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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/23 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. c.o 21m by GoldenP1kachu, min bid 500k, insta 50m, accept payment cc 350k rr 620k, 7 days from first bid. https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3754129/xmas-swampert-31-28
    2 points
  3. I offer 10'200'000 pokedollars
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. Hello @Darkikx. My apologies for the inconvenience. You can return your resolution to the default by opening the console with the F2 key, typing in clean reg, and hitting the Enter key. Let me know if this solves your problem or if you have further questions.
    1 point
  6. Try google kanto guide or search on yt, kanto guide pokemon revolution, u can find where to find cut, flash etc Valuable item such nugget can only be sell to npc called item maniac, u can find him at house route 25
    1 point
  7. shovel for dig spot, tree axe and pickaxe can come handy but not mandatory, with shovel you can dig at certain spot and find valuable item, also if you still stuck gym 1, i recomended oddish. you can try officer jenny quest to grind some money in early game
    1 point
  8. The first 4 gyms are probably the hardest part of the game imo. The whole game is grindy for sure but after you're able to trade (after 4th gym badge), the story will become easier. Easier in the sense that you can buy high level trash pokes really cheap to clear the story. You can also buy a couple of Johto pokemon before you start Johto and you can use them immediately when you start Johto, same for hoenn and so on. Ofcourse you don't need to do this, can always play the story normally, the idea of buying high level story pokes is just to avoid the grindy part of region completion. Your story team can consist of any 6 Pokemon imo. The key thing is to not evolve them until around level 80. Evolved Pokemon require much more exp to level up. Another thing is probably to save as much of your money during story as possible. If you feel you're about to lose an npc battle you can log out during it to avoid losing money upon a loss. Start doing dig spots as soon as you can, good source of useful items and sometimes nuggets. Basically don't feel like you have to rush the story, you can if you want to but no need. There's a TON of after story content to finish so take your time xD
    1 point
  9. Can be closed one gem by wishi was left think it was the pokeball there, tyvm again lyn1311
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. How old are you and where are you from? I'm 22 years old and I'm from Canada Why would you like to join Trinity? I heard a lot of good things about the community of trinity. I believe trinity is a perfect fit for me since I've been looking for a guild that offers a home for competitive players while possessing an active community to bond with. Were you part of another guild in the past and if so which one? Genesis and synergy What is the highest rating you've ever got? I can't recall it has been a while since I played pro and has been mainly laddering in PS. What do you enjoy most doing in PRO? Pvping and socializing with the community from time to time What else other than rating can you contribute to Trinity? Activity in the community, Teambuilding help and competitive advice to those in need if necessary, and lending mons. Add a picture of your trainer card in the application. What is your Discord ID? 𝓢 𝓽 𝓻 𝓐 𝔂#7492
    1 point
  12. interested in abammsnow
    1 point
  13. Good evening! I can´t login to the game. The client starts the login but it fails and bring me back to the initial screen with a alert message: "Failed to load map". Please help me!
    1 point
  14. this is happening to me now what an awful error/bug i just got into sotopolis and got dc with the same msg, now i can't log in lmao...
    1 point
  15. The game worked... But once i tried to change map it disconnected again and the bug came back =(
    1 point
  16. Hello @Dubbledii Majorpriyangshu was not the winner of the Dratini. The rightful winner of Dratini (5) was @Rudedingo22 with a bid of 200k. Any bids made after this bid was made too late as the 48 hour auction period had already ended. Rudedingo22 is online now if you would like to trade with them. Take care, Manbat.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. i am also experiencing this issue, tried reboot & re-install client still not fixed
    1 point
  19. I offer 8'400'000 pokedollars.
    1 point
  20. Primero que todo no se si tu vives en el futuro, ya que no es "20015" si no "2015" ¿pleno 2015 y no sabes escribir?, ahora vamos a corregir tu comentario, me parece que antes de opinar o criticar los "estudios" de una persona deberías saber sobre esa persona no? ¿acaso todos los humanos del mundo deben saber "ingles" por ser 2015? este usuario en ningún momento menciono o se quejo por que el juego estuviera en "Ingles" ni tampoco menciono que no supiera ingles como para que vengas a decir que se ponga a "estudiar", veo tu comentario un poco ofensivo, te recomiendo que si vas a criticar a todos los usuarios que vayan a formular esta pregunta mejor echa la vista a otro lado y no comentes. En principio decir "nunca" esta de mas, ya que no eres desarollador del juego como para estar seguro que una "traducción" no sera implementada, si bien es cierto que ahorita no es una prioridad el traducir el juego debes tener en cuenta algo, y es que en el "Login" del juego en la parte de "Options" se encuentra una pestaña llamada "languages" la cual no esta hay por decoración si no para cumplir una función en el juego, el cual en algún momento (esperando que sea así) pueda ser que se active y se pueda seleccionar "Español" como idioma, aunque lo único que se sabe es que los diálogos de los "npc" no serán cambiados, pero si podrá ser cambiado todo los demás del juego... También te recuerdo que el jugar "mmorpg" no implica el tener que saber ingles al 100% ni tampoco implica que por ser el siglo "XXI" se deba saber ingles, y como le respondí a "Sinorek" este usuario jamas dijo no saber ingles o que se estuviera quejando por no entender nada del juego por que esta en ingles, solo preguntó cuando saldrá la versión en español de PRO mas nada.... Lean bien antes de comentar.
    1 point
  21. 0 points
  22. Up chansey 4 by 50k. Chansey 5 by 50k
    0 points
  23. Auction end gz Vixuly for winning this. Pm me for the trade #Patatokroketa in game
    0 points
  24. Hello, I have forced this trade due to yall not being able to meet in-game. You will find the Gyarados in the last spot of your PC and 225k removed from your account @Fabdvx. @Leafstoned You will find the Gyarados gone from your PC and 225k added yo your account. Best Regards, MBK
    0 points
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