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Everything posted by Zeyrion

  1. 24 hours left
  2. +1 Or even just an option to speed it up
  3. s.o 1m by DeIta min raise 100k 48 hour auction from first bid insta 2m Auction Ends 12/08/2020 19:07 GMT+1
  4. Sorry im going to stick with 500k :)
  5. cancelled :D
  6. Did you lose the battle to kyurem the first time? if you did you wouldnt get a reroll if i remember correctly
  7. Nature and ability muk?
  8. I dont even want staffview back but just the option to zoom out a tiny bit more i played on staffview 2 for years so it feels pretty bad at the moment but can understand why they removed it as it was abit op being able to zoom out any further than that.
  9. SOLD can be closed
  10. s.o 1.5m insta 3.5m min raise 100k 24 hour auction from first bid
  12. Ended with Ayvazar as winner with 1.3m
  13. Insta lowered just over 1 hour left
  14. 1.2m by Pokkie in game
  15. c.o 1.3m by Ayvazar Ends 19:55 11/07/2020 GMT+1 min raise 100k 24 hour auction from first bid Insta 2.5m 2m
  16. +1 Would make some names easier to read i guess
  17. ahhh good to know thanks :D
  18. Im pretty sure only a starter pikachu learns surf
  19. Best of luck in the future <3
  20. No idea if this has been suggested at all yet but in future i would like it if plan big rework changes such as the one with the bosses to make a disscusion thread on the forum so you could gauge feedback from the community before hand and maybe find a better compromise that the majority of the player base agrees with also its nice to get updates on whats going on from time to time, Gives us something to look forward too.
  21. Sold insta to moltenm3tal
  22. 24 hours left!
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