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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. I think for his second paragraph, his point was that in a Talonflame vs Azumarill case, you can't outspeed Gale Wings Talonflame with Aqua Jet. Both have +1 priority, meaning it all depends on Speed, and with Talonflame having much higher Speed stat, it will always go first every single time. But yeah, one Pokemon outspeeding an entire team isn't just Talonflame's thing, Azumarill can do it as well with Aqua Jet.
  2. Ah, in that case, I guess the white ? is Mothim (since Wormadam wasn't MS either), while the purple ? is Shelmet.
  3. Yeah, I'm also supporting the notion that only legendaries like Celebi, Phione, and Raikou should get a way to change their IV.
  4. You can just delete it. You'll only going to use the Entei version, the Gyarados version is now useless. Sadly we don't have a patcher atm, dunno why. So we have to redownload the entire game every time there is a new client update.
  5. Re: Simple suggestions ~ 1 denied/1 implemented out of 10 <r><QUOTE author="Frux" post_id="393357" time="1496468581" user_id="213263"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yeah, this is something that would be good for excavation sites.</r>
  6. Right now we have 900 Pokemon as the limit, 894 in box and 6 in team, filling exactly 60 pages, not 67. I know, because I've reached the limit before. The remaining 7 pages cannot be used for whatever reason. And yeah, it would be nice to have a more customizable PC that lets us store Pokemon into different folders based on shininess, level, or others. Along with a bigger PC. 900 Pokemon is not enough. At least make it 1000-1200 when we get Sinnoh?
  7. Kind of a bad comparison, since Brave Exvius is an official game managed by a very big company, with full time staffs being paid by the company. PRO is an unofficial game managed by regular people and a bunch of volunteers.
  8. It would also be nice if we get the storage limit increased. Right now we have 900 Pokemon as the limit, 894 in box and 6 in team, filling exactly 60 pages Would be nice if the limit is increased to 1200 (20 more pages). With Sinnoh coming, this might be needed by some people.
  9. Alternatively: 1. From Vermillion go to Lilycove via the port. 2. Once you arrive in Lilycove, talk to the sailor, and choose to travel to Olivine.
  10. Persian never has access to Acrobatics. Its only Flying move is Aerial Ace.
  11. +1 too from me Considering it is the hardest boss in the game, at least please be a bit more generous with the Phione spawn chance? I already got a Phione in my first battle, but with the really bad IVs it has, I would like to get another one.
  12. Hyrule looks good, but I personally prefer seeing maps from Earthbound makes it into PRO xD
  13. ......Buy two focus sash and equip them to both Druddigon and Swampert? Your Druddigon should be able to one hit it with Outrage then, and even if it doesn't, it should be at a HP low enough for Swampert to finish it off. Really though, Rayquaza isn't that hard, many players usually have more problem with Deoxys than Rayquaza. Good luck, [mention]Dragonshamann[/mention] :Grin:
  14. Re: Simple suggestions that would make the game better <r><QUOTE author="Thor" post_id="391811" time="1496166459" user_id="926592"><s> </e></QUOTE> Beldum is available in the wild in D/P/Pt, and Metang, who has the same catch rate, is available in the wild in B2/W2 and X/Y.<br/> <br/> But lack of Master Balls is fine in those games because they have balls with better catch rate than Ultra Ball, like Dusk Ball (at night) and Timer Ball, and getting money to buy hundreds of Dusk Ball/Timer Balls in those games is not as hard as getting money for hundreds of Ultra Balls in PRO.<br/> <br/> PRO has different situation.<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> Also, I understand that there might be a problem with rich players owning hundreds of Master Balls, but the price PreHax said (20k per Master Ball) should be enough to deter players from carrying hundreds of them, yet is also still cheap enough to allow players to bring 2 or 3 each time they want to go to Mineral Site.<br/> Heck, I'd be fine with 40k per Master Ball.<br/> <br/> Besides, no one wants to carry hundreds of them anyway in the first place. Beldum and the very few amount of catchable legends, are the only reason why PRO players want multiple Master Balls.<br/> <br/> Maybe if we have a properly working Timer Ball, then Master Balls won't be needed.</r>
  15. I think (and I hope) Croagunk will be available in the wild. It's a Sinnoh poke, also, Greinjack boss still has Hawlucha and Zorua as more interesting rewards anyway. As for the Sinnoh fossil, I think it's safe to assume it will come with Sinnoh, since currently they haven't made it obtainable in any other way.
