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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/18 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, if you have been playing these past few days, you might've already noticed a few of those appearing around Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. Today, I'm glad to announce that the Honey trees are ready and hopefully full of good surprises for you. To interact with a honey tree, you'll need one of these : I won't tell you every secret about the honey trees and let you figure it out, however.. Have fun and enjoy!
    12 points
  2. Welcome to my shop! Here you will find various graphic services, mainly: - Banners; - Signatures; - Avatars; HOWEVER, i can also do specific SPECIAL graphics depending on the request so dont shy away from asking i can do anything! WORK EXAMPLES [spoiler=Click Here for EXAMPLES] Rules - I accept requests from SILVER server players, however, GOLD server players can still request as long as they can pay the fee on the SILVER server; - To make a request please fill out the form below so i can know exactly everything i need to make the best design with my skills; - When making a request you agree to give me creative freedom to make the best design with the given information on the form; - There will be a fee depending on the requested graphic, each have its own price, they can be paid with pokedollars or cash shop items and pokemons of equal value; - The fee must be paid before the work is done, if you dont like the final product i will offer another design until you are satisfied; - Special requests can be done, and the fee can be agreed via private message; PRICES - Signatures: negotiable - Avatars: negotiable - Banners: negotiable - Special Request: negotiable REQUEST FORM .:Type of graphic- .:Text(s)- .:Character(s)- CONTACTS - Silver Server: Basaraz - Discord: Basara#9726 Thank you for using my services
    2 points
  3. Hello all, so for those on silver who would like a chance to win one 60 day ms (Only doing one giveaway) all you gotta do is be able to catch cyndaquil. Now it cant be previously caught or a starter. I would prefer it be timid with flash fire and decent stats 15+. A shiny cyndaquil is an automatic win. My ingame name is AnnaScarlet
    2 points
  4. PANDEMONIUM [ITA - Silver Server] Benvenuti! Se vi trovate in questa pagina ĆØ perchĆ© siete alla ricerca di una gilda italiana, bene l'avete trovata :D Pandemonium, ex ItalianGuys, ĆØ stata fondata circa un anno fa, quando ancora c'era il server Blu, e si ĆØ mantenuta dopo il marge prendendo il nome appunto di Pandemonium. Siamo una gilda di soli membri italiani, a differenza del 90% delle altre gilde che hanno membri di nazionalitĆ  mista. PerchĆ© sceglierci? Ecco qualche motivo: Siamo molto attivi in game, ed abbiamo piĆ¹ di 50 membri fissi. Abbiamo membri con molte ore di gioco e molta esperienza, pronti ad aiutare per qualsiasi cosa. Forniamo un supporto ai nuovi player (seri) a 360Ā°, Storia - PvP - Psicologico, in caso servisse XD Il nostro obbiettivo ĆØ il divertimento, oltre alla Top ( come tutti xD) Abbiamo un canale Discord con il quale tenerci in contatto e che da la possibilitĆ  di ricavare diverse informazioni utili per il game. (guide ecc...) Forniamo un servizio di Dex Service per tutti i nostri membri che ne necessitano. Organizziamo eventi e tornei di gilda, divertenti e con grandi premi in palio. Siamo piĆ¹ belli degli altri :P Siamo sempre alla ricerca di nuovi players con cui divertirci e crescere, per unirsi a noi non serve essere laureati ne andare alla ricerca delle 7 sfere del drago, una possibilitĆ  la diamo a tutti. Ovviamente players maleducati, inattivi o rompiballs verranno espulsi molto presto :) L'unica cosa che chiediamo ĆØ che vi registriate su Discord, qualora giĆ  non lo aveste, per aver accesso alle guide e agli eventi. Ogni membro che compone la nostra gilda da il suo contributo, chi con il rate pvp consentendoci di scalare la classifica e chi con la conoscenza e l'aiuto del prossimo, dunque le nostre porte sono aperte anche a chi non ama fare pvp e preferisce il farming contribuendo in modo diverso alla crescita della gilda. Nella nostra gilda abbiamo players di tutte le etĆ , principalmente 20+ ma abbiamo anche qualcuno piĆ¹ piccolo e qualcuno oltre i 30 :) quindi qualsiasi sia la vostra etĆ  siete i benvenuti, sempre mantenendo un comportamento corretto ed educato. Per unirvi a noi, potete contattarci direttamente qui sul forum oppure in game, facendo riferimento ai seguenti membri: Isterya - Officer Rey89 - Guld Leader Giorgio883 - Officer Ayumikyra - Officer EnricoVenere - Officer ItzPippo4939 - Officer Gabry593 - Officer Come contattarli? In game, con il seguente comando /pm vostronome-=-nomedelofficer (scritto nella chat del game) Oppure qua sul forum, come detto in precedenza. Ulteriori informazioni, come il server discord verranno date direttamente in game, vi aspettiamo!
