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Everything posted by Qeight

  1. Take care
  2. Hey Metin, welcome :)
  3. Two different Evolutions are allowed, Umbreon/Sylveon even all 6 Eeveeevolution is fine according to our rules. The rules specify that it can't be the same Pokemon like 2x Gyarados. The only instance where it changes is with Rotoms, you can only have one Rotom form in your team.
  4. Qeight

    Pvp rules

    Hello Sumunaik670, Sleep talk is allowed in ranked PvP but is banned under one specific scenario: Have a nice day! :) Kind regards, Q8
  5. Please start with the respective start-price given by navneeth. Kind regards, Q8
  6. No, Arena Trap Dugtrio is banned in ranked PvP
  7. Welcome :)
  8. Please avoid off-topic comments / non serious offers here. Please make a correction to your thread title as it is misleading, your Pokemon does not have +27 IVs in every possible stat. Kind regards, Q8
  9. Glad I could help :)
  10. Hello envymeister, we appreciate your concern about this however our practices will not change. The evidence in each and everyone of our cases is available to Admins and GMs/Teamleaders who can evaluate their legitimacy if necessary they can interfere in cases where they believe the evidence was lackluster. We preserve the right to not show evidence to ensure the privacy of each reporter is secured and to ensure that our techniques are not given away (E.g in cases that require special moderation permissions ). In some cases we may quote parts of the evidence we have collected or show screenshots if the offense was done in public but this is only done if the staff in question believes the punished user has no clue about their offense. I hope this clarifies your concerns but we take the privacy of our reporters very serious henceforth this will not be changed. Kind regards, Q8
  11. Welcome :)
  12. Hello Joo593, you are allowed to use multiple legendary Pokemon if you want to. :) Do you have any more questions? Kind regards, Q8
  13. Please keep this discussion civil, any rule breaking comments will be deleted and you will be punished accordingly.
  14. Hello teerav & everyone who voiced their concerns about the current state of the Chat rules. We took some time to discuss in depth what we could change in order to ensure that everything still stays in order and fair for everyone. Begging, constantly spamming PMs and asking for free things is considered harassment and it already gets punished by us with Warnings/Quiet-bans and Temp-bans. There is a big difference in between asking once and asking 5 times henceforth we allow "begging" per se but not harassment. This counts for private PMs where we consider it harassment if its done excessively or it is considered spam if its done in public chats over and over again. In both cases we will take actions if and only if we get the proper evidence for it. A simple "No." & /ignore <username> will solve the issue for the time being but if you really get annoyed by it you can file a report for harassment. We were all new once, new to the grind-genre we call MMO. The game is a whole lot different than the original games and some new players simply have a hard time to adjust. By no means does that give them the right to harass or spam though. I hope this clarifies your request for a rule change. We have discussed this point as well and came to the conclusion that we do allow Movesets, Ability, EVs, IVs questions in Help Chat if not done excessively however Pricechecks still belong to All Chat and Rating questions still belong to All/Battle Chat. You are free to make suggestions on how to improve our system and we will take them into consideration. :) Nobody is forcing you to give out your hard earned ingame cash, you have a free will and our rules are already pretty clear that if you get harassed about anything you are free to make a report. With all that being said, I wish you all a great week and hope you got some more insight on how we deal with these things. Kind regards, Q8
  15. nice :)
  16. Qeight


    Hello thekanee, PRO Staff members are selected via a recruitment round or are handpicked by current senior staff members. The recruitment is currently closed but we will anounce it on our official Discord when it is open again. The requirements however include basic English, maturity and a clean punishment record (past infractions may be excused but not recent ones). I hope this answered your question. Have a nice day. Best regards, Q8
  17. Welcome
  18. Locked as user suspended.
  19. Hello Dame201, You are allowed to have each Eeveeevolution in your PVP team if you want that, there is no rule that forbids it. The species clause is specifically for the same pokemon like 2x Snorlax, 2x Gyarados and such. Keep in mind that you are only allowed to have one Rotom-form however. You are also allowed to have the move Wish on every Pokemon if you chose to do that, totally within our rules. Do you have any more questions? Kind regards, Q8
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