  16. I don't think it's in their priority right now, but yeah, once they have some free time, this is one of the thing they should think about. I agree that we need a more clear Happiness indicator. The current one is too close to the HP number, especially once the HP reach 3 digits. Maybe move the Happiness bar to below the EXP bar? The most important point is how close it is to the HP number, so perhaps simply by moving the Happiness bar far away from the HP number would solve the "see HP as happiness" mistake that newer players often run into.
  17. I think the problem here is that the Growlithe is set to turn around and move only if it reached the spot in front of the tree. It doesn't gets set to turn around and move if it hits any obstacle before that happens.
  18. Hi Thor :Grin: Even if that's the case, Carracosta has Shell Smash since Gen 5, so it should have the move in PRO, but it isn't. Clamperl, which someone else mentioned above, also can learn Shell Smash since Gen 5, yet it can't learn the move in PRO. Sawsbuck, a Gen 5 Pokemon, is also still missing its signature move Horn Leech. All Gen 5 Pokemon that can learn Feint Attack since Gen 5, such as Deerling, Sawsbuck, Mandibuzz, and Pawniard, are missing the move for some reason, when it is not even a move introduced in Gen 5, it is actually introduced in Gen 2. And the move is clearly coded into the game, since things like Umbreon, Sableye, and Glameow do learn the move, so I don't know why the Gen 5 stuff are missing the move. For Gen 6 Pokemon, Skiddo and Gogoat are missing Horn Leech (a Gen 5 move). And Swirlix, a Gen 6 Pokemon which will be obtainable in Sinnoh according to the Sinnoh preview video, is missing Play Rough (well, its evolved form Slurpuff whose seen data is obtainable, is shown as missing the move, so I assume Swirlix is missing the move as well). In fact, all Pokemon from Gen 3 onwards that learns Play Rough via level up don't have the move yet. Poor Mawile has been waiting for its only Fairy-type physical STAB for 2 years. Swirlix needs either Draining Kiss or the TM for Dazzling Gleam as well, since its movepool and base stats are more inclined towards special set. Neither it nor Slurpuff can learn Moonblast so that move is not an option for Swirlix line. Togepi and its evolutions also needs the TM for Dazzling Gleam, as Dazzling Gleam and Fairy Wind are literally the only Fairy-type special move they can learn, and we all know no one wants Fairy Wind.
  19. Carracosta is also missing Shell Smash, which it needs for Special/Mixed sets.
  20. You can try using the mention feature to notice the staffs (for example: [mention]Thor[/mention] ) , though with 218 seen on this thread, I think they already read the thread, they just don't respond yet xD They don't have to always immediately respond to a thread, after all.
  21. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017] <r><QUOTE author="NamelessHero27" post_id="390431" time="1495885579" user_id="848379"><s> </e></QUOTE> Oh, that's nice, then. Last time I battled boss Arnie was when he still has the normal Lugia <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  22. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017] <r><QUOTE author="KatouzWay" post_id="390377" time="1495864734" user_id="503997"><s> </e></QUOTE> .......ah yeah, now that I think about it, there wasn't any other way to get Lugia seen data, right?<br/> <br/> No other boss has the normal Lugia, and I can't remember hearing about any other stuff that gives you the seen data.</r>
  23. Re: Compact Boss Guide <t>I have a feeling we do get Klink through Steven xD<br/> <br/> That Klinklang added to his team is like a hint</t>
  24. Flame Charge in Cinnabar Mansion 2, Aerial Ace in Route 16 https://prnt.sc/fbdu5k https://prnt.sc/fbdnph screenshot from Arnie in discord
  25. Level 32......well, just grind at a place where the wild Pokemon and trainers are around level 25-35. Then move to a higher level place as your Gengar levels up to 40+ Not really, if you're facing Electrode/Kadabra/Machoke. Though fighting Machoke with a Gengar requires you to use Kelpsy Berry on it afterwards xD
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