    1 point
  5. Vulcan Island Part 2 The side-quest Hidden items Spawns Tuber Twins Finish the main quest (Click here) Talk to Ahoks wife [*]Go back to Vulcan Island shore and visit the Vulcan Cove (bring Surf, Rock Smash, Flash and a team out of level 100 with you) [*]Go south and go into the Cave (Vulcan Island Cave B1F] [*]Talk to the Scientist James [*]Find the 4 sample locations in the cave (these rocks spawn randomly, please post yours if yours are different) [spoiler=Location 1(north above James)] [spoiler=Location 2(north above Regi)] [spoiler=Location 3(north above Jim)] [spoiler=Location 4(right next to Jon)] [spoiler=Location 5(south of Evan)] [*]Talk to James again after you found all 4 [*]Go into the Vulcan Cave B2F, little south-east of James [*]Talk to James again [*]Talk to Manaphy and beat it [*]Talk to the NPC down below [*]Go back to Ahoks wife and talk to her :) Enjoy your reward [spoiler=north in Vulcan Cave B1F (Rare Candy)] [spoiler=north-east in Vulcan Cave B1F(some Leftovers)] [spoiler=close to Wyatt(1x PP Max)] [spoiler=south below Dennis(Wailmer)] [spoiler=Vulcan Cove]Vulcan Cove #Pokemon Area Daytime Rarity MS Level Item Staryu Fish (Super Rod) N Tier 7 No 45-52 - Corphish Land D Tier 8 No 45-52 - Krabby Land M/D/N Tier 2 No 45-52 - Marill Land M/D/N Tier 6 No 45-52 - Sandile Land D Tier 8 No 45-52 - Slowpoke Land M/D/N Tier 1 No 45-52 - Wingull Land M/D/N Tier 2 No 45-52 - Marill Surf M/D/N Tier 5 No 45-52 - Slowpoke Surf M/D/N Tier 2 No 45-52 - Tentacruel Surf M/D/N Tier 3 No 45-52 - Seaking Surf/Fish (Good Rod) M/D/N Tier 6 No 45-52 - Goldeen Surf/Fish (Old Rod) M/D/N Tier 2 No 45-52 - Tentacool Surf/Fish (Old Rod) M/D/N Tier 1 No 45-52 - [spoiler=Vulcan Cave B1F]VVulcan Cave B1F #Pokemon Area Daytime Rarity MS Level Item Bagon Land M/D Tier 8 No 45-52 - Deino Land N Tier 8 No 45-52 - Dugtrio Land M/D/N Tier 4 No 45-52 - Machoke Land M/D/N Tier 3 No 45-52 - Machop Land M/D/N Tier 1 No 45-52 - Mawile Land M/D/N Tier 7 No 45-52 - Onix Land M/D/N Tier 2 No 45-52 - Pineco Land M/D/N Tier 8 No 45-52 - Rhydon Land M/N Tier 6 No 45-52 - Rhyhorn Land M/D Tier 5 No 45-52 Protector [spoiler=Vulcan Cave B2F]Vulcan Cave B2F #Pokemon Area Daytime Rarity MS Level Item Cryogonal Land M/D/N Tier 9 No 45-52 Nevermeltice Cubone Land M/D/N Tier 5 No 45-52 - Diglett Land M/D/N Tier 1 No 45-52 - Geodude Land M/D/N Tier 1 No 45-52 Everstone Marowak Land M/D/N Tier 7 No 45-52 - Phanpy Land M/D/N Tier 4 No 45-52 - Roggenrola Land M/D/N Tier 8 No 45-52 Everstone Frillish Surf D Tier 9 No 45-52 - Horsea Surf M/D/N Tier 2 No 45-52 - Lumineon Surf M Tier 8 No 45-52 - Marill Surf M/D/N Tier 6 No 45-52 - Poliwag Surf M/D/N Tier 2 No 45-52 - Poliwhirl Surf M/D/N Tier 5 No 45-52 - Slowpoke Surf M/D/N Tier 1 No 45-52 - Staryu Surf N Tier 7 No 45-52 - Fight against both and win of course to get a reward (6 days cooldown) [*]Big Mushroom [*]Tiny Mushroom
    1 point
