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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/22 in all areas

  1. Quick. - You need a few strong Pokemon (One Pokemon must have a steel type, can also be a weak one), something you can brighten up caves with - HM Flash for example. Be able to surf, be able to climb waterfalls, be able to dive. You should start the quest a bit before night. First part is just a explanation where the quest starts. - Go to the Vermilion port and go to Love Island (Requirements: 120 Kanto Pokemon caught, 38 evolved) - Follow the left part of the beach. At some point there is a small stair that leads to some grass, go through it and follow the beach again. (Screen-shot in spoiler if needed) - You will see a cave entrance, enter it. In the cave, use the first ladder you see. - Follow the cave, there is only one way. At some point you have to use dive, go dive and go up. The quest actually begins now. - Dived up? -> Welcome to the quest area. - Go to the inner cave: 'Diamond Empire Foyer' - Take the right entrance. 'Diamond Empire East Wing' - Move the Nosepases to the sparkeling switches. They are not hard to understand. - Enter the entrance which was blocked by eletricity before - You dont go back to Foyer, the entrance is in the Wing - Beat the mini Boss - hes easy. - Go back to the Foyer - Take the left entrance 'Diamond Empire West Wing' - Enter the next entrance - It must be night now (or you are lucky, idk). Always take the entrances where the lamp lights are on. If no lamp is on and its night, turn the dynamic light settings on. - I forgot what comes now, I think again some easy boss. - A message roughly like "smt rumbless" must come, if not, you need to do smt else in your current area. Message yes?! -> Go back to the Foyer - Enter the last entrance which was blocked before where the rails and Carbink's are - Do the totally boring and annoing pseudo PvP - Chess game - Tipp: U need to use your brain (Or you use the guide in the spoiler). When you dont understand the game, you wont win. (Or use the guide) - Do the boss, hes a bit harder now. - Beat the rock, it is actually strong. - Get your sync and Master Ball - Enjoy your trash iv Gentle Diancie
    1 point
  2. Welcome to My Pokémon Shop! Rules: -DO NOT make fake offers -NO criticism on set prices -DO NOT accept Pokémon trades -Once offered, you CANNOT take it back << If there are any problems with this post please lmk >> Payment Methods: -Pokedollars -Coin Capsule : 380k -Iv Reroll : 680k -Nature Reroll : 320k -Rare Candy: 7k Contacts: [I will feature Pokémon from some friends so I will put their contacts here too :)] IGN: xChase Discord: Juicee#9543 IGN : ComicSamlerRony Discord: Moaxim#3190 IGN: Rocketeer777 Discord: Rocketeer777#6351 IGN: Metabolic Discord: MetaB0lic#3290 IGN: MSK876 Discord: Amaske#5234 Chase's Pokémon Rocketeer's Pokémon ComicSamlerRony's Pokémon Metabolic's Pokemon Amaske's Pokemon SOLD
    1 point
  3. S.o : 10m insta : 50m min rise bid : 1m time : 48 hours
    1 point
  4. Greetings @LordNaitik2004 Apologies for the delay. The pokemons you mentioned, following your description, were lent to the user RoyalBoss on the 28th of May. Hopefully this will answer your concern, let me know if you need anything else
    1 point
  5. Greetings @Cssy. Apologies for the inconvenience. I have sent your request to the respective party so that it can be reviewed. You will get a response, either from me or him, to your request as soon as he is available. Have a nice day
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. One thing I never understood is that the "prestige mount" is Tradable and the normal "legendary mount "not, so why not leave them all Tradable, it would affect the economy?, I don't think so It would just be the pvp coin ones.
    1 point
  9. Hi can i join guild Ign = fayero age= 24 Dc = fayero24#0598 Rt = 170
    1 point
  10. name : rajkkapadia age 25 discord rajkk5886 rating: on gold i have 384 max in last 3 seasons but i have reached 400s before
    1 point
  11. Hey there, apologies for the delayed response. The quest only needed a server restart or crash for the moves to be fixed again. Since one did happen since the creation of your post, the quest should now be fixed. Let me know if you still encounter any issue.
    0 points
  12. 0 points
  13. 0 points
  14. I buy the unaware clefable the 650k 30 31
    0 points
  15. Hai,, @Kleineinsta all that 3 pokemon ? or any still available ?
    0 points
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