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Everything posted by Qeight

  1. Welcome to PRO :)
  2. Welcome. :D
  3. No further discussion is needed on this subject. From Dev Eaty:
  4. Resolved in-game. :)
  5. Please keep all comments in this thread related to the sale. Further off-topic comments will be sanctioned.
  6. Yes, we are aware doesn't mean you need to PM me, make a post and comment in here again. It will be handled in time, please wait.
  7. Hello everyone! I would like to thank everyone for giving PRO a competitive environment for another season. I would also like to congratulate each player and guild who made it to the top of the ladder, on behalf of the whole staff team. We all wish you the best in the next season, thanks for participating! REWARDS 1st Place will receive 700 PvP coins, 2nd place 695, and so on. Top ladder guilds shall receive 25% EXP Boost for the entirety of the next season! Top 25 players from each server are eligible to enter the ladder tournament and win epic Pokemon and other cool rewards! Top 25 players from each server have access to Tutor Heaven! RANKED LADDER RESULTS Top 25 Silver Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder) [spoiler=SILVER LADDER] #Rank Name Guild Rating Wins Losses Win% 1. Od4nobunaga Legacy 634 226 46 83 2. ikonos123 NoMercy 634 359 65 84 3. Gunners Chaos 538 105 29 78 4. irafayel Blaze 500 130 30 81 5. PokemonisFun Chaos 482 761 236 76 6. konan66 Chaos 481 150 56 72 7. Rank1man Chaos 480 94 33 74 8. CobraMK Predators 479 59 13 81 9. Luminetor BloodNight 470 128 41 75 10. GlogS NoMercy 465 99 24 80 11. DocJP NoMercy 465 152 39 79 12. Alcantara010 AkatsukiZ 465 125 64 66 13. Chaosknigth Chaos 464 97 35 73 14. balor20 Chaos 463 61 16 79 15. Alitiz Blaze 462 173 76 69 16. khurshid Legacy 461 206 121 62 17. EdisonJM FenixReborn 460 94 26 78 18. Michaelx FenixReborn 457 47 10 82 19. Astro NewOrder 454 82 46 64 20. Greencold FenixReborn 453 66 15 81 21. Tafy BloodNight 450 56 18 75 22. Destro16 NewOrder 447 65 17 79 23. Cynthia7 FenixReborn 447 206 91 69 24. GengarLv100 Chaos 445 232 122 65 25. Samu94 BloodNight 442 108 31 77 [*]Top 25 Gold Ranked rating (No Tier Ladder) [spoiler=GOLD LADDER] #Rank Name Guild Rating Wins Losses Win% 1. Deidaraa Konoha 577 167 31 84 2. darkstylzor FrenchConnexion 508 86 27 76 3. Pokechamp007 Tranquility 502 88 32 73 4. Chaosknigth AlwaysReturN 497 138 24 85 5. MrH110887 Ascension 494 202 80 71 6. CobraMK ChaosRaiders 490 53 6 89 7. SentryPErcy - 489 165 66 71 8. S4mlerYT TheMercenaries 481 81 15 84 9. Hen1 - 477 72 11 86 10. Sasor1 Konoha 476 83 23 78 11. Chroll0 AlwaysReturN 474 65 8 89 12. Johann14 Konoha 472 176 47 78 13. malltesers FrenchConnexion 472 94 32 74 14. Renan2k Konoha 470 284 102 73 15. araragiKun TheMercenaries 469 198 75 72 16. Aggravatings Ascension 465 103 38 73 17. Sadness04 ChaosRaiders 464 190 64 74 18. Nakofum FrenchConnexion 461 92 28 76 19. Aishel AlwaysReturN 461 67 16 80 20. Speedy FrenchConnexion 459 111 41 73 21. ZetLocrito95 AlwaysReturN 457 67 16 80 22. Fylans ChaosRaiders 456 102 36 73 23. darkblader12 ChaosRaiders 454 135 52 72 24. xmonts AlwaysReturN 452 149 72 67 25. anson4416 ChaosRaiders 451 117 34 77 RANKED GUILD LADDER RESULTS Silver Guild Rankings [spoiler=SILVER GUILD LADDER] #Rank Guild Leader Rating 1. FenixReborn Baltoo 13973 2. Chaos Imhanjoo 10817 3. Legacy Theminho 8015 4. NoMercy Teerav 7798 5. NewOrder Destro16 7739 6. BloodNight Luminetor 6141 7. Predators Irruushi 5296 8. Apocalypse Azharsaurous 4909 9. Blaze Fadoka 4854 10. AkatsukiZ Mainrengarworld 4513 [*]Gold Guild Rankings [spoiler=GOLD GUILD LADDER] #Rank Guild Leader Rating 1. AlwaysReturN Xmonts 10427 2. Tranquility Pokechamp007 8190 3. ChaosRaiders Kalisto 7521 4. FrenchConnexion Smokincatcher 7508 5. Konoha Starkpr0 4478 6. Ascension Aggravatings 4368 7. HeartGold Hieuau2752001 3241 8. TeamMagma Iriztha 2827 9. BLOODBORN Destroyersoul 2709 10. DontNeedYou Ayvazar 2699 Disclaimers Results may have a marginal difference to ones recorded by other players. The results taken were taken seconds before the ladder was reset, whilst the servers were offline. If you used a Discord bot, or gathered your own screenshots earlier than us, your results may be inaccurate. If you are or aren't on the ladder when you think you should/n't be, please contact me via PMs. Please note that users with the exact same rating may switched positions during the reward process, we have no influence over that. If the results are slightly incorrect, the correct users would have still been rewarded. This is due to the server automatically rewarding the top 25. Special thanks again to everyone that participated this season and those who bring a healthy competitive environment!
  8. This is actually not true, a PvP council at this moment makes no sense. If you are a player who is around long enough then you would know that the meta game shifts from time to time on its own through development due to fixes, additions and such things. Is the topic off the table entirely? No and I will think of something when the time comes for it (around the Battle system rework) because then it actually makes sense to have a PvP council. As it currently stands, the only real dominating Pokemon are stuff like Conkeldurr who got buffed through an item buff in Gen7 and the usual walls. This community proved us more than enough that they are not capable of making the right decisions by proposing non sense bans. Does this mean the entire community is incapable of leading a PvP council? No but it also doesn't speak in favor for it. The time will come when we might come back to the idea. If you had read my reply then you would understand, that it is in theory possible but just not a practical one. It would also be applied on situations that I have mentioned and nowhere else. The idea was pitched to me before this post was made, take that as you want. It is not up to me to decide a forfeit button, this is solely up to the Devs. I am against a forfeit button if we don't get the tools to moderate it, if we do then I really do not care if we have one or not. As it currently stands I couldn't really moderate such things unless something gets changed with our tools. If that is the case, then I see no issues with a forfeit button. The argument of PvP coins farming is null anyway as you can even do it right now to some degree. Its less efficient than it would be with a forfeit button. I answered this to some degree above but in a nutshell, you would have received a proper reply if I were in the same position as I am now when the post was made. The thread was created roughly when I joined as an app so there is that. Take it was you want but I consider most of the things written ^^ You liked one of the posts. ^^
  9. Welcome to PRO!
  10. Hey there :)
  11. Welcome back o/
  12. Welcome back :)
  13. Welcome to PRO!
  14. Welcome o7
  15. Qeight

