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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. You can't until you defeat Johto, but there's no need to rush, you must already finished Hoenn anyway to even start the Pinkan access quest.
  2. Having breeding also negatively affect other things in a huge way. No one will ever need to go to sites and MS exclusive places anymore, they'll just buy one trash Yamask from someone and breed a perfect one by themselves. And then sell tons of the breedjects, and people will use them for breeding instead of catching a trash one to start breeding. It removes the need for MS, and also removes sites' purpose as a gold sink. You also have to remember that breeding lets players easily generates tons of flawless Pokemon for free yet they can sell those Pokemon for money. That will also affect the economy.
  3. I've heard rumors that it's 1/2000, but if that's true, then I must be having one hell of a bad luck, 5 days hunting = 0 pink.
  4. The music actually has two version in OR/AS, the Day version and the Night version. Here's the other version if you want to hear it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9BFXGRkMzA
  5. They really should have standardized the thing. It's confusing when one boss has high shiny chance, the other has shiny chance but lower and only for third reward, and another one has lower shiny chance as well but applies to reward from all three battles. All NPCs who gives you Pokemon should just have 1/2000 chance that the Pokemon will be shiny, regardless of when in the case of bosses.
  6. The ranger guarding the forest entrance, not Jenny.
  7. You can try contacting an Admin, or hope an Admin sees this thread. I think they can restore the Mew for you.
  8. There was a quest to get the Legendary Beasts, but it's incomplete at the moment. There was a hint at Legendary Birds quest as well, that involves the altar in the Lugia movie, but nothing came out of it so far. I guess they're putting them in the backburner for now.
  9. Here's another one, in Pinkan Island Cliff .....Very sure that's a Swalot XD
  10. Sprite bug, I think. It happened with the clone pokes, where Kanto starters used by NPC trainers, that are usually non-clone, sometimes shows up as a clone during the clone event period.
  11. lmao Anyway I wonder if this means we're gonna get another Team Rocket Boss.
  12. Yeah, I never found the Sandile either. In fact, I recall someone found the Sandile in the same map but at a different location instead. Which makes me wonder if the game put the Sandile ball at a random location within the map, and for some of us the ball just happens to be placed out of boundary for some reason.
  13. Definitely not, I just got Jaw Fossil from Haunted Site and I don't have MS. I too have experienced fossil breaking in Glacial Site despite having 8k+ discovery, so something is indeed off with Glacial Site.
  14. This. Would be great getting more musics, and some areas should have a fixed music that fits the area. I personally think it's okay for routes to have a few different musics though. But something like a legend/postgame dungeon, it should never play a route 1 BGM
  15. Has anyone been able to encounter Riolu by passing through Historical Site's pillars since the revamp?
  16. Awesome, thank you so much :Crazy: Not just for MS. I found Root Fossil without MS :Grin:
  17. Regarding friend list bug, the problem is, the game can only display 50 friends. Once you reach that number, you still can add new friends, but they won't show up on the list unless you delete old ones and then relog. So technically it's not a bug, it's just a limit problem with the game's display.
  18. Let's just hope Mawile gets Play Rough soon, since Gardevoir already have Moonblast since some time ago xD
  19. adding non-MS Skrelp in water and non-MS Deino on the land, would be nice, and just enough. Only problem is, Lance also has Skrelp as reward xD Maybe replace the Skrelp reward with Druddigon/Noibat/Goomy/Tyrunt, so that we can have something new in the water?
  20. Yeah, would be nice if we actually have more Dragons in it. Remove Patrat, Slowpoke/Seel, and Zubat, put in non-MS Deino, Skrelp, and Druddigon? Too bad I didn't get to see a wild Dragonite shows up, it is already replaced with Dragonair xD Would have been nice to catch a wild Dragonite for once, especially if it is underleveled.
  21. Except it's not hard at all to get someone else to battle with so that both players can abuse this.
  22. Yeah, kinda wish Bugsy isn't MS only especially now that it has a new reward.
  23. Personally I think sites were at their best when the entrance costs 5k and artifact pieces are not introduced yet. When vitamins and fresh waters are common. Pretty much the only thing I really like from the current version, is the lack of Starly. Catching them is a pain when your catcher poke is Breloom.....hate all those Aerial Aces. If only their level is lower. They also should return a few things that were removed, that should make sites more interesting again. Klink & Dwebble (Mineral Site), Scraggy (Feral Site), Piplup (Glacial Site), Roggenrola & Ralts (Historical Site), Munchlax & Foongus (Natural Site). Funny how Haunted Site never has any spawn change. Perhaps they should put Sableye and Litwick there? And remove Gastly, I didn't remember if Gastly was already removed or not, but if it is still there, then it should be removed. Misdreavus too. We have other places where they can be obtained easily. Also, remove the absolute dependency on MS. It's fine if MS increases the encounter chance, but right now, without MS we absolutely has no chance at all, everything will either always flee or yield no item at all.
  24. Even if assuming it is already coded Sleep Powder's accuracy is 75% Compoundeyes gives 30% accuracy boost 75% + (30% of 75) = around 97% accuracy if I counted it correctly So of course it still can miss For a move to be never miss with Compoundeyes, the accuracy has to be 77% or higher.
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