  6. Ciao a tutti! :y: Ho aperto questa nuova gilda per i giocatori italiani di PRO nel Server Argento, visto che sentivo ne mancasse una realmente attiva. Requisiti: - EtĆ  minima 17 anni; - Minimo 40 ore di gameplay sul server. Questo serve ad evitare l'ingresso di persone che mollano il gioco dopo 1 giorno; - Un italiano decente. Non sottovalutate questo punto, parlate in maniera comprensibile. Non chiediamo un'italiano da accademia della Crusca, ma che almeno si capisca; - Se non ci si logga nel gioco per un periodo di un mese senza avvertire dell'assenza, si puĆ² essere espulsi dalla gilda; - Avere un account qui nel forum; - Partecipare alla vita della gilda in chat; --- Di conseguenza, evitate di spammare domande su ogni argomento via PM a me. Non posso avere 20 PM ogni volta che loggo, la chat di gilda serve proprio ad essere aiutati da tutti. Usate i PM solo per questioni "tecniche" relative alla gilda come eventuali nuovi utenti che hanno chiesto di entrare. Continui PM per questioni non importanti porteranno all'espulsione dalla gilda; - Nel caso ci siano ragazze nella gilda, non voglio in alcun modo comportamenti patetici nei loro confronti. Al primo commento sessista o al primo "escile" non solo il membro verrĆ  espulso ma mi impegnerĆ² pure nel segnalarlo allo staff per un ban; - Niente maleducazione, insulti, violazione delle regole del gioco; --- "Niente violazione delle regole del gioco". Le regole di PRO possono essere trovate facilmente, comunque un breve recap delle principali: non voglio botter, non voglio scammer (gente che ruba i pokemon altrui), niente spammer, niente derisione delle vendite altrui in trade chat, niente drammi. Per favore siate sicuri di rispettare questi semplicissimi requisiti prima di fare richiesta. :Smile: La gilda vuole essere un punto di ritrovo sopratutto per le persone nuove che hanno problemi con l'inglese e hanno bisogno di consigli rapidi, ma anche per giocatori piĆ¹ esperti. Gruppo facebook: vi inviteremo dopo l'ingresso in gilda. Discord: vi inviteremo dopo l'ingresso in gilda. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Essere all'interno della gilda per un dato periodo di tempo comporterĆ  dei vantaggi. Ho deciso infatti di riservare vari Pokemon ai membri della gilda in difficoltĆ . Questi pokemon sono tutti allenati con le EV corrette e al livello 100, garantendo un facile superamento dei momenti difficili della storia. Per essere sicuro, perĆ², non potranno essere richiesti ogni 5 minuti e non da membri appena arrivati. Il tempo minimo in gilda richiesto per poter usufruire di questi pokemon ĆØ di 1 settimana, e non potranno essere tenuti per piĆ¹ di 5 giorni. Il servizio di "Dex Service" per i membri della Gilda sarĆ  gratis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consigli utili per i nuovi arrivati nel gioco 1 - NON evolvete i vostri pokemon. In PRO, i pokemon evoluti richiedono un numero spropositato di Esperienza per livellare, questo comporterĆ  che presto vi bloccherete perchĆ© il livellamento ĆØ troppo lento. I pokemon vanno evoluti prima della lega; 2 - State attenti. Sempre fare screenshot per scambi importanti. Essere sicuri di comprare qualcosa che valga quel prezzo; 3 - Se qualcuno vi truffa, non sclerate in chat, ma usate i suddetti screen per aprire un reclamo nel forum; 4 - Quando fate un acquisto/vendita importante, catturate un pokemon rarissimo/epico, catturate uno shiny o vincete un incontro importante (come la lega).. fate SEMPRE log out alla fine di eventuali dialoghi, insomma a gioco "normale". PerchĆ©? PerchĆ© il