    ABout Over Stall

    Stall is a legit play style, while sometimes very annoying it is also easily beatable therefore it will not be banned. As there isn't anything left to say in this thread, consider this proposal rejected. Have a great day. KInd regards, Q8
  16. @Belzebel @yakuzacamel @GamerseignVs @Madtrainer @darkblader12 @DaraChan @Pedrawr @Sleazer @Nechrit @eltyyy @Chalzon @navneeth @NamelessHero27 @PerfectMistake @Meen2 @johncampita211 @teerav @JorgeMape @Ta7esh @vikky90 @GeoMine @Euripides @Jazlan94 @KenjiSetou6969 @CobraMK @TeamRocketBoss @CAPTAINCOD1 @Fjabio [uSER=1408519]@Blacck[/uSER] [uSER=2291879]@Duerenkran[/uSER] | Tagged every user who commented or liked any of the previous posts I am Qeight, the Moderator Team Leader and in charge of most changes that would have an effect on the way my team enforces rules. We do consider most proposals, look at the positives and negatives of a possible change and make decisions accordingly. The same happened here hence I took some time to reply. No, this is how normal proposals work. We consider everything and make a decision based on that. Yes, the same way any suggestion from you would be taken seriously. It would annoy you as well if you were instantly disregarded when you make a proposal, so I kindly ask you to stop with that sarcastic tone. This isn't the first time, if you have nothing productive to contribute to a discussion please do not comment at all. Onto the proposal, I believe there is a big misconception on what the proposal actually is. It's not banning PP stalling, it's banning intentionally PP stalling. Let me set the scene for a clearer understanding. It's a 1 v 1, Player A only has Scizor left. Payer A's Scizor with Choice Band used Bullet Punch - 252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew on a critical hit: 175-207 (43.3 - 51.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery Player B's Mew used Barrier. Payer A's Scizor with Choice Band used Bullet Punch - 252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. +2 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 58-70 (14.3 - 17.3%) -- possible 9HKO after Leftovers recovery Player B's Mew used Soft-boiled Payer A's Scizor with Choice Band used Bullet Punch - 252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew on a critical hit: 175-207 (43.3 - 51.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery Player B's Mew used Barrier. Payer A's Scizor with Choice Band used Bullet Punch 252+ Atk Choice Band Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. +4 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 40-48 (9.9 - 11.8%) -- possibly the worst move ever etc.. At this rate the Mew can not be killed, even with critical hits. There is no way for Scizor to win this match-up however let's pretend the Scizor is at 10% HP. The Mew can simply use an attacking move to end the battle but instead chooses to use Barrier and Soft-boiled over and over and over again. The sole intention here is to waste time, this is currently allowed within the rules hence why we considered the proposal but this proved itself very difficult to actually write down. The issues we faced were: We would be assuming intentions by enforcing such rule as we can not know for certain the user had an attacking move in their move set (at least not at a 100% rate due to server limitations) and if he had we would require video evidence of the ENTIRE match to look through if the user has enough PP or used them all. This proved itself very difficult, time consuming and simply not practical as a rule. Therefore the conclusion is that the rule stays untouched and remains the way it is written down. I sadly have to inform you that majority of time-stalling reports are null and disregarded because users' do not know what time stalling is or have no video evidence to back up their claims. That is the reality of things. In my time as staff I enforced this rule three times in total. The above example explains exactly what you are misunderstanding. There is no way for you to win the match and then the PP stalling happens. It's not a matter of if they are winning, they have the win 100% (if no disconnects occur). The same thing I told to eltyyy, if you have nothing productive to contribute to the conversation please do not comment. This was ultimately one of the deciding factors against a rule change as this happened to me more than once on my player account. Another deciding factor on why the change would be a bad idea. Yes a Forfeit button would solve the issue but that's not the grand subject here. If you want to make more suggestions about it feel free to do so but as Teerav pointed out this has already been done enough. If the Devs want to do it they can, it is solely up to them. If Moderators get the correct and working tools to moderate these things then I wouldn't see an issue with a Forfeit button. Alright this is it from me, if you have more concerns feel free to comment again. :) Kind regards, Q8
  17. Qeight

