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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/22 in all areas

  1. Greetings everyone! I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team. We all wish you the best in the next season. Thanks for participating! REWARDS : • Normally, 1st Place will receive 600 PvP coins, 2nd place 595, and so on. • Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season! • Top 25 players from each server are eligible to enter the ladder tournament and win epic Pokemon and other cool rewards! • Top 25 players from each server have access to Tutor Heaven! RANKED LADDER RESULTS : Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) Top 25 Gold Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) RANKED GUILD LADDER RESULTS : Silver Guild Rankings Gold Guild Rankings Disclaimers : Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact Senrosia/Qeight via PMs. Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that. If the results are slightly incorrect, the correct users would have still been rewarded. This is due to the server automatically rewarding the top 25. Special thanks again to everyone that participated this season and those who bring a healthy competitive environment!
    3 points
  2. 1 point
  3. 500k Payment Methods: Cash | RR IV 700k ea Open to Negotiation
    1 point
  4. Hello, I apologize for the delay of getting to you. @Pasokossshown below is rule 7. When you accepted the bid of 8 mil the auction was then running from the start of that bid 3/23 1017 am gmt 0 and you are not allowed to change your duration from 48 hours from start bid to 3 days from start bid. As soon as you accepted the bid the clock started running down. However to make this fair for both bidders I will run it for the three day from the start bid by precipitous on the 3/23 10:17 gmt 0. Therefore the winning bid was by @POG for 8.5 million on 3/26 at 0955 gmt 0. As the auction went on for much longer since the start 7. Starting price/point must be clearly stated. Once met, the auction has started. - In-game: › As of start point, this may be one of the following 2 options: a specified time (e.g. "day/month/year hour:minute a.m./p.m. & Timezone"), or instantly as of the trade post (e.g. "begins now"). › As of start price, specified by the seller. - Forum: › As of start point, this may be one of the following 2 options: a specified time (e.g. "day/month/year hour:minute a.m./p.m. & Timezone"), or instantly as of the trade post (e.g. "as of thread creation"). › As of start price, specified by the seller. Once you accepted the 8 mil offer the auction started rolling as of then. I have returned the 2.5 million and 1 pokedollar to pog's account. Regards, Polteageist
    1 point
  5. I have just sent you a friend request on discord
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Start,First bid
    1 point
  8. Auction won by Chichaii for 2M. Message me in game when you are free please. Thanks to all the participants and congratulations to Chichaii!
    1 point
  9. i want to buy the vulpix alo hasty 31 speed
    1 point
  10. Hi @Clumsygirl It is required for any and every bid you receive, including starting offers. It's important in order to verify both the time the auction started, and whether the bid the started the auction was valid. The evidence needs to be of the bid when it was made, so anything made in retrospect wouldn't be useful or valid and can also be seen as misleading/deceitful. I'll lock this thread as the auction has ended. Please me mindful in future as this can lead to further action being taken. If you have any further questions, please feel free to DM me. I'll be happy to explain more.
    1 point
  11. Bump! This months pvp rating looking good! Getting better every month.
    1 point
  12. Hello everyone, I'm Machao753. Since the Official PRO Ladder Tournament is moving onto PRO, many players feel like this is a premature process. Therefore, we have come together and created the PRO Ladder Invitational which will be held on showdown over the month of April. To enter this tournament you would have to be top 25 during the season. The rewards are as follows: For players who forgo their participation in the main PRO Ladder Tournament held next month: $20 USD + 1 cc for 1st place, $10 USD + 1cc for 2nd place For players who participate in this tournament AND the main PRO Ladder Tournament: $10 USD +1 cc for 1st place, $5 USD + 1 cc for 2nd place In additional, for the best played match in the tournament (which will be voted by the players/spectators), the two players who play the match will receive 1 cc each. Feel free to join if you want to participate or if you simply want to spectate. The tournament will only start with a minimum of 16 people and will not have a max participant. Additional rules in the server. Tournament Server: https://discord.gg/PCVmVbNB87 Thank you for reading, hope to see you in the tournament and have a nice day.