gioco puĆ² crashare spesso. E quando succede, avvengono dei "rollback", ossia si resetta a qualche secondo (quando si ĆØ fortunati) o minuti (nelle peggiori ipotesi) precedenti. Questo significa che potreste perdere i vostri nuovi soldi, pokemon, la vostra vittoria tanto sudata. Fare log out forza il salvataggio, quindi male che vada vi si resetta al nuovo log in; 5 - Sempre, SEMPRE avere pokeballs con voi. E se trovate uno shiny? E se trovate un pokemon evento? Nei grandi centri commerciali (Celadon/Goldenrod) c'ĆØ un ladro del team rocket che vi vende 50 pokeball per 9k. ƈ un'ottima offerta; 6 - Dig, Bottintesta, sono mosse utilissime da usare sempre. Sono mosse perĆ² che richiedono la felicitĆ . La felicitĆ  si puĆ² controllare con "/Happy x (x sta per il numero da 1-6 del vostro pokemon in squadra)" in chat, e aumenta di +1 vincendo un incontro e +5 salendo di livello. Mentre diminuisce di -5 se perdete. C'ĆØ uno strumento (Soothe Bell) che se tenuto dal pokemon raddoppia la felicitĆ  guadagnata. I dig spot resettano ogni 3 giorni. Headbutt ogni 24h. Far dig ĆØ un ottimo modo per far soldi, perchĆ© si ottengono numerosi strumenti da poter rivendere all'Item Maniac (presenti in: route 25, Rovine Alfa, Route 124); 7 - Un modo veloce di far soldi ĆØ, come detto sopra, usare Dig. I dig sono presenti in Kanto e Johto, e hanno cooldownd di 3 giorni. Inoltre ĆØ possibile trovare Big Pearl nei cristalli nella Love Island (richiedono un pokemon con rock smash e la felicitĆ  al massimo), piccoli funghi nella foresta di petalburg (cooldown 14 giorni, portetevi un parasect dietro) e il boss Brock regala un buon numero di Big Nugget; 8 - Volo funziona solo in battaglia. Avere l'MN vi costerĆ  50k e sbloccherĆ  il treno (che costa 2,5k ogni viaggio). Viaggiare da una regione all'altra costa 5k; 9 - La bicicletta costa 75k. Dovrete pagare questa somma al bambino con il Ditto a Vermilion City, poi tornare al negozio di Biciclette a Cerulean; 10 - Ami da pesca: amo vecchio gratis a Vermilion / Amo buono 15k a Fuchsia / Super Amo 75k a Olivine (richiede i precedenti ami); 11 - Pikachu Surf e il Cappello di Ash possono essere ottenuti solo scegliendo Pikachu come starter. Il Surf si puĆ² imparare (una volta la settimana) da un NPC nella spiaggia di Fuchsia per 8k. Il cappello da una quest con Ash; 12 - Fare affidamento a siti esterni per costruire il vostro team puĆ² aiutare fino ad un certo punto. In PRO non tutte le mosse e abilitĆ  sono programmate, quindi ĆØ diverso come gioco. E sopratutto non ĆØ aggiornato a Sole/Luna (ergo Gengar ha ancora Levitate e Talonflame con l'abilitĆ  nascosta ĆØ ancora fortissimo). 13 - Battere i boss facilmente: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=61730&p=354768#p354768 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Membri della Gilda Leader: NamelessHero27 Ufficiali: Membri: COME CONTATTARMI IN GAME: usate in chat /pm vostronicknelgioco-=-Namelesshero27 Messaggio su Discod: MegalessHero27 LittenWhen#4035 Anche chiedere qua nel topic va bene, anzi meglio ancora. Per favore non mandatemi richieste di amicizia che non sapendo chi siete le rifiuto, dato che ho una lista piena e c'ĆØ sempre gente che si diverte a spammare richieste.
