it beings too. Inside their was a picture of F!Trainer. He was shocked, confused as he turn has eyes up. He see not of a normal tree, but a... pokemon...Trevenant. And this is the reason, why it's called Eterna Forest. Once you go in, you stay there.
    1 point
  8. Hey @Irobot009 and welcome to PRO! To download the game, it's this way; then, I'd advise you to check out a bit our Game Guides forum and the PRO Wiki :) If you need help, take a look at our General Support forum, or seek out Live Chat support via our Official Discord Server, we’ll do our best to assist you. Feel free to also check out our Twitter, Youtube Channel, and Instagram as well ! Good luck on your journey, and have a great day
    1 point
  9. Lol why am i here i dont even pvp
    1 point
  10. +1 no reason for this mon to stay unbanned while it's uber tier, there are still pokemon can counter it but it is really hard to kill it if you dont have. Without talond and a bit nerfed for gengar this mons is a threat to every team and it can spam hjk almost everytime without worry.
    1 point
  11. "I was her little dolly.. I had been there ever since her sixth birthday.. I smiled with her every valentine's day, every holiday, and I was there every time she had a tear in her beautiful shining green eyes. I was everything to my loving princess... Then I was nothing. It was her tenth birthday, and I was easily replaced by a Charmander." I explained to Gengar as I lifted my arms, looking at them with a tear in my eye “She threw me to the curb… and I turned out like this. I’ve quietly been waiting.. Carefully planning.. And after five years she has finally come home to Hoenn..” Gengar looks at me with his large smile knowing what I’m thinking and mumbling so low you could mistake it for wind “Friday” My only reply is my smile to mirror his. Dark thoughts circle in my Prankster Mind. April 13th The night of the big event. I have to zip my mouth shut just to make sure I don’t laugh to ruin the surprise. I go inside the Petalburg Woods. “A little girl shouldn’t be all alone in woods this late at night” I think to myself as I follow the light from a flame in the woods. As I get closer I use Trick, and a piece of Rare Candy shows up in my hand. I lay in a bush by the path they are on, holding out my hand with the candy in it. “Oh look Charmeleon! A piece of Rare Candy. We can finally get you to evolve with this!” Hearing her voice I wall up my heart. It’s too late to go back now, and she deserves everything coming to her… She moves closer and I use Phantom Force vanishing instantly. “Oh, I guess my eyes were tricking me. I must be getting tired, and I am sure you are. Here take a rest.” My smile couldn’t get wider as she put her beloved Charmeleon into a pokeball. She continues to walk using the moonlight as her guide. I float up softly and land on her head. She feels me as I let Phantom Force drop. I lean down and look into her eyes with my purple eyes. They widen as she panics reaching for her lone pokeball. Snatch. With one move I have it in my hand and I throw it as far as I can. She won’t be needing that anymore. “I’ve saved my last move for you.” I say after my zipper unzips. I know she can’t hear me.. She never could. With the last ability I have I use Curse. I groan as my health drops. She panics and faints… I leave her in the woods going back to Petalburg and wait.. It seems like I have been waiting years.. Nights have come and gone.. Finally July thirteenth comes.. And out of Petalburg Woods floats a lone Phantump.. My zipper goes wide as I see her again. (I can't wait to see everyone's stories ^^ good luck everyone and happy writing)
    1 point
  12. I like it but your post looks a lot more like a guild advertisement than a suggestion @_@
    1 point
  13. Hi All, I would like to suggest a change in the pricing for the Moo Moo Milk particularly the one sold in Miltank Barn in Johto. currently it is only accessible after doing the Miltank Quest and after doing the rather easy but still time consuming quest, players get to be able to buy the yummy MooMoo Milk fresh from the barn! while it all sounds good, there's a problem i see. We can only buy one by one so it's a hassle while one can buy the same item in the Olivine City Mart without the hassle but at a lower price. So it had me thinking, i think the quest should be rewarding and be worth doing if players can buy fresh MooMoo Milk in Miltank Barn at a discounted rate (say 450 pokedollars each) but it could be a limited number per day and maybe have it sold as a batch (by 6's or 12's to give a nod to milk crates? xD) so it doesnt break the economy of Olivine City Mart lol-- justlike how we have NPC that sells items at discounted rate but with a limit per day (like the escape rope guy). I attached images as proof of the pricing problem. I can say that this idea is important especially to make this Miltank Quest worth doing. It will also make the Johto region more special by offering something the region can only offer, which is Fresh MooMoo Milk (yay!) Fans of the game will also appreciate the awesomeness of Miltanks and we can also get a little more appreciation to the idea of taking care of pokemons since this is essentially what i learned when i did the quest. the reward is just a bit too underwhelming. I checked the other suggestions and haven't seen anyone suggesting this so i did. but if this is already in the process or is already denied please do let me know.
    1 point
  14. The MooMoo Milk seller at Miltank Barn (Johto), now sells 12 MooMoo Milks a day at a discounted price. You'll have to do his quest first however.
    1 point
  15. These are nice, but I think you confuse something. Hand drawn does not mean traditional. Digital art is still generally hand drawn. I think what you mean is Traditional art medium ^^
    1 point
  16. My entry! IGN: Sheribonbon Server: Yellow
    1 point
  17. Hello, I was told that some players released or traded (Latias/Latios) their legendary before Reroll Ticket was added in PRO. This hits pvper really hard, and that is why I decided to give everyone the chance to recover it or get a new random one if it's not recoverable (random nature, ability and IVs). This is only possible if you released/traded your legendary before the Reroll Ticket was added. I can check when you released/traded it. If you try to deceive me it will be punished. This is only possible for 1 week and won't be possible anymore afterwards! One of the following requirements has to be fulfilled: - You released your legendary before Reroll Tickets were added - You traded your Latios/Latias for Latias/Latios before Reroll Tickets were added Form: Username: Server: Legendary:
    1 point
  18. All recovered. Please contact me in discord: Walrosskastanie#5832
    1 point
  19. Okay so few days ago I got temporary banned by autoban on Red Server while looking for torchics. I didn't use any macro, bot or something like that. I already make a discipline appeal as soon as I can after I got banned, but no answer for 2 days now. But put that aside, can you help to tell me what can make us got falsely banned by autoban ? Is it by moving around the same place for a while ? Or keep running from wild pokemon unless I met pokemon that I want to catch ? Because I don't want to get falsely banned again, and I can avoid to do that to avoid get banned by autoban again. Thanks Before.
    1 point
  20. Re: Complete Kanto Walkthrough. <r><QUOTE author="HuskySM"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thank you very much :) <HR><s> </s><e>[/hr]</e></HR> <QUOTE author="Mushrambo"><s> </e></QUOTE> I prefer to release my work as a whole rather than constantly editing the guide. I don't like releasing unfinished guides/ projects. Everything has to be perfect :P<br/> Maybe I'll give it a shot when I start Johto though :D <HR><s> </s><e>[/hr]</e></HR> <QUOTE author="thejollypear"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thank you :)</r>
    1 point
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