    Pvp rules

    Can you explain that question again please or give an example.
  18. I am not a Trade Moderator however it seems like there is a big misconception on why this rule is so important and why we have it that way. The importance of this rule will hopefully be more clear for all of you after my post. This is a right every auctioneer and almost every auction house has, it is not uncommon that auctions get canceled due to the amount of offers or the quality of the offers. The keyword is a reserve price, which is a set minimum that has to be reached before a sale can happen. This price is not known to bidders. The equivalent in our case is that the user has the right to cancel the auction if he is not satisfied with the outcome of the auction. The rules are public available prior to an auction start in the real world henceforth we require all auction rules to be stated prior to the auction start. It is your decision whether or not you participate in the auction if you disagree with their rules. Source: General Rules Of Auction - Ian Wyles, Rules of Auction - Leo Auctioneers & Wikipedia - Reservation price A big misconception, the seller does not care whatsoever who the buyer is. In the end it comes down to the final price and whether or not it reached the expectations of the auctioneer. You have explained it very well yourself, so this is a contradicting statement. The minimum price/start price is somewhat different from an expected price. It is very obvious that in most cases the start price is not what the auctioneer wants, rather something he/she feels comfortable with having users' start with. The instant price is set for most auctions and solves all the issues you are having with this. You don't want to invest the time, "feelings" or money into an auction, simply instant buy it for the price the auctioneer is comfortable giving up their Pokemon. A very far stretch of what the rules say, you can't prove that there wasn't intent to sell just because the auction was canceled. Also on a personal note, almost all price checks are either random, from uninformed people or just false to confuse the seller. The price is always decided by supply/demand and the emotional attachment some users' have to their Pokemon, some may want way more than other users' just because of x-y-z reasons. I'll be solely focusing on real world auction houses here. It is true that last minute bidding is a thing however you also have last calls which we do not have. A very good example of everything above included: . This video should provide you with not only a good example how the reserve price plays a role but also that last minute bidding is not really possible as you have last calls (3 last calls every time there is a new highest bidder). The second example would be an eBay auction where the highest offer gets beaten at 4 seconds before the auction ends and at about half a second before it actually ended: . Do you believe this system is fair and if so how does one explain the emotional investment that gets wasted, the money that is occupied during the auction that can't be used for other things. There are two sides to this issue and no easy solution however we try to make it the least frustrating experience possible. I'll throw it back at you, "only 8 people" are complaining and not hundreds or thousands from this community. Is it really that big of an issue like you are portraying it. Indeed only Logan took the time to disagree with you in this thread but please keep in mind that every rule adjustment or rule addition has to be discussed within moderation channels and admins have to approve them. The vast majority of moderation staffs agree with this rule, especially the ones who are enforcing this (Trade Moderators). And at last: This is the least of our worries when changing, adding or adjusting rules. We will reply to all complaints to the best of our ability and explain everything in the smallest detail if really needed but if you fundamentally disagree with the rule then no explanation in the world will change that. Anyway I hope this clarified at least some of your concerns, the rule in itself is good to protect the seller from abusive buyers (purposely low bidding, only bidding until the final seconds before the auction ends). The seller is protected by having to set his own auction rules and the buyer is protected by simply not participating in auctions that he doesn't agree with. This is a solid middle-ground otherwise we will have an unbalance in favor of buyer or in favor of the seller. Have a nice week. :) Kind regards, Q8
  19. times two :P
  20. Glad you enjoy the game :)
  21. You lost nothing of value as both of you got their Top25 placement rewards and the bans in your cases were justified. You can take that as you want, it sucks for both you guys and us because on one hand it is upset users' who wanted to played on the other hand it is us with suspected boosters who might have boosted themselves into the Top25. I am trying to find a middle-ground here and apologize for certain cases, yours is not one of them. Also please keep this thread for the main subject of this thread, if you have complaints bring them up in the complaint area. Kind regards, Q8
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