    1 point
  7. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello to all competitive PRO PvPers! This year, PRO Staff have decided to launch the third Summer PvP Tournament, which is opened to everyone who meets the requirements to sign up and wishes to participate. This is our 3rd year hosting an annual PvP tournament! Are you ready to face off against the rest of your server to battle for bragging rights, and a unique reward to set you apart from the rest? āœ–ļøŽ Only one entry is allowed per user. (Any alternate accounts found registering will be rejected!) āœ–ļøŽ Must be able to record and upload matches to Youtube for evidence. These must be uploaded and submitted within 48 hours of the match taking place. You must display your FULL TEAM at the beginning of the video by clicking on each Pokemon from your party - this is to validate they are the same Pokemon that you registered with. Exceptions may be agreed to those who are unable to record, however must reach out to myself to approve and discuss - only special circumstances. āœ–ļøŽ You may only use Pokemon that have been registered by yourself. āœ–ļøŽ Ranked PvP Rules apply. Please review these if you have not already, as any violation of these in the tournament will result in disqualification and auto-win for your opponent. āœ–ļøŽ If you disconnect mid-battle, it will be counted as a loss unless your opponent agrees to a rematch. āœ–ļøŽ You are free to amend the movesets or held items of your Pokemon after registration, however the Pokemon itself must remain the same as the one registered. āœ–ļøŽ Any rule-breaking outside of the tournament will be dealt with as normal, which could result in you being unable to participate in a given round. No exceptions will be made for tournament participants. These rules are subject to change without prior notice if deemed necessary by Tournament Staff. Note: Any Tournament Rules violation or PRO Rules violation may result in automatic disqualification from the tournament! āœ–ļøŽ Registration opens 3rd June 00:00 GMT. āœ–ļøŽ Registration closes 22nd June 00:00 GMT. āœ–ļøŽ Tournament begins 1st July 00:00 GMT. āœ–ļøŽ You must be a Champion of all 4 regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh. āœ–ļøŽ You can register up to 16 Pokemon. The minimum number of Pokemon you must register is 8. āœ–ļøŽ All registered Pokemon must be Level 100, and you must be the Original Trainer (OT) of AT LEAST 4 of your total registrants. āœ–ļøŽ You must have a minimum of 200 hours playtime. This is to prevent people registering for fun, then not actually attending the tournament. āœ–ļøŽ Create a post HERE for Silver or HERE for Gold in the PRO Tournament Registration forum. āœ–ļøŽ Upload a screenshot of your in-game Trainer Card for the account you wish to enter. It should display your username, playtime, and badges. āœ–ļøŽ Compile and submit your team of 8-16 Pokemon that you wish to register (screenshot the Pokemon Info screen) If you wish to compile an Imgur album, please look at this guide. āœ–ļøŽ Include your timezone in GMT offset (GMTĀ±x). If you're unsure, search up your city on this website and report back the timezone and offset you are in. āœ–ļøŽ Players will be seeded into several separate groups, all to battle each other 1 time each (Silver) or 3 times each (Gold). āœ–ļøŽ Each win will equal one point. āœ–ļøŽ After all battles are completed, the top 2 from each group will progress to the knockout stages. āœ–ļøŽ Winner of group A, will fight runner-up of group B āœ–ļøŽ Runner-up of group A, will fight winner of group B āœ–ļøŽ Winner of group C, will fight runner-up of group D āœ–ļøŽ Runner-up of group C, will fight winner of group D, and so on. Finally, the bit you actually care about - the reward! So, what are you fighting for? This year's reward is an epic, PvP ready, shiny Manaphy and will be usable in PvP for the winning individual. This will be won on an "early access" basis, as the sea guardian Manaphy will be available to all players soon [spoiler=T's & C's]Pokemon will be won as displayed above, any request to change nature will require your own nature reroll ticket upon winning. 2nd. 3rd. I look forward to seeing some great battles! Good luck to everyone, The PRO Team