    1 point
  13. Gonna hop in and give my intake on this debate about to begin (keep in mind if I write something potato it's because I'm sleep deprived rn) ^note, going to be my opinion as a Player, not Staff Member. TLDR AT THE BOTTOM IF YOU DON'T WANNA READ Bosses are the most flawed introduction, by far, in the history of PRO. The problem with Bosses is that they are extremely easy to cheese with a single team (even if some bosses require some strategy, by strategy I mean you click onto a different pokemon sometimes and that's about it), they reward too many good items, money and PvE coins compared to other PvE farmable content. PRO's economy is extremely overinflated to beyond a salvation point, IMO. There's a few issues with it. Dig Spots barely give anything in comparison even if abused multiple times, Pokestops, Excavations, Headbutts (lol I forgot these even existed) Battle Tower, Bug Catching Contest and so on. One thing is making these "newbie friendly and accessible", but after almost 7 years of the game running, we must accept that these are mostly done by lategame players too. These are just not worth the time for lategame players (even for early game ones, tbh) after the money item nerfs (which I personally believe were necessary but without compensatory buffs we're just sinking the capability of new players to be able to farm money to the same rate as before). Nerfing the rewards and making them harder affects EVERYONE, not just advanced players. Targeting a WHOLE thing will affect everyone, and newbies will be more affected naturally. We don't have to spoonfeed them either, they're newbies, they have to learn, not copy and paste the first thing they see on a forum guide or a youtube video. At the same time, it starts to be gatekeeping to ban every single strategy. Smeargle was plain broken in bosses, it wasn't just the Sleep + Substitute + Setup + Baton Pass combo, it also had other sets that could be exploited and have a near 100% if not 100% winrate on hard. The nerf still hurt a lot though, many players are currently frustrated due to the most flexible pokemon in existence (but also the easiest to exploit with) being banned. Banning whole strategies is extremely restrictive and not the way to go (IMO). Is it true that Baton Pass vs an AI is broken? Yes, unfortunately. But now Baton Pass strategies are way less reliable, more crit prone and weaker (in general, there's still some cheese teams that can be used), and right now use rare to very rare pokemon in their team compositions (unless you have 400iq and found out that you can make Baton Pass teams out of Common pokemon and make them work everywhere, which I cannot state how or I'll get it nerfed and Walross will slap me in the back of the head). It's an AI after all. It doesn't matter how many things you ban, players are going to cheese them. Deflating the economy is necessary, yes, but if we gatekeep new players from even trying bosses out because they're too hard or unpredictable (which I now appreciate because you have to think your strategy a bit more now), these start to not be worth the difficulty anymore, unless you can just copy and paste the same team for every single one of them, after you read up on forum guides or youtube guides which explain how to cheese them to the fullest extent. PvE content such as Bosses is there to be farmed for money and players will optimise and cheese it as much as possible, AIs are not invincible, this was prone to happen sooner or later and we shouldn't normalise it but we have to accept that this type of content is there to be farmed for its sole purpose, money and PvE coin item providing (aside from other items, shiny chances and rare pokemon). Baton Pass also enables players to try new things against bosses. You can even try to sweep them with Sash Adamant Magikarp spamming Flail at 1 HP while at +6 ATK and SPEED, finally make things like eviolite Gurdurr or Light Ball Pikachu viable in PvE and more and more. Uncommon pokemon that are Untiered or never used in Pokemon find their place in PvE. Banning Baton Pass also makes some of these pokemon that were already borderline unusable even worse. Banning Smeargle already wrecked the utility of many pokemon, banning Baton Pass itself would render hundreds of pokemons useless because you'd only resort to the best options and it would disable all creativity when making strategies to sweep bosses. Baton Pass is not an instawin, it requires many minutes and knowledge of many of the bosses starting pokemon items, moves and what they will do and trying to make them not switch out by tossing them pointless items which will not lock them into choice locked moves or make them run out of PP, avoiding Destiny Bond, Disable, or Perish Song too. As a last comment: Yeah, an ideal world would be a world where we can build 6 different pokemon per Boss, then train them up and fight them 1 on 1. Then you realise bosses: -Literally cheat with 252 EVs on every stat on Medium and 400 in Hard -You have to train 6 different pokemon PER BOSS -There's over 40 bosses, that's 240 pokemon unless you reuse them (let's say 1/3 bosses you do them with the same teams, so 240 divided by 3, around 80 pokemon) -Still atleast 80 different pokemon you must hunt to level 100 with correct ivs natures etc, ev train, moveset train, find their items and use them in bosses. -^the amount of hours this can take for a new player (or even old player) to acheive. Instead of having a Baton Pass core where: 1-2 Debuffers per boss 1-2 Baton Passers per boss 1 Hazard Setter 1 Sweeper (can be a different one per boss or we use multiple ones and each one takes different bosses, example: Slowbro takes Rock, Ground, Fire, Fighting, Poison based bosses, then we use Clefable against Dragon, Fighting, Dark type based bosses, and so on we continue with more). TLDR: The problem with Bosses is not just how cheesable they are, it's how overpowered the rewards are to other farmable PvE content available and how players feel Bosses need nerfs to the used strategies against them, instead of focusing on the rewards problem. Baton Pass as a whole is a healthy mechanic that promotes creativeness in PvE when you don't abuse the same things over and over, as it enables you to buff ANY pokemon to absurd stat limits and try underused or useless pokemon you'd normally never use.
    1 point
  14. Changelog 09.04.2022 Coded Reconnect. You silently reconnect in the background when you disconnected unplanned. Normal logouts, client crashes or closing the client make it impossible to reconnect. The time in which you can reconnect is limited. The time limit can easily be changed/adjusted by us. Overall, this means you shouldn't disconnect randomly anymore. Changed the copy Pokemon format a little bit so it's colorized in pokepast. Added more regions for the Pokemon card so mappers and scripters can work with them in the future. Added Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar and Astrella. This has absolutely nothing to do with the current region progress!
    1 point
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