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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/24 in all areas

  1. Mounts are overrated use cycle like me it's best @@
    3 points
  2. hi, I got Pair of Shadow Houndour and I'm looking to trade for any other Same Tier Shadow Form. Not really care much if it's had bad ivs or nature since mine also bad. You can also offer me in case you want to trade my shadow houndour + Pokedollar for your Shadow form, we can make a deal for that to get mutual agreement. Here below I attached 2 of my Shadow Houndoor form and you are free to choose any 1 of them.
    2 points
  3. Nice shop uwu .. with nice prices lol and they are negotiable too lol
    2 points
  4. S.o- 4m min bid - 200k insta- N/A duration- ends in 48hrs from start NOTICE- All "in game/forums" rules followed good luck bidding !!
    1 point
  5. Hello, looking to sell some of the following mons. I can transfer to gold for the expensive ones. In order to keep this thread clean, pls hit me up in pm or on discord (fckoffimsalty). TY
    1 point
  6. Welcome to Paul's shop of Trained / Untrained / PvP ready Pokes at affordable prices. Contact Details ingame: paulpinak discord: paul_pinak Payment method only by Pokedoller PvP Trained - Moveset Ready Full Ev and Level Trained Standard Trade rules applied. Prices are slightly Negotiable. You can comment here with picture of the Pokemon or contact me on game or discord.
    1 point
  7. Duration: 24h after first bid Start offer: 500k Min Bid: 100k Insta: 2m Contact Ingame: Paulpinak Discord: paul_pinak
    1 point
  8. hey i wanna buy this....will be busy tomorrow so i'll buy after that . please book this for me : )
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Land: Xmas mega Charizard X Surf: Xmas Staryu
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Land: raticate Surf: raticate
    1 point
  13. Now we hit on one of the topics that I most enjoy about PRO, when you start looking around and find hidden gems. I agree with you that there is a lot of things that are missed while you are focused on completing the story line, but in the same sense this also presents something to do when you get bored of end game grind and just go exploring. Adding a system that could point out these little hidden pieces might be interesting but there should be moderation between what is brought to light during clearing the story and what is made available after you have collected all the regions badges, as in not to have users stuck in a town because there are 20 hidden pieces and puzzle to collect. It is a user's choice whether they get stuck on this, but there are also those that want 100% clearance of an area before moving on to the next area.
    1 point
  14. I give money away to random people until Astrella comes out. @Parental
    1 point
  15. Can I buy last excadrill for २००क and metagross ?
    1 point
  16. Start 100k Alt account: Sumocal (Silver)
    0 points
  17. auction ended 10 min ago. im asking to mod who won that
    0 points
  18. Hello @Darkmaster269 You may only advertise a pokemon as 25+ if the decreased stat is lower than 25. As stated in our Trade Rules. In your case, the Defense of this Larvesta is only 14 and not its lowered stat as it is timid nature. @Isildurr2x @Karthick1111 @Q25 Use the report feature in the future instead of leaving unnecessary comments. Please refrain from making any more off-topic comments under this post. @Darkmaster269 With that being said, I have edited your title to properly convey your pokemon and will hide all the off-topic comments. Innerfocus
    0 points
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