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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/22 in all areas

  1. accepte CC : 400k Minimum Bid : 400k Current Offer : 13m Auction End in 3 days . No insta yet
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Gold server / Silver server It depends on the server I am on, you will have to put the server transfer. I accept only the following in case you do not have the money: you can contact me on Discord - Limit#8291 Nig - Limit
    1 point
  5. Quick. - You need a few strong Pokemon (One Pokemon must have a steel type, can also be a weak one), something you can brighten up caves with - HM Flash for example. Be able to surf, be able to climb waterfalls, be able to dive. You should start the quest a bit before night. First part is just a explanation where the quest starts. - Go to the Vermilion port and go to Love Island (Requirements: 120 Kanto Pokemon caught, 38 evolved) - Follow the left part of the beach. At some point there is a small stair that leads to some grass, go through it and follow the beach again. (Screen-shot in spoiler if needed) - You will see a cave entrance, enter it. In the cave, use the first ladder you see. - Follow the cave, there is only one way. At some point you have to use dive, go dive and go up. The quest actually begins now. - Dived up? -> Welcome to the quest area. - Go to the inner cave: 'Diamond Empire Foyer' - Take the right entrance. 'Diamond Empire East Wing' - Move the Nosepases to the sparkeling switches. They are not hard to understand. - Enter the entrance which was blocked by eletricity before - You dont go back to Foyer, the entrance is in the Wing - Beat the mini Boss - hes easy. - Go back to the Foyer - Take the left entrance 'Diamond Empire West Wing' - Enter the next entrance - It must be night now (or you are lucky, idk). Always take the entrances where the lamp lights are on. If no lamp is on and its night, turn the dynamic light settings on. - I forgot what comes now, I think again some easy boss. - A message roughly like "smt rumbless" must come, if not, you need to do smt else in your current area. Message yes?! -> Go back to the Foyer - Enter the last entrance which was blocked before where the rails and Carbink's are - Do the totally boring and annoing pseudo PvP - Chess game - Tipp: U need to use your brain (Or you use the guide in the spoiler). When you dont understand the game, you wont win. (Or use the guide) - Do the boss, hes a bit harder now. - Beat the rock, it is actually strong. - Get your sync and Master Ball - Enjoy your trash iv Gentle Diancie
    1 point
  6. Winner: paok123 (3m3) Min raise: 100k Insta : 7777777 Duration: 24 hours after first bid Accept payments: - Coin Capsule (400k) - IV Reroll (700k) - NRR (350k) m End: 08/05/2022 23:15 (GMT +7)
    1 point
  7. AUCTION S.O : 300K | 24 HOURS AFTER THE FIRST OFFER MIN BID : 100K No insta No extra payments
    1 point
  8. @killermap Withdrawing a bid is prohibited. Bidders are responsible for knowing what they are bidding for. Bidding is not a race, take your time to analyse IVs, Nature, Ability, Form, which server it's being sold, etc. Auctioneers won't be harmed for the bidder's rashness. Edited back to what was originally posted. Luckily you were outbid. Please be more careful in the future. @Voidwarrior Deleted your post to keep the thread clean. You must love to see the world burn by not setting a minimum raise. Good luck in your auction.
    1 point
  9. A few days ago I thought exactly the same. That would be great! +1
    1 point
  10. start 3.3m
    1 point
  11. Hey im sry but ur 2.3m bid is invalid bcz the min bid is 100k and previous bid was 2,222,222
    1 point
  12. Just asking are the makers of this great pokemon inspired game ever going to do something about that (nintendo pokemon) Can just shut down there hard work (game) Think about pokemmo they are in the save spot they use roms so that they are in the save I think pokemon Revolution Online is one of the best or maybe The Best pokemon fan game project i have ever seen but i dont want that to be ruined by nintendo do thats why im begging the creators to start using the feature that players needs the rom an Actual copy of the game to be able to play the game With that nobody should ever worry about the game being shut down by nintendo I think this would be an absolute needed feature for the game to be save from nintendo
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Name- Curse23 Hours played- 365 hours Fav pokemon- Reyquaza Age- 20 Country- India Server- Silver
    1 point
  15. -1 I already losee to much money from this becaus of my own stupidity, i want the others to suffers like me
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Hello @Eunia, I would like to thank you for taking the time to report this issue, and I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience occasioned. We were able to identify the problem concerning Hydration ability. The bug has been forwarded to our Developers and will hopefully be fixed soon. I thank you again for taking the time to report this. If in the future you encounter any other bugs, feel free to create a new thread in the Bug Resolution Center. We will be there for you ! I wish you a good day ! Regards, Mapz
    1 point
  18. Hello @Jianychta, Apologies for the inconvenience. Transferred the Growlithe holding the Macho Brace back to you, it should be in the last slot of your PC. In future similar situations, please use the Region Locked Megathread to ensure the fastest response possible. Will be locking the thread as this issue has been addressed and there's no further action to take. Take care.
    1 point
  19. @Syarif12 For accepting an invalid offer and trading the Pokemon to an illegitimate bidder, you've been punished for a Poorly Handled Auction. The outcome has been reversed and forced to the rightful winner @MagikrapReload with the 900k offer. Even if said offer would have respect the minimum raise set, the 15 minute rule would have been broken. You've also overbumped your thread, when you're only allowed once every 24 hours. It's clear you need to revise the rules. Will be locking the thread as it's served its purpose and there's no further action to take. Take care.
    1 point
  20. I start 3m
    1 point
  21. i can start 2m5
    1 point
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