    1 point
  8. Hello Pro Community! This game guide will show you where the Poke Stop is and what prize you will get from Poke Stop. The Poke Stop is usually at Murals, Sculptures, Historical landmarks, Well-known buildings and so on... If you are Pokemon Go player, you should be familiar with these places. Remember those locations are only available for Kanto and Johto only for now.( I believe) There are only 20/?? Poke Stops so far. This is What Poke Stop NPC looks like :D If you find any new locations or new items please comments the post below( with Screen Shoot)~ Also, if you find any mistakes or any questions want to ask free feel to say :x Hope you guys enjoy the guide :D Cool Down: 2 Days Requirements for Poke Stop: -4 Badges in Kanto -8 Badges in Johto - At least one poke knows Surf move The Locations for Poke Stop: Kanto Region Viridian City Near the Eighth Gym Viridian Forest Pewter City Near the Pewter Museum Route 3 Near the Mt. Moon Entrance Cerulean Cave Entrance Route 25 Near the Bill's House Route 5 Near the Daycare House Vermillion City Harbor Digletts Cave Entrance 2 Route 10 Near the Power Plant Route 10 Near the Rock Tunnel Entrance Johto Region Sprout Tower Union Cave Slowpoke Well Ilex Forest National Park Burned Tower The Glitter Lighthouse Lake of Rage Dark Cave The Prize List The Poke Stop NPC will give you two random items. The items below will show you what items you might get from him. Item List TM List Thor's quotes: Update: Johoto region has been updated
    1 point
  9. Honey trees : Kanto : route 12 => Sunkern https://gyazo.com/d9e6bb7c0a3f3b60e4d5979c4a41caea viridian forest - top side => ledyba https://gyazo.com/b6381bb6e5085593ea54a252109cade9 route 25 => nothing https://gyazo.com/a5be910d8610e928f981ac0da78fc5c0 route 15 => Teddiursa https://gyazo.com/c217c6c453db279a821d18771069c499 Johto : route 35 => Teddiursa https://gyazo.com/f27523fafd146764d3b26a479a6192ee route 43 => Sunkern https://gyazo.com/87b1dc9de841f5a91ebe3ce8ff081ea4 route 45 - right => Sunkern https://gyazo.com/4b02f9246e5aa10255d2d2addb8e408a route 37 => Wurmple https://gyazo.com/56e83b3b11f3143a0ce7ccd9b7bc1e72 Hoenn : route 104 => zigzagoon https://gyazo.com/5669f7467c7aca12cb730cc652110d15 route 116 => Sunkern https://gyazo.com/89f093204b7bc124ac839904289e1953 route 117 => Caterpie https://gyazo.com/53d0b49cdd3e725f40e3a86bec94232b route 121 => Ledyba https://gyazo.com/c7546d365a51fdbe5c9805093bbe1b30 Sinnoh : route 205 => Sunkern https://gyazo.com/861fef7fa29a059960c088a7c699afb8 route 218 => Sentret https://gyazo.com/1b7c4aae9b231d3b250846005921937f route 229 => Caterpie https://gyazo.com/14878abcafbbeceefd8566b229a35a8e route 212 north => Ledyba https://gyazo.com/3ed9eaeab1ba192d0c5bac89e55875c5
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Hey @Topanga, I'm sorry to hear about this inconvenience. If your friend is not receiving the registration email, ask him to follow the steps listed here to get the activation email resent to him. Gmail is the most likely to receive it, so trying again with it, should remedy that. If he is using Gmail, ask him to check his junk mail and make sure he typed the email correctly. Using a different browser, like Firefox, could also help. Let me know if that solved your friend's problem. Have a great day! Armin
    1 point
  12. Hi Mac, Thankyou for the registration, you can change any of this prior to registration closing in 2 days. You're already in tourny discord so dont need an invite link, however will demote you from tourny staff since you're participating. If you still wanna be a moderator let me know and i can give you the role :)
    1 point
  13. Hello! Do not worry. Most of them wouldn't say that this is because of the reasons you mentioned. This is a bug for player who recently merged. I do remember your username from help chat and also you've recently merged it. Just wait for a staff member to help you. It is a common bug. Regards, Warden
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. It would obviously be great but at this point I don't think it will ever happen.
