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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. It should go back to normal once they realized that due to the rarity, they are going to spend millions of pokedollars just to get one decent HA Fletch from safari lol. They'll stop farming and return to buying, and the small amount of sellers should be able to raise the price again. At least that's the theory. Either way, at least this means Shiny Talonflame is now possible to be obtained by normal players :Crazy:
  2. IMO, if we still gets the feature, the IV changing feature should only work on legendaries. The thing that you literally have only one shot at. Though, didn't Thor said there will be a feature to help you get better legendaries? Something like releasing your old ones and be able to catch new ones. So IV changer on legendaries isn't exactly needed either if a legend recatching feature is already being worked on. Besides, it seems the majority wants "YES for black medallion, NO for IV changing", so I hope that's the direction Shane will take.
  3. At first that was what I am thinking too, that the region tag is meant to help Trade channel. But the linked Pokemon in channels don't show the region tag. Why? Would be nice if they do show up.
  4. Speaking of balls though, can we please get more ball variety? XD Quick Ball, Dusk Ball and Timer Ball would be nice, especially Timer Ball for Beldum.
  5. Yeah, we kinda really really need new musics right now, and have all the musics be set to the correct atmosphere of the place they are playing in. Stop having route 1 music in postgame dungeon please.
  6. Go to the top right area of Vermillion City, there's a path going up then right that leads into the easter event area. You know you're on the right path if you see a female reporter NPC.
  7. Aqua Jet, Nasty Plot, and Quiver Dance are never a TM, so I doubt it. All the currently existing TMs in PRO are or were TMs in official games. But considering just how many people requested for Dark Pulse and Flash Cannon, I really hope we get the TM soon via buying from an NPC somewhere.
  8. proofs: NPC Name: Collector Gamer Starlight Location: either Route 211 (Celestic Town side), Route 229, or Route 222. The one I like the most is Route 211 (Celestic Town side), but if there are enough NPCs already there, then Route 229 or Route 222 is fine too. dialogue:
  9. The thing is, will that cause huge lag when playing on a phone?
  10. Well that means the item is bugged XD
  11. Have you tried checking Oak's PC in his lab in Pallet Town?
  12. Dat system message XD Back when muted players is still a thing and gets informed to everyone on the chatbox Honestly I kinda miss it lol Dunno if muted players is still a thing or not, but the automatic message for everyone sure doesn't exist anymore.
  13. Actually, the PRO Wiki that Naero made has them :p https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Category:Locations Each area's page has the aerial view of the entire map of that area. Not all areas are available, though. For now, at least.
  14. Nicknaming is an idea that has been thrown a couple times, but it has always been denied. As written on this thread With 300 players each having say, 50 nicknamed Pokemon, that already totals to 15000 nickname.
  15. Yeah, the handheld games have Timer Balls. Would be nice if PRO gets that ball, makes catching Beldum less annoying.
  16. https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Pok%C3%A9mon_Counterparts#Pink_Pok.C3.A9mon
  17. This is hilarious considering the sync I always use everywhere has Hardy nature (a neutral nature is always better than a wrong nature)
  18. Those people should just giveaway the trash zorua/croagunk/hawlucha to me instead of releasing them lol
  19. Yeah, if there's ONE thing regarding wild Pokemon that should be changed from the original game, it's this. Beldum's 3 catch rate is fine in official games because it has always been either a gift Pokemon, or you have an easy way to get tons of money to waste on tons of balls, not to mention breeding exist. That's not the case in PRO. I'm not saying its catch rate should be like, 150-200, but even increasing it to just 30 would have been a lot better. Or even 25 or 15. But 30 would be nice.
  20. I know, I just read it, I was the one who pointed it out to him xD
  21. Yeah, a link in the forum that goes directly to the Wiki would be nice. Thanks for the answer :Grin:
  22. Awesome, thank you for the wiki :D One thing though, I just checked, there is no Elekid at all in Pinkan Island, but according to the Pokemon Counterparts page, Pink Elekid exist there. Other thing not available in the wild are available via evolution, but Elekid is a pre-evolved form. Basically, conflicting information with what's in the game. Does boss Jenny has a chance to give pink Elekid?
  23. https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Pok%C3%A9mon_Counterparts#Pink_Pok.C3.A9mon According to the Wiki, there's an unobtainable Pink Elekid as well xD
  24. Boss Erika is the tutor for Giga Drain.
  25. Re: How to create a custom channel with a password in PRO! <t>wait since when we have this lmao<br/> <br/> why did they never tell us it's possible to make password-protected channel complete with modding system......or did I just missed it?</t>
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