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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/22 in all areas

  1. Hi, im looking to sell my Adamant Shiny Scizor. Starting Price: 8m Minimum Raise: 500k Instant Buy: 12m Payment Methods: Pokedollars + CC=350k + RR=550k Bidding Ends: 24 hours after the first bid has been placed. Good Luck
    9 points
  2. Hello everyone, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the Alolan Marowak special event. First of all I want to say great skin design and thanks to the person who submitted this skin to the form contest. I am really looking forward to the following events and the new forms coming But now to the rather negative, the rates, 1/300 chance of a Pokémon spawning at a rate of about 0.6-0.7%, and then the whole thing for 7 days. Has anyone actually thought about what that means? I farmed 7 days, 12000 encounters, that's about 40 hours of hunting, that's like a full-time job. During that time I encountered 74 Alolan Marowak. It is simply impossible to earn anything without luck. (And that's becoming more and more the case in recent events.) 74, that's not even a quarter of the 300 where you're still far from a good chance of having an Alolan Marowak with event skin. Just as a counterexample, the Star Wars Pawniard was on Route 1 at a rate of 1/100 back then. A few thoughts on the events in general: I just can't understand why the rates have to keep getting worse. "if the forms are rarer, then they are more valuable" - such comments are then heard. But then you look at the trade, empty – no event forms. And if forms are in there, then they are commons that are traded for 20-30k. Just a note, I've searched Vulcan Plaza for so long and Rattata #5849 came up with an event form, that was on the 7th! Day. 7 days for an event form, which is then worth 20k. The only effect is that you look for an event pokemon for days or weeks, it then has bad stats and you are so frustrated or have no more time in the event, that you don’t start looking for a second one again. Rates have been significantly better in the past, 1/50, oh, good old times, you also searched for days, but if you found the event form after a few days, then you still had motivation if you found a bad one. Nowadays you put hundreds of hours into the game and usually end up with nothing. I don't understand for whom the events are then organized. I used to have the feeling that it should be fun and the game makers celebrate the events together with the players. Even though I know that such texts are probably read by very few and certainly not by the people who could change something about them, I still had to express my growing disappointment. Apologies for any spelling mistakes it may contain Greetings Marksman1303 of MewtusRache P.S. Thanks to my dear guildies who accompany me on what feels like endless hunts so we can still have a good time somehow P.P.S. the new dungeon is nice and fun
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. I can only completely agree with Marksman. To see 300 Alolan-Marowaks (with a spawnrate 0,62%) that you need, to have a nearly safe chance to get one form, you need about 48k Encounter. That means that you need about 150+h (320 encounter per hour - what is very fast) - over 21h each day in this week. How is this possible ?! We are humans and not bots. About the chance for rattata or farfetch'd, I also have the feeling that there was an issue from monday til saturday. We did so many encounters and the first rattata form was catched by an guild member on saturday afternoon ! Monday til Saturday nothing in the guild, u dont see anyone in the trade or all chat who catched a rattata or farfetch'd there. Please make the chances to get a form more transparent and more possible to get it.
    2 points
  7. Why did you use flash on me ? : (
    2 points
  8. Sell quest service provide most legendary quests if need a quest not listed pm for pricing Penguin#1839 Kyurem - 800k Includes kyurem capture with your sync of choice and a free iv rr, you get to keep the iv rr Zekrom - 600k Includes capturing zekrom with your sync of choice must have kyurem quest completed before starting MUST have master ball prior to quest start. This quest will also unlock the ability to obtain Kyurem-B which will take IVs based off your kyurem. Unlock Crater Town Dungeon - 200k Unlocks ability to do the crater town dungeon, must have gen 5 seen data complete. If not complete can complete for additional charge Victini Dungeon Clear - 1m Will clear the dungeon unlocking ability to capture victini, this also include a 2500 min score which awards a time flute to transform your baby xd to baby lugia. Once dungeon is completed will leave acc in front of victini for you to capture with your sync of choice Diancie Quest - 1.2m Capture diancie with your sync of choice, this does not include the mega stone. Must have access to love island Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres - 2m This quest will include completion of the quest and ability to catch the 3 legendary birds, along with this quest i will provide the 15 gems needed to capture the first bird of your choice. You will be responsible for caught and evo data need for each bird 1st(200/100) 2nd(400/200) 3rd(600/355) you will also be responsible for catching the ot mon needed for each bird after quest completion. Elekid, Smoochum, Magby depending on bird of choice. You must be sinnoh champ to be eligible for this quest. Kami Trio - 1.5m Must be sinnoh champ and have the 3 ot mons required for quest 100+ IV Levitate, Lightning Rod, and Storm Drain ability pokes. Need to have 3 master balls so able to capture the 3 Lando / Torn / Thundy with your syncs of choice Heatran - 1m/1.5m Must be sinnoh champion(200+ hrs playtime), if you are able to provide a magikarp level 59 ev trained 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 6 hp Adamant or Jolly(ha pref, but not required) can complete for 1m if not can complete for 1.5m. Will also capture with sync of your choice provided you have a master ball. Manaphy - 800k Must be hoenn champion and have ability to move between regions, after quest completion will leave your acc in front of manaphy so you may capture with your sync of choice
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. S.o - 500k Min raise - 100k Insta - 3.5m Auction will begin when the s.o is met and will last 48 hours. Accepted payments: CC - 380k RR - 680k Pokedollars
    1 point
  11. Départ : 600k le 21/08/2022 à 18h50 (UTC+2) Relance min : 100k Insta : 6m Arrivée : 24h (22/08/2022 à 18h50 (UTC+2) Only pokedolar
    1 point
  12. Wts: Eevee Ada/Run away 3x31 S.O : 350k end : 24h after first bid Min raise : 50k insta : 3m
    1 point
  13. Excellent Service with the cool boiz @Pisforpenguin @Cyanirl @Norex @Deita
    1 point
  14. 2 dungeon clears completed ty for your purchases
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Thanks but no sorry, I turned down an even higher offer...
    1 point
  17. You win the bid , pm me if u online
    1 point
  18. Start : 1k Min raise : 100k Duration : 24hours after start Insta : 5m Payment option- pokedollars,cc(380k),reroll(670k(
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Hello @Curse23, a quick reminder that over bumping is not allowed. Please click the green check mark when you see someone bid on your auction. You are allowed to bump every 24hours. Kind regards, Svend
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Very Reliable, fast service and super friendly, highly recommended
    1 point
  24. Hello @Jinnmz. My apologies for the inconvenience caused. The issue has been identified and should be fixed by the next server maintenance. Thank you for the report.
    0 points
  25. please help me restore my torchic accidently relesed him . ID: 58431098 Server : Gold
    0 points
  26. good day, would like to buy this poke from ur shop, i also messaged u on disc, lmk when ur free
    0 points
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