    1 point
  16. Hey, welcome to PRO!
    1 point
  17. Hello there! If you are banned, you should be able to check the reason in the Dashboard. Furthermore, bans should not be talked about in this sub-forum. Despite this, you may make a thread under Discipline Appeals if you feel that this ban is unjust in any way. It is also good to note that bans are not preformed without proper evidence. With all that said, I wish you the best of luck and will now be locking this thread.
    1 point
  18. Hello~ That may be offensive to the people suffering from the said disease. Not a word anyone should use in their username. As mentioned above, you have to agree to the rules and they mention inappropraite username leads to sanction of the account. The one and only thing you can do is appeal here. Regards, Warden
    1 point
  19. 100k this one? [MEDIA=imgur]taeCtpV[/MEDIA]
    1 point
  20. "I think its time to change the meta, playing 2 hour for only one match." I have never ever played a match even close to 2 hours. The longest that one ever took was 50 minutes (which was way too long) and that was due to my opponent time stalling. From my experiance pro pvp matches take between 5-15 minutes and I usually play teams that are balanced or are defensive. "we are on POKEMON REVOLUTION ONLINE". This game is an online pokemon mmo game with a pvp system which means that it follows the rules of real competetive pokemon. Those rules are here for a reason and they make the pvp system healthy. Okay, so let's start with your suggestion of banning both Blissey and Chansey. You say that there is absolutely no counterplay whatsoever and that even strong physial attackers can't touch them and that "Without a big boost you can't kill them easely". Let me show how terribly wrong you are. Here are a few examples: 252+ Atk Life Orb Huge Power Diggersby Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 507-598 (71 - 83.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery (get 1 sword dance up on diggersby and you literally 1 shot every single tank in the game except skarmory) 252 Atk Life Orb Technician Breloom Mach Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 463-549 (64.8 - 76.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery and keep in mind you can spore the Blissey/chansey and then set up easily if your opponent decides to stay in since Blissey and Chansey are so "op" XD 252 Atk Choice Band Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 560-660 (78.4 - 92.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery 252+ Atk Life Orb Conkeldurr Superpower vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 1071-1263 (150 - 176.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO 150%+? XD yeah you absolutely can't kill Blissey without a boost lmao 252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 357-420 (50 - 58.8%) -- 74.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery wait what's that... a special attacker that 2 shot's Blissey, the mighty special defense wall? XD And while chansey does tank a little better, all these mons easily deal with it, and there are many many many many more that easily deal with these mons, but i think I already proved my point. "Arena trap shadow tag could counter them but its ban. There is any good reason to ban this ability, only staller cry about that cause if they can't switch, they can't do their stalling. I see some guys saying that Gothitelle shadow tag vs blissey take too much time and its boring, yes i agree then stop blissey and player stop playing gothitelle ? If you play offense team, shadow tag will be useless." Especially shadow tag is a beyond broken ability that lets you set up how much you want, up to +6 spdef and spatk if you wish and then proceed to sweep a whole team without any skill, especially since there's no team preview. Arena trap lets you kill off a pokemon without any counterplay as they can't switch out and you basically put the opponent in a bad spot where they can't do anything at all, this also helps strong special attackers on your team as most people don't have more than 1 strong special defense wall. You basically get