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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/22 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. Too late I read the title, -1 Scenario: Buy a poke, use in PvP, realize it's awful or you want a different nature, abi, etc. SELL TIME Scenario 2: Mid season - guildmate A finished getting ladder, doesn't need pokes he used anymore, lends a couple to guildmate B so that he can pvp with his team/test a new one This is already allowed in normal ranked pvp though that's the thing, I won't lie I've asked for pokes from guildmates and had them lend me pokes to try out on teams and use them for a while, learned some new teams, new styles, etc. Thing is, there's no "Between season time" which means you're basically asking, if someone pvped once with a poke, that they wait at max an entire month to be able to sell that poke for pvp. Refresh my memory I'm not a ladder player, it was on showdown previously correct?
    2 points
  3. No, please, just no. Stop trying to stick cryptocurrencies, NFT and more garbage into everything. This literally makes 0 sense in this game, has no connection, it's a pokemon MMORPG and these markets are dubious and more often than not on the borderline illegal side due to the lack of legislation on it. This doesn't fit neither here nor somewhere else. Just drop it, it's not the first NFT and crypto garbage suggestion that comes and makes no sense. None of it should be linked to PRO. It's a fangame on a completely unrelated theme (pokemon), I have no idea why people want to insist on enabling crypto everywhere. It's run by volunteers for fans with no profit. Absolute -1
    2 points
  4. Our Developer can rename your guild in exchange for 50% of the original price (200k$). You need to be the leader in order to request a namechange. If you wish to rename your guild, please fill out the form down below: Current Guildname: New Guildname: Server: Do not post off-topic in here.
    1 point
  5. Okay, this suggestion here is kind of my last attempt to have a NFT Pokemon MMO game not made by myself, lol I don't know how PRO is going nowadays. If players are still logging in, doing stuff, donating and/or signing up for memberships, but if there's an idea that can really shake grounds and skyrocket PRO to an unthinkable level, is converting/adapting it into a NFT/Crypto game. BECAUSE: 1- This game already have the best economy and trading system i've seem since old school Tibia 2- We have all battle systems, RPG, history and stuff ready to go 3- We have POKEMON. On all sizes, types, natures and every single one being unique (this should be the main goal of any NFT game and they're all failing at this) 4- Devs still anonymous and Nintendo won't touch'em I'm not saying even we should have deep changes/balancings in order to make it a "play to earn", it could be as simple as releasing a PRO Token and converting ingame currency into it, and the option to transform our Pokes and items into NFTs in order to negotiate on marketplaces. The CONS: 1- Maybe releasing token and nft contracts are not that simple 2- Maybe implementing these contracts inside PRO is a very hard work 3- Maybe PRO could trend so much that Nintendo would finally try to shut down the project 4- Maybe we could just bring speculators into the environment that could just mess everything up But i really want the team to consider it Just create a new server to do this and keep gold/silver as they are.. I'd really prefer to rely in you guys to do this than myself since i don't have technical skills to do something as good as PRO. Thx in advance.
    1 point
  6. Don't forget Leev Island and irrc Dock Island. Pretty much main areas as well for their own reasons, not that they are any more or less useful areas then the ones you mentioned above though
    1 point
  7. +1 As of right now there's a total of 3 main areas that require membership. Safari exclusive, Sevii Islands, and that bottom floor in the pokemon tower basement. I definitely agree in the sense that there should be more locations added for it, the pokes that require membership are more just nuisances when you don't have it, than beneficial when you do have it. I think an interesting idea could be like, an early access thing for members, it would just be like, a day prior to public opening the event map would be accessible to players that have an active membership, I think just a basic idea of having more areas exclusive to members would still be nice, so long as they've got spawns that are worth it
    1 point
  8. But not everyone is rich and this will just make things tougher for an already tough game. I have only 400 hours in this game and it took me atleast 100 hours of that gameplay just to make a team and collect all legends. Changing pokes every season will be too hectic and for casual people who only want to pvp once in a while in their free time is gonna make it really difficult for them to play and hence force them to discontinue. The spawns in this game are not too good either for some meta pokes which makes it all the more annoying for making another new team. All in all a decent suggestion but i think this will never be possible for a game like PRO . So its a -1 from me sorry.
    1 point
  9. Sounds interesting on paper, but the real question is... will it work and actually discourage people from ghosting and sniping on their alt accounts? Maybe, maybe not. At the very least it would be a hassle and a pain to wait an entire season to sell your PvP pokes or trade them which you perhaps used once or a few times but decided to sell/trade to get a better PvP meta team. Won't really affect a lot of people, only perhaps like a few individual groups or guilds. And as we know, trading or lending is a big part of PRO and especially on the PvP front.
    1 point
  10. i miss the auction while i was asleep would u consider reselling for higher price ?
    1 point
  11. 150k Porygon 150k Sableye 150k Skarmory
    1 point
  12. What is your name discord I can not contact u I want buy pokemon
    1 point
  13. We were not able to find any bug regarding the Bug Catching Contest and how it gives out the rewards. Thus, we must conclude that you tied for first place. Even though no bug was found, we thank you for taking time to file this report and we will appreciate if you continue to report any possible bugs in the future. Have a great day.
    1 point
  14. So i finished the mountain dungeon and maze for the keldeo quest and only need the forest dungeon and maze will there be a discount for that and what will the new price be if so.
    0 points
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