rewarded for abusing the fact that there's no team preview. "- Ban Togekiss, there is no skill to play with flinch until the RNG is not coded correctly. Be honnest, its not 60% chance to flinch with that, its more around 75%. He is in all team ! Some play Scarf with Air slash, flinch air slash, flinch, air slash flinch and other make Thunder Wawe and Air slash flinch air slash Flinch air slash Flinch. Nice skill !" If someone is stupid enough to play with choice scarf Togekiss (as many bad pvpers in this game are) then you should consider yourself lucky since you will probably win. But let's name a few counters, shall we? So one counter is Heatran which beats Togekiss by either flash cannoning it to death, using toxic and then stalling it out or just lava pluming since it does more damage than Togekiss will do to Heatran unless it has both nasty plot and aura sphere. Don't worry, you can simply toxic or flash cannon that togekiss and switch out to a togekiss check after you used toxic (if you don't have flash cannon). Weavile revenge kills togekiss, Scizor beats Togekiss easily unless it carries flamethrower, Blissey and Chansey beat Togekiss with toxic, Goodra also beats Togekiss with sludge bomb or thunderbolt. Since it's pretty easy to find out wether a Togekiss is scarfed or not it's also usually pretty easy to play around as it becomes very predictable. If you for example find out it's bulky with nasty plot you could also bring out your thunderbolt Latios and 2 shot it. And these counters were just from the top of my head, there are more of course. "Without this 3 pokemons we could have more different team and a better rotation in ladder! Stop the team Skarmory / Tangrowth / Blissey or Chansey / Slowbro / Alomomola and ( put here another tank )" If you think the meta is filled with stall teams only then I guarantee you could reach ladder without any problems at all with any hyper offensive team. Stall teams simply can't handle the constant pressure that you put on them and they just don't have the tempo to play vs it. This also solves your "2 hour match" problem as with hyper offensive teams you either win or lose very quick. Conclusion: learn about how pvp works and understand how the meta game works before you complain, because it's not as bad as you think. You just make it that way for yourself by either poor building, poor game knowledge or both. Anyway, good luck in pvp and hopefully this makes you realize why it would be a bad idea to ban Blissey, Chansey, Togekiss and also forbit teams with 6 tanks. Have a good day.
    1 point
  21. "Stall" is easy to beat,we dont even have access to Magic Bounce/Unaware. If you struggle against mons like Blissey and Chansey the problem might be in your team.They aren't broken,there's tons of way to deal with them.Taunt,Physical Attacker,Heracross who destroys stallish teams,conkeldurr and every strong hitter. Togekiss is easy to deal with especially with scarf,just switch out and scout the move it locks himself into.If it's nasty plot,then you got the information and can revenge kill it with a faster mon such as Weavile, Latios (who survives anything except dazzling gleam at +2) and so on. I have been pvp'ing on PRO for awhile and never had a problem with any stallish teams,it's always easy to deal with.In my opinion,Stall isnt viable,because PRO lacks tool such as Unaware/Magic Bounce,ect. I disagree.
    1 point
  22. Ciao! Mi farebbe molto piacere unirmi alla gilda! Nome in game: Vermiglio
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I use all pokemon + toxic+ smokeball find and kill kadabra in cerulean cave or ursaring in mt silver. Dark type+toxic+smoke suft kill slowpoke and slowbro. Fly type toxic+smoke kill quagsire in dragon den or mt silver :)
    1 point
  27. Nice guy! Very good service... Handed him 15 pokemon to ev train and lvl up and he was there for everything i needed in very good price. Guy was in touch with me the whole time in discord and notified me for how the proccess was going the whole time. Definatelly reccomend! Keep it up bro and we ll do bussiness